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Humans are so funny..kill em!

This bee the place of art! Enjoy it! OR ELSE!!! okay.. maybe not. But still. Take a look. Send an E-mail. Let me know what you think. Or you could buzz off and lemmie alone! Ha! shut up... Thanks! Byeeeee!

Currently: 41 images in this directory.

Shroomie n Gimlet.. friends..

This is a pic that Jezzah(Jezzer) did for me. Her real name is Courtnee Lee. I think.. Anyway. This is the pic that I used for the homepage. As you can tell. I like this pic a lot. Whee-hee! Anyway. Thanks for the pic Jez! I owe ya jester! bwahahaha!

Happy happy Fire man!

Pyrose, originally from a card I did for my own draw deck of Tarot cards. thank god I stopped. I was gettin bored. and well yah.. ok... just lookit the picture! thank yooo!

Pyrose again. whoopeeee..

Pyrose again. this time playing as The Fool... I was gunna do some tarot cards. but the card got runned over in my school parking lot.. the bastards..... Okay anyway. Enjoy the picture. Bye bye!!!!!!!!

Shroomie issa staaar fish! ha ha!

If Shroomie were alive. I think he'd a shot me by now.. Shroomie hates aquadic creatures. When he was little, he got in a lab accident.. heee. okay well, this is him. I must run now for he's going to kill me. Defend yourself liddle shroom! Use yer Death ray on the great white shar beee hind yooooo! Wheee!

Spikey Hell..Whee!

This beee Spikey Hell, A guy I made up in class (9/8/2000) after I had finished my math quiz, which was very easy. People in my class are kinda dumb. I dunno. I'll be going now. Spikey Hell is copyrighted to me so Nyah!!! bye bye!

Shroomie again..

This is a pic of shroomie I did veeeeeery recently, It's not much but here it is. I like it cause it's a complete picture. I don't like it cause I fucked up the colouring. Or well. Shroomie is ©me so nyah. Bye bye

Don da Rabat

Picture of Don the Rabat. Sarah Jaffe did it for me. I like it a lot. best pic of Don I've ever seen. I like the way she did da face n Body. Tis preeeeetty. Well, I'm not feelin good (emotionally) so I'll be headin out. Don da Rabat is of course © to me, but the art is © Sarah Jaffe, so don't rip off her style or anything of the sort, and Rabats are © Bill Hudson, so no stealin the spiecies. Jerks.. Heh, thats for people who steeeeeal. Bye bye!

Shroooomie!! Hah! I made a thing for a CD!! whee! Yeeeup. I"ll have the colour version up sooooon. K.. CD cover art thing is © me. So is Shroomie and that little freekish Mushroom thing with him. Eeeeee! it's so cute! *pokes it's head in delight*Whee! okie bye!
Digit Decimal, and Phred.. Ooogah boogah! I drew a pretty picture. Mmm yep. 2 more people to upload into the Shroomie Storyline. Digit and Decimal. Phred's just there..... Yeeeeeah. If you want Phred you can have him.. Digit and Decimal are ©me. K.. BYE!!
Digit Decimal.. and Pip!. Moooooooo! Digit Decimal and their liddle phriend, Pip!Wheee! La di da di da. I'm gunna have the story for this whole ordeal written up soon.okie bye. All deez peeps is ©me ya filthy bastich!
Don da rabat!..again.. I seem to like orange today.. This is another pic of don da rabat. I got mad cause my friend said he looks like jay leno..*shoots his friend happily* I on the other hand, think it's fine the way it is! Gwahaha! Whee. I'm gunna upload all this stuff to a renditions section.. If I ever get one put up.. I'm gunna go get some nifty gif files to insert in the page.. hee hee hee...... k bye. Don is © me. and the art is © Scott Cassidy. You sick twacks you..

Britt and Jar

Lime lime lime!! This Pic is for Britt Hyser!(I hope to gawd I'm spelling that right!!) I hope she liked it. I like it. Enjoy Britt!!! Jarren is © me and Britt is © her loveable self!
Doooodles!!! Ha ha ha! DOODLES!!! And they're alllll © MEEEE!!!! GYAHAAHAHAHAH!!! Ok.. I'm done. My art page is back up so yeah. I'm happy.. Bye bye.

Rendition Coloured CD!!

MY Friend Kevin. He like uhm goes to my school and he like did this for me. it's like.. coool. Asses! Actually he coloured it. Did pretty gooood. Though Shroomie's Eye's aren't yellow.. he didn't know.. la la la... K. Bye! oh CD is © me.. Colours.. © My Friend Kevin.. I.. suppose..?

It's Chuk!!

Gwahahahaha! It's Chuk! Another made up character of mine.. I'm sleepy.. Screw you guys i wanna go to bed. *explodes for the 5th time* la la la. Chuk is © me you grummy lil' snots!... Well the ones who steal art anyway! Love the rest of ya! Byeeeee!

Angelo and Satan!

Angelo and Mr. Satan! Whee! Angelo is new.. I like him but I still like Mr. Satan alot more! la la la! Pie!!! Okie I mutht be goeeg doww.(i must be going now*) Bye!!! *translated for stupid people.

Spare Parts

ooooh lookee Spare Parts..I know the Image is UNGODLY huge, but spare me, I'll re-size it later. I scanned it at school so what'd ya expect. la la la.Mmmyep. Image and Char ©me..k bye

Moosh roooms!

La la la la! Upload for the new year. Suck my ass all of you! wheeeee! la la la la la! I love all of you wonderful people who are posting in the MESSAGE BOARD. GRR! K I dunno. Mushy's are © me 2001. bye bye.


I laughed....soooooo hard when I saw this, you dont underSTAND how hillarious this is, I mean, it's cool, very well done! But... it's so fucking FUNNY!!! ARG!!! LOL!! Bwahahahaha... my stomach hurts now. I love you Javachicken! Image©Javachicken, ShromieChicken © me+Javachicken!


La la la. Raghad as a species of mine. Wheee. Enjoy.. I really dont know what to say about it. K... Bye bye. Raghad is © Javachickeb Image is © me

Katz.. again..

Katz coloured in crayons. I'm gunna steal those shorts... Katz is © me.

Don all sad like..

Pic of Don I did, and am still doing. It's all pretty like and stuff. I'm pretty pissed off, a certain SOMEONE isnt really talking to me anymore, maybe it's because they cant or something, I don't know. But it's doing lots of bad things to me. So whenever this certain PERSON actually responds to my e-mail(s) maybe I'll feel a little better. g'bye folks! I'm gunna go doodle more things now. Don is © me.

Selim all kickin ass

It's a pic of Selim da wonderful Allison reed did for meeee again! Bwahaha. She is cool, we both want those pants. A lot. K I gossa go now I feel like screamin at old people and pulling my hairy german friends leg hairs when he don't spect it. bwahaha. Bye. Selim is © me, art is ©Javachicken.

Shroomie By Koskamp

Kim Koskamp did for me out of kindness of her heart, thats the nicest damn thing anybody's done for me. I think this is and was the best valentines day I will ever have had. Thanks Kim. Bye all, Happy V-day 2001.

Selim all Lovey Dovey like..

My Valentines Pic for all, enjoy it cuz it's pretty like. I will be exploding now. Happy V-day(again) 2001.


Hey look! Shroomintines day! la la la, extrememly late but done by the wonderful Javachicken *hugs her a whole bunch o times* I likes it a lot, I likes her a lot. But some like it hot,some like it cold, hey man, I like it in the pot, when it's feckin nine days old. bye.. Shroomie(chicken) © me and Sarin © Javachicken.

Shroomie Nights

Gwaaaaah..... Draw By Chris Goodwin, I have such an ego trip going on right now. Welp, I dun wants to rubs it in, hios part o an art trade. I go to work on it now yes I do yess.. Bye now. Shroomie©me, Art © C. Goodwin

Now See Here..

Jenna did fer me, t'was very nice of her. You also see it on my main page. I have a pic I coloured for her on the computer, I need to finish it though. doing it all in photoshop. Laaa, Shroomie © me, Art © JennaSan Wheeee.

Electrik Mushruum

Muh girlfriend Allison drew it fer me while I was away. I bought her a chershire cat at disneyland, I hope she likes.. god I hope she likes. It's all purdyful. Laaa. I have art of mine to upload, but I'll have to wait until the scanners fixed... Ok bye now. Shroomie © (you already know) and art is © Javachicken

Jack is nifty

It's jack, this guy is almost as old as shroomie himself. Isn't that neet-o? I think it is. When I colour it in and stuff it's gunna be sold at furbid, so I hope it sells. I go now. sleep is my friend. Jack is © me. (he's a bat morph btw)

Jack again!

hey look! Jack again, Just shaded in his shirt and fixed the background a bit. Love him, damnit I say love him. Still is © me so lay off. bye now.

87 Runner!

It's 8t runner, my half of a trade with Bookie Chan Tanuki cause I owe her. Enjoy it. I go bye bye now. Image is © me, 87 Runner is © bookie chan's brother!

Yummy Devil..

This is the Devil. You like the devil. Because I said so. THis is a T-shirt design. soon to be finished and printed for the Senior class of 2002 Fer meh school. La la la. Betcha wished you;d thought of that. Maybe not. I like things. Devil is © me. The actual devil is © himself. But you knew that.

Sarain doodle

oooh lookie! Yayness a doodle! I drew it for my girlfriend cause I was thinking of her at the time. She's cute. I love her. You will love her. I know the pic is kinda.. chibi-fied for those who know what that yeah. Love it, Like it. Be friends with it. I going to go now. Allison is my girlfriend. *luvs* Sarain © javachickn, image © meez.

A Nude Mustang

Okay, the title says Nude Mustang, but for those who dont know, Mustang is my Doberman character. She's just kinda there, no actual story yet worth typing about her unless you visit my Velar archive and read on the stuff posted there. This is my first nude drawing. I'm actually proud of it so nyah. Enjoy it. I wuv oo allison. Mustang and image are © me.

A Dicey DJ

This is a picture for Chris Goodwin. You like it cause I said so. I colour it later. Dicey is © C. Goodwin, artwork is © me.

Queen and King

A very talented man did this for me as a request. I dont know how to thank him except for saying "Thank You" I'm also going to try hard to make some kind of picture for this guy. Artwork and image is © Pseudo M. Characters are © me and Allison...

It's a sketch of me..

It's a sketch I did a long while ago. So it's not properly chronologically uploaded but oh well. I like it, me as a random Fox, I dunno why. Thats what I was wearing the day it was made. whee. I am © well to no one, but you cant steal me so nyah.. Art however is © me.

3 sillies

Kyren(sp?) Everette drew for me. Did she draw it for you? nope she drew it for me. Juuuust me. ALll for meeeeeeeee. hahahahahaha! I won a naming contestr of hers. this was the prize. I should do somethin nice for her. I will but we all know how that will turn out. It'll be months before I get off my ass and do somethin bout it. Yep Selim n Mustang © me. Sarain © Allison Reed, artwork © Kyren Everette.

Will of God...

This is Nova, Allison Reed's character. He's also the sex toy of my Character Mustang. Yeup. I dont feel much like typing anything else. Finished picture up as soon as I get it done. Nova © Allison Reed 2001

A Nude Nova

Sort of a continuation of A Nude Mustang, but not really. It's Allison Reeds character Nova, yeeeup. Showing one of his better sides ;] yeeeup. Anyway, if you know me as an artist, I dont normally do this sorta thing. But, it's strictly for cash, and to test my artistic skills with torsos and whatnot. Nova is © Allison Reed, art is © Me. Coloured version maybe soon...

all art is Copyright me unless the Copyrights on the picture state otherwise!!! or unless I tell you people differently. thank yew. come again!

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