well, i believe this picture explains itself. I'm straight-edge and proud, and will stay this way. I could go on and on with reasons, but i feel that this sight explains most of it. www.straightedgeterrorists.com


Before you scroll any further down this page, I've decided to put up a little story =) that I find funny, but maybe you just had to be there. Well, it was in creative writing, Zach (haha, i won't say the last name for his own well-being ;P ) was a bit trashed from some dope that he most likely had recently smoked. Becky and I could tell in the way he'd type every single key on the keyboard, and stare at the screen as if there was some hidden messege in it. Well, then he started talking a bit to us...
Zach: Do you want a mouse *holds up computer mouse*
Becky: *laughs a bit* No thanks I have my own
Zach: *looks down at his mouse* Well, mine has an apple on it (we have apple computers at school)
And so that ends my story. :D


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Just thought my new highlights deserved to be on the front page :D they look cool on top of my head!
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A section dedicated to...
My profile
Pictures of family
Pictures from Summer camp
Just some quotes
If you're a guy and you have blue hair, click here
Poems n'stuff

You can mail me if you'd with any input or ideas about my webpage, or send me pics to put up on it atpsychedelicwarp@netscape.net