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   A power hungry race of barbaric warriors, the Saiyans, struck fear into the universe by wiping out all existance on planets that were suitable for them to sell to other alien races who were looking for a new home. The Saiyans homeworld, Vegeta, was destroyed by Frieza, a powerful being who feared the Saiyans potential. The only survivors were three members of the Saiyan Elite - Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz, and another who was on Earth - Kakarot. Kakarot was sent to Earth as an infant to destroy all life on Earth, since its inhabitants were weak. After taking a nasty fall, Kakarot lost his memories along with his Saiyan killer instinct, and became Earth's hero instead of its destroyer, and named Goku by the kind old man who had found him - Gohan.


Before Dragon Ball Z

Before Dragon Ball Z came Dragon Ball, a series which followed the adventures of a young Goku as he travelled across the land encountering strange new challenges, and meeting the people he would one day call friends: Master Roshi, Bulma, Yamcha, Puar, Oolong, and the flying Nimbus.

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