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Tazuko Sakamoto is the COOLEST PERSON IN THE WORLD

Once upon a "How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying" rehersal, a Tazuko shone brightly on the screens of the televisions in Mr. Devlins room. "Dis flog can jemp," she said seriously as Tyler fell out of his chair. Johann and Karnage simply laughed, clutching their stomachs as mystified seniors wondered if they were freshmen. Soon, Tina, Hollie and Otto joined forces with us. Ann came along, and soon, the seven of us could all say, "I am making...stah-shaped...b-b-b-b-b-box!" and understand what the other meant.

Tazuko is a very cool Japanese lady who was once in a movie. She works at Epcot Center in Disney World. She makes pretty oragami. She makes flogs and crenes and stah-shaped b-b-b-b-boxes. Besides that, she's friends with Stephanie. She has very cool teeth. Tazuko is my idol. She inspired a story about two balloons that fall in love. I like Tazuko. I like Tazuko a lot. I really, really like Tazuko. Tazuko is my fwend.

Tazuko is a role-model to us all. How many other people can make paper balls as beautiful as Barbie? None. Tazuko is one in five billion. Her entire house is made out of oragami, and so is her furniture.

Now, for more.

Tazuko's Life Story!

Quiz...Are YOU Tazuko?

Why Barbie is Beautiful