Meeting Hii and Ari

A/N Did I say that this had si fi themes? Okay so now you know.


Hero let go of his sister’s hand; Toni at once took his place, as Hero ran up Leaf’s lawn. Manna smiled at Toni and they swung their clasped hands, following Hero.

"You know Manna, I really do think you’re right. Hero sure does seem to be extra worried about Leaf."

Manna smiled, nodding. She let go of Toni’s hand, forming a heart with her thumbs and pointer fingers.

"Really," Toni said, raising her eyebrows, "you think his feelings run that deep?"


"Love." Toni smiled, "aw, that’s too cute."

Hii Melia, who was a twenty-five year old, paranormal investigator, sighed, looking out his window. He hadn’t been called for a job in the longest time. He knew a lot of people thought his profession was just a joke, but Hii took it very seriously. Being a PI didn’t bring in much money, but who was Hii to complain about that. Hii lived comfortably off his inheritance.

"Thinking about something, Hii, sweetheart?" a female voice spoke.

Hii jumped, startled. He had completely forgot that she was here. He turned and looked at the source of the voice. "Hello Ariana."

The little one foot girl, who was a light shade of green, started to pout. "I said I didn’t like that name."

Hii smiled, "Sorry I forgot, Ari. Yes, I was thinking."

Ari shut her eyes, blinking from where she was to the window Hii was leaning against, "about what?"

"Why don’t you just read my mind."

Putting her hands on her hips, Ari stuck out her pink, little tongue, "you know I only do that on special occasions. It’s rude to pry in others minds."

Hii sighed, "I don’t mind. I don’t feel like talking anyway."

Smiling a sharp toothed grin, Ari nodded, "okay suit yourself." Ari flew over to Hii’s shoulder and concentrated really hard.

She could see pictures and words form in her mind; Hii’s thoughts. She cringed, they were all so jumbled up. Great, she’d have a headache after this.

Useless. Bored. Nobody sees me. Lights, where did they come from?, I couldn’t be that lucky. Look at his body, so hot...

Ari pulled away, throughly confused. Where did that last thought come from? She floated to the window and looked out. Oh. She saw that Hii had been looking at some of the neighborhood teenagers. Two blonde girls, and a boy with strawberry blonde hair. The boy and a girl, who looked just like each other, were holding hands. The other girl, who looked younger, and much shorter, was walking next to them. Ari watched as the boy let go of the girls hand and ran ahead into the house next door. After that both of the girls clasped hands, swinging them happily.

Pulling away from the window, Ari looked at Hii, who was no longer looking out the window. So he’s a pedophile...a gay pedophile. Only that boy is not really a child, he looks like he’ll soon be entering manhood.

Hii looked at the green little sprite, "well. Did you read my mind?"

"Hehe, uh, I got a few things. Your thoughts are all over the place. Basically I got, that you think your worthless and your worried about some lights."

"Yeah, that about sums it up. I was star gazing last night, when the night sky was filled with multicolored lights."

"Spooky." Ari blinked over to Hii, sitting down on his shoulder, "you know, Hii, you’re not worthless."

"Yeah, yeah."

"No I mean it. You think you don’t have any friends, but look at all the neighborhood kids, they love you. Especially that tree named boy and his friends."

Hii laughed, "you mean Leaf?"

"Branch, Twig, whatever he’s called."

"Leaf, the long, dark haired boy."

"Yeah, him."

Ari nuzzled her head against Hii’s ear, "they really like you; and don’t you go, ‘oh, but their just children’ cause they are not."

Hii snorted, "I wouldn’t dream of saying that; that Toni girl could outsmart me any day."


"She’s the smallest one; barley four feet."

"Oh the cute blonde, who talks a lot."

"Yeah, the taller blonde hardly ever talks."

Ari frowned, "I wonder why? It’s sad, the look alike boy talks all the time."

Hii laughed, "Her twin, you mean?"

"Oh, is that what it’s called?"

"Yes," Hii said, chuckling. "You don’t have twins where you come from?"

"Not that I’ve ever seen. That would be creepy, I think." Ari stood up, grabbing Hii’s ear, to steady herself, "say Hii, why don’t you get the guts to go out and meet people your own age. That mother of Leaf is nice looking."

Hii choked, the small movement nearly throwing the sprite off his shoulder.

Ari smirked, "Hii, you don’t like women, do you?"

Hii’s eyes went wide, "I don’t know what you’re talking about."

With a grin, Ari whispered into Hii’s ear, "Look at his body, so hot."

Hero raced up Leaf’s walk, not bothering to knock, he ran into the house. He skidded to a halt, when he saw a very fine Leaf and a boy he had never seen before. (A/N Fine as in healthy. What did you think I meant?)

Startled, Leaf looked at Hero, noticing that behind him, Manna and Toni had walked into the room. "Hero, what are you doing here?"

Key smiled at Hero, his eyes going wide, like he just figured something out. "Hello," Key said, in a cheerful voice.

Hero gave Key a puzzled look, "hey." he said to the boy. "Uh, Leaf I...that is we," he pointed to Manna and Toni, "were worried about you."

Smiling, Leaf turned to Key, "I’m fine, but something happened and I couldn’t come to school."

Hero tried not to let it show that the smile Leaf gave the silver haired teen made him jealous, "oh, so what happened?"

"You wouldn’t..."

"Key Keoem; Leaf’s cousin came to visit. It was so unexpected." Meelina interrupted Leaf. She came running out of the kitchen, waving around some papers. "His mom just faxed over his transfer papers." Meelina smiled, "as of now Leaf, your cousin goes to school with you."

Cousin...cousin, what? Meelina, what are you talking about? Transfer papers. Leaf gave his mother a confused look, but didn’t say anything.

"Oh," Hero said, his voice sounding relived, "he’s your cousin?"

That’s the first time I’ve heard about this. Gah, what is Meelina thinking? I was going to tell them anyway. They’re my best friends.

Meelina left the room, giving Leaf the time he needed. "Actually I don’t know what made Meelina say that; you see Key here, is not my cousin, nor is his last name the same as mine. We don’t know his last name to tell you the truth."

"Huh," that came from Manna, the one who hardly ever spoke.

Hero jumped, looking at his twin. He wasn’t used to her speaking. "Manna?"

Smiling, Manna made the most confused face. She refused to say it again. Hero nodded, understanding. "What are you talking about Leaf?"

"Yeah, spill buddy. Who is this really cute teen, and why is he looking at Hero’s behind like that?" Toni asked, her face completely serious.

Turning blood red, Hero grabbed his backside, "who’s doing what?" He shouted.

Toni snorted, "Key. Was. Staring. At. Your. Behind."

Leaf sighed. It all made since now. Key didn’t only like him; he liked all guys; he must be gay.

"Key, we don’t stare at others," Leaf said, shaking his head

Hero, Manna and Toni gave Leaf shocked looks when Key nodded his head and looked up at the ceiling.

"Uh, why did he obey you and why is he looking at the ceiling?" Toni asked.

"I do as Mas...Leaf says and Leaf says don’t stare at people; I have to look up, or I might accidently look at someone." Key answered before Leaf could explain.

Leaf slapped his head, "okay, Key it’s okay to look at people; I only said don’t stare."

Toni smiled, "he means stare as in, look fixedly at someone or something with the eyes wide open or look fixedly at someone until they feel forced to look away." Toni said, proving she was too smart for her age. She turned into the quoting dictionary again.

"Yeah that," Leaf said.

Key nodded, "I see." He lowered his eyes, and resumed looking from one person to the other; funnily making his eyes into slits, so it wouldn’t look as if he was looking at someone wide eyed.

"Leaf please explain; I’m starting to be freaked out." Hero said.

Quickly Leaf went over everything, once again leaving out how Key acted around him. They’d see sooner or later, because Key was very affectionate.

"He thinks you’re his master?" Hero shouted. Inwardly he glared at Key. Who was this person to come in and try and get in his way? Hero wasn’t stupid, he saw how Leaf looked at Key; the way he blushed.

Key frowned at Hero, seeming to know what was going on in the teens head. Smiling Key walked over to Toni and latched onto her arm. "No one told me your name." Was Key trying to flirt with Toni to make Hero feel better? Seems there’s more to Key then what we see.

Toni blinked, staring at the boy who was clinging to her, "uh Toni."

"Tony, Tony, that’s a boy name," Key said, sounding confused. She looked like a girl, she smelled like a girl, but was she a girl?

Leaf snorted, seeing the way Key was looking at Toni. "Key, some names can be for both sexes. Toni’s name is spelled with a ‘i’ where the boy version is spelled with a ‘y.’"

Well that made since enough for Key and he smiled. "Okay, I got it." Key let go of Toni and walked over to Hero, doing the same to him, as he did to Toni.

Hero blushed. Why was this teen hanging off HIS arm? "Yes?"

"Mas...Leaf said your name was Hero, right?"

"Yes." Hero tried to pull away from the boy, but found he hand a good grip.

"And she’s Manna?" Key asked, nodding to the silent girl.

"Yep, my twin sister."

"And who’s that?" Key asked, pointing to the door. There was a figure of a person. It was hard to make him or her out, cause they were standing in shadow.

For some reason, Leaf didn’t feel so safe. That was really strange, right? It was just probably a neighbor wanting to borrow something.

A/N Please review. Creepy! Who’s at the door?

Review get this gear!