Dedicated to Too_troublesome who gave me an idea for this chapter. Thanks. ^_^

Charisma lightly shook her head, giving her girlfriend an amused look, “Amy, just that are you doing?”

Amy turned to the dark-haired girl, “what’s it look like, Chrissy?”

Charisma put her hands on her hips, looking like a scolding mother, “It looks like you’re raiding Angel’s closet, that’s what it looks like.”

Amy snickered, “cause I am.”

Amy went back to her little hut, letting out a loud ‘ah ha’ as she pulled something from deep within the dark depths of Angel’s closet. “I found it! Angel is so predictable, I knew he’d have these.”

She turned around, walking over to Charisma, showing the other several DVD’s.

Charisma blinked, then started to laugh, “Amy, you’re brilliant! This is just what we need to get Will’s mind focused on something else.”

In her excitement, she hugged Amy, making the girl blush. “Come on!”

Grabbing the younger woman’s hand, she pulled her to the living room, where Angel and Will were sitting together on the couch. It was a cute sight. Will was laying with his head in Angel’s lap, while Angel stroked the teen’s hair.

“Marathon!” Amy yelled, startling Will and Angel, who had been in their own little world.

Angel blinked, “excuse me?” He gave his boss’s girlfriend a confused look.

“Well . . . I was thinking . . . watching something might give us a little escape from reality . . . and . . . so I . . . ” Amy gave Angel a sheepish grin, showing him the DVD’s.

“You went through my closet!? I have things I’d rather my bosses girlfriend does not see . . . ”

“Like the naked photos of anime characters?” Amy snickered.

Will set up, giving Angel a curious look, “Angel . . . ?”

“Okay . . . okay . . . I’m into yaoi,” he muttered, “but can you blame me . . . ? I am gay . . . duh!”

“What’s yaoi?” Will asked, clueless.

“Oh my God,” Amy mock exclaimed. “You don’t know what yaoi is? What rock have you been living under? Yaoi is only the hottest thing to ever . . . ”

“And you call yourself a lesbian,” Charisma joked.

“Wha . . . but it is hot,” Amy defended. “It doesn’t matter your orientation . . . guys screwing guys is hot!”

Will blushed, turning his head away from Angel. He could now guess what yaoi was by Amy’s little outburst.


“Umm . . . what movie do you have?” Will spoke up, pointing to the DVD’s Amy still held.

“Only the cutest little Shounen ai show ever . . . ”


“The older one is cute . . . ” Will agreed when Amy made a comment about him.

“Cute . . . ?” Angel shook his head, “cute doesn’t begin to fit him . . . he’s hot . . . ”

“Okay, so I’m a little obsessed with him . . . ” he said, giving a sheepish laugh when everyone turned to look at him.

“Angel,” Will said very calmly, putting a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “It’s not real.” He said that with a very serious face, though it was obvious he was trying to make a joke.

Angel laughed, “ah, I know . . . but . . . ”

Will pouted, “do you like him better then me?”

“Heck no. William you are all too real.” ‘And I love you . . . ’ He grabbed the teen, pulling him to his chest, giving him a big hug. The girls ‘awwed’ and ‘cooed’ making both boys blush.

“Amy have I ever told you how smart you are?” Charisma whispered.

“Yes, but I like hearing it,” Amy answered.

“I mean it; Will hasn’t got that sad far off look in his eyes once since we started watching . . . ”

“Angel!” Will exclaimed, giggling. “Stop it . . . ”

Charisma trailed off, turning to Will and Angel, “just what are you two doing?” she asked.

“Angel is tickling me and I can’t stand it,” Will gasped.

Charisma and Amy both started to laugh, shaking their heads. Could two boys be more cute then those two?


“Angel . . . ?”

Will looked over to Amy and Charisma and saw that they hadn’t been woken by the strange noises Angel was making. They were still curled up together, both lightly snoring.

“Angel, are you okay?” Will shook Angel’s shoulder, jumping when the redhead let out a loud moan.

Will’s cheeks colored. Just what was Angel dreaming about?

“Ah . . . no . . . lower,” Angel said in his sleep, making Will go even redder. “That’s the spot . . . ah . . . ”

“Angel . . . ” Will softly whispered.

“Ahhh. . . nooo it’s too much . . . s0ubi, I’m coming!” Angel shouted, his whole body jerking.

Will’s eyes snapped to Angel’s face. “What!?” Will exclaimed. He couldn’t believe it. His boyfriend just had a wet dream about a freaking anime character. Their marathon must have really gotten to Angel’s head. 


And what Will couldn’t believe even more was . . . he was so turned on.

Angel moaned one last time, his eyes starting to flutter when Will let out a surprised squeak as Angel got really close to his body, his hands moving for his chest.

“Angel . . . ?” Will blushed, “wake up. . . . ”

“Gh . . . ” Angel grumbled, his eyes snapping open, to star into Will’s, which were wide.

He saw where his hands were and he hurriedly pulled them away, “I’m sorry . . . I was dreaming,” Angel said, flushing a bit. And what a dream at that . . .

Will smiled. “T-that’s okay,” Will stuttered. “Excuse me . . . ”

Flustered and embarrassed, Will got to his feet and ran to the bathroom.


“What’s wrong, Will?” Angel asked the teen.

“Nothing,” Will muttered, stuffing a muffin in his mouth.

Yawning, Amy padded into the kitchen, grabbing an apple off the table. “You okay, honey? It looks like you haven’t slept a wink.”

Will blushed, looking down. He wasn’t about to tell them he hadn’t gotten any sleep because of Angel’s little display and his wondering thoughts afterward.

“I’m fine, really,” Will whispered. 

“Did you have fun last night? Isn’t Loveless a good anime?” Amy asked.

Will mutely nodded, “it’s very good.”

“Interesting dream last night,” Charisma said, walking into the kitchen. She gave Angel a smirk and sent Will a knowing look.

Will’s face turned blood red. ‘Oh my God, she was awake too . . . ?’

He jumped up from the table, yelling an excuse about having to go to th bathroom and fled the room.

‘Did she notice . . . ?’ Will thought.

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