Chapter 6

A/N I'm trying something new. Switching between Angel and Will's POV.

Angel's POV:

Will smiled at me, making my heart do a fluttering dance. Why did this teen affect me so?

"Thank you!" Will smiled, tugging on my hand.

It was a short walk and soon we found ourselves at the park, overlooking a decent sized pond.

"Ohh, looky, looky!" Will pointed.

I looked to where he was pointing and laughed as we watched a large duck waddle up to a little girl and steal her sandwich. The girl let out a surprised squeak and started to cry.

"Aww, poor thing." Will looked around. "Where are her parents...?"

"Hmm...there!" I pointed, as a young couple ran over to the little girl, trying to sooth her. The man held out something making the girl dry up at once.

Will blinked, "What's he giving her, Angel?"

I squinted my eyes, "A sucker."

A sucker had been enough to heal the little girl of her problems. I looked at Will, wondering what it would take to heal him of his problems.


Will's POV:

"Angel," I looked up at Angel, giving him a look that told him I wanted something.

"What?" Angel asked, his voice showing his confusion.

"Can we perdy please..." I bit my lip, "go get some ice cream?" I patted my pockets, finding I didn't have any money on me.

"I don't have money, but I can pay you back later." I said, eyeing the ice cream vendor behind Angel's shoulder.

"Will," Angel smiled, placing a hand on my cheek. I blushed, my eyes fluttering. I knew I liked Angel, but my feelings were still so confusing. Everything happened so fast. One minute we were talking the next Angel admitted he was attracted to me and I... I said I was attracted to him too. Then he kissed me! I said I liked it and I meant it, but could all this really mean I'm gay?

"W-what?" I murmured, looking Angel in the eyes.

"I will gladly buy you some ice cream and you don't have to pay me back." Angel smiled.

I grinned widely. Hearing those words made me so happy. But could Angel really... afford to...

"A-are you sure?" I asked. I knew Angel lived on his own; and I didn't know what kind of job he had... or if he had one.

"Of course I'm sure." Angel said, looking at me in a way that made me blush. It was like he was looking right through me. What was he trying to find?

"Thank you!" I beamed, my eyes going wide when I suddenly found myself in Angel's arms.

"Angel?" I questioned, my temperature going way up.

"Sorry," Angel rested his chin on the top of my head, "I couldn't help myself."

I smiled, relaxing in his arms, wrapping my own arms around Angel's waist.

Angel then said something so quietly, I couldn't tell what he said.


"Nothing," he whispered, "just thinking out loud is all." was his answer.


Angel's POV:

"I think I'm falling..." I quietly whispered, my eyes going wide when I realized what I was about to say. How could I be thinking that? I hadn't know him for even two days!


I nearly jumped, hearing Will speak.

"Nothing," I whispered, hoping Will wouldn't press the matter, "just thinking out loud is all."

I bit by lip, hoping he'd leave it at that.

"Oh, all right." Will said. He pulled away from me. I smiled at the adorable blush that still adorned his cheeks.

"Ice cream, yeah?" I took Will's hand, leading him over to the vendor.

The vendor was a very, very old women. She gave both of us a smile; a toothless smile.

"Hello, young-ens," she looked at me, "would you like to get your brother a ice cream." I saw her eyeing our clasped hands.

She thinks were brothers because we're holding hands! Where has she been? Doesn't she know... ahh never mind, who cares.

"I'm not his brother," Will piped up, "I'm his friend; his good friend." Will giggled as the old women's eyes went wide.

"Mylands, I've heard of this... you're what they call homeysexual."

I grinned, and Will laughed. According to her, we're attracted to homies. I'm Irish, but I think a homey is what a African American person calls their friends. I'm not a hundred percent about that, but I'm pretty sure.

I glanced at Will, wondering if he was okay with being called 'homeysexual'

Will didn't seem to be bothered by it; he was currently looking at all the ice cream offered.

"Chocolate cyclone!" Will suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the menu. "I want that."

Good God, he's going to be so hyper after this.


"Angel, Angel, Angel!" Will jumped up and down. "Let's go to the swings!"

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. The cute little thing had ice cream on his upper lip. Hmm...

With out warning, I leaned forward, quickly kissing Will on the lips. I grinned, pulling away.

Will's eyes went saucer plate wide and his cheeks flared up. "Angel!" He exclaimed. He glanced around at the wide eyed children that were now looking at us as if we'd just grown devil horns.

I grinned sheepishly, "oops, I forgot where we were."

"Angel... " Will shook his head, "why'd you do that?"

A warning bell went off; had he not liked the kiss?

"Sorry, you had ice cream on your lip..." I looked away from Will.

I glanced behind me when I felt a small hand on my shoulder. "I don't mind when you kiss me; I'm just really flustered is all."

I smiled, sighing.

"So are you saying I can kiss you but only when I give warning... or is it okay to do it when it feels right... or..."

So many questions.

"Umm, umm, when you want to... think of our surroundings first... then... " Will blushed, "I don't much care if you just kiss me." he whispered.

"This isn't a ploy for me to be able to kiss you, I swear." I said, "but would you like to come over to my place? A couple of my friends are coming over and were having an adult sleep over."

"Friends?" Will raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I know I said I was a loner, but I met a great girl; my boss and we became good friends."

Will smiled, "all right." Will nodded, "I'll come over and stay the night with you guys."

Thank goodness. I was so scared he's say no. Now I just need to call Charisma and beg her and her girlfriend to come over.

A/N Charisma's girlfriend is still nameless; any name suggestions? Thanks for reading. Please review!

Review get this gear!

Chapter 7