Okay... first off, this is BoyXBoy aka minors acting in sexual acts. Experimenting if you will.

The title is because they are young and experimenting, yet they are still boys who love to play with toys and things. Hmm, maybe sex toys in time as well. ^_^

This is just a short chapter to see if anyone is even interested in this kind of thing and if I should continue it. No smut in this chapter. But there will be, a lot in the future chapters and yes sex toys, for one of the boys has a very perverted brother that doesn’t hid his things too well. Lol.

FYI, this is only BoyXBoy, no shota, even though I like it. Maybe if someone asks nicely, I can write a shota story for you as a gift. ^_^ Oh yeah, speaking of, I love writing oneshots for people if people ask and I have the time!



“What are you doing?” Thirteen-year-old Kenya shouted, his round baby face becoming quite flushed as his friend leaned closer to him, a devious glint in his eyes.


His best friend, thirteen-year-old Celtic grinned, “I wanna try something,” the blond said, pushing his friend back onto the bed.

Kenya’s blue eyes widened, “no, don’t touch there! That’s d-dirty!” Kenya shouted, slapping Celtic’s hand away from his most private spot.

Celtic laughed, “please Kenya, Big brother was doing this with his friend and they both liked it!”

Kenya blinked, “really?”

“Mm, yeah, they acted like it felt really good.” Celtic smiled down at his smaller friend, “so let me.”

“Umm . . . well, will you stop if I don’t like it?”

Celtic nodded vigorously, “of course I will. What kind of friend would it make me if I didn’t stop?” 

Kenya smiled, “you’re so nice to me.”

“Mm, yeah,” Celtic murmured, getting a far of wistful look on his face.

‘He’s so innocent, even though we’re the same age... what would he do if he knew I really only wanted to do this because of the way I felt about him? It would freak him out no doubt...’

Celtic sighed.

“Celtic, are you okay?” Kenya asked, worried.

Celtic grinned, brushing Kenya’s black hair from his blue eyes, “I’m fine, silly.”

Kenya set up on the bed, still felling a little nervous about everything, “Celtic, umm . . . it’s okay that we do this . . . I mean, you really don’t mind?”

Celtic chuckled, “course not. You’re my best friend; who else would I try this with? Bob from PE?”

Kenya wrinkled his nose, then started to laugh, “Bob would kill you if you even suggested something like this.” He was the school bully after all.

“Yeah,” Celtic said, laying Kenya back down, “now relax and let me show you some stuff.”

Kenya gulped, “o-okay.”