Spin The Bottle

The teens of Besaid Isle were gathered into a small group outside. Yuna Stevens, who was only fourteen years old had gathered them to play a cool kissing game, someone told her about.

Some of the kids there did not want to play, but most were scared at saying no to Yuna.

“You'reit,” called Yuna. The older boy she was talking to froze and looked a little frightened.

“Do I really have to be it,” asked fifteen year old Wakka Thomas, his red hair flaming under the bright moon? What if I have to kiss someone gross, yuck, he thought.

“Yeah, you’re first.” Yuna said her voice taking a bossy tone. That was Yuna for you. Bossy.

Why is a fourteen year old bossing me around, thought an embarrassed Wakka. Oh yeah, cause her dad Besaid’s summoner. She was always getting her way cause of that.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder Wakka turned around to face his older brother Chappu, who was also playing. “It’ll be okay, Wakka” Chappu smiled, “you can do it.”

Wakka smiled at his brother, if Chappu said it was okay, then Wakka would do it. “Okay Chappu.”

“Right then, come on, to the temple everyone,” Yuna called to the kids that were around. “And be quiet, we don’t want to be caught.” After all, all the kids did sneak out, late at night, and they were not supposed to be in the temple.

Going into the temple a bunch of girls were giggling, thinking about getting there first kiss.

Gulping, Wakka looked at those girls, suddenly terrified that he’d have to kiss one of them. He did not want to. He looked at some of the boys and found he wasn’t as scared at the thought of kissing one of them. He was kind of looking forward to have his first kiss with one of the boys, rather then the girls. Girls are just to, He wasn’t sure what he was thinking. There just to giggly.

“Yo, Wakka, snap out of it.” Chappu called to his brother.

Realizing he was just standing there staring at the boys, Wakka blushed. He walked forward and into the temple.

Yuna had a evil grin on her face, “Hey everyone, I don’t think any of us should know who the seeker is.

“Huh,” said a few confused people.

Yuna signed. “Come on people, it’s simple. Just a minute, I’ll be right back,” Yuna ran out of the temple. A few minutes later she came running back into the temple, carrying a old hat full of folded paper.

“What’s that for,” asked Yuna’s blond haired cousin, Rikku? Rikku who was twelve was staying with Yuna for a while. Even though she was not a teen, she had begged to come along, when saw her older cousin sneak out.

Giggling, Yuna showed everybody the hat, “In this hat are folded papers. And written on one, is ‘you're it’”

“Oh, I get it, who ever draws the one that says ‘you're it’ will be it.” Rikku said, tugging one of her braids.

“Right so lets get started.”

After everyone had gotten their paper, Yuna motioned for everyone to open them. “Now if you're it, keep quiet. When someone turns off the light, the person who’s it stand in the middle of this room. Give everyone a few minutes to hid, then seek. Hehe, and kiss.”

Opening his paper, Wakka gulped. He was it. Man this is so unfair, why am I first, Wakka wined to himself.

The lights went off, and Wakka swallowed hard. Well it’s now or never, he thought as he heard the kid scrambling to get out of the way of whoever was it.

Hearing soft giggling to his left, Wakka walked right, knowing it was one of those silly girls.

Gulping again Wakka, continued to search. His hand at last falling on someone. The person he touched stiffened up.

Wakka did not no what to do. How do I just kiss someone?

Whoever Wakka had tagged seemed to understand so, they took the lead and pulled Wakka up on his tippy toes, and placed a big wet one on his uneducated lips.

The kiss seemed to last forever, before Wakka pulled away breathing hard, he could only speak one word. “Wow!”

Recognizing his voice, the person next to him gasped. “Wakka!”

Whipping his head to the whisper Wakka also gasped, scrambling away from the voice. “Chappu,” he whispered in disbelief.

No one else in the room had overheard what was going on with the two brothers.

Sighing Yuna called out, “It’s been long enough for someone to get a juicy kiss. Luzzu turn the light back on.”

A boy of about fifteen got up from where he was hiding and went to turn the lights on.

Yuna looked over the room at all the teens, grinning widely… “Okay spill, who kissed.”

Wakka and Chappu (who were far apart now), both blushed. However the room was not lighted enough for anyone to notice the redness of their faces.

“Oh, come on tell,” Yuna wined. “You never know, you might become a sexy couple if you tell.” Of course Yuna thought the two kissers did not know who each other was.

No one spoke, “Hmph, fine.”

Wakka signed, glad Yuna had given up. He was thinking about that kiss. Could it have really been his brother he had kissed. It felt so, so…I liked it, Wakka thought, but isn’t that wrong…….

Wakka snuck a look at his brother and blushed crimson red, when he saw that Chappu was looking at him. Both brothers looked away quickly, there hearts beating fast.

“Well seeing as everyone’s so quiet, lets play another kissing game.” Some people groaned at hearing this, others giggled. The two brother just gulped.

“What game did you have in mind, Miss Yuna,” One of the boys asked?

Holding up a glass bottle, Yuna smirked, “It’s called ‘Spin the Bottle’ It’s the latest thing.”

“Latest thing,” someone questioned?

“Oh, yeah everyone’s doing it. Come on lets start.” Yuna set done on the cold stone floor. Looking up she saw that everyone was looking down at her. “Oh, right. We all have to sit in a circle. Boy, girl, boy, girl. Then we take turns spinning the bottle."

“Okay,” one by one everyone set down.

Yuna smiled. “Whoever the bottle lands on, you must kiss. That’s the rule. On the lips.”

One older boy spoke up, “Even if it lands on another boy?”

“Uh huh.”

More groans could be heard, and a few giggles from the girls.

“No complaining, it’s the same for us girls too.” At that comment some of the older boys eyes lit up, and some of the girls squeaked.

“Okay, I guess I’ll go first. The person I kiss will be next, so on and so on.” Yuna laid the bottle in the middle of the circle. Giving it a big spin, everyone watched it as is spun. Round and round it went. Leaning forward, Yuna watched as it slowed down, pointing at, a boy…a girl…a boy……a girl. “Ah,” Yuna sputtered as she looked up into the girls face.

“Rikku,” Yuna looked horrified, not only was Rikku another girl, she was her cousin.

Seeing Yuna hesitate, Luzzu, shook his head no, “Yuna, you have to,” he chuckled, “It’s the rules. You said so.”


“No buts.”

Rikku was very quiet. She was only twelve so she had never really though much about kissing. Smiling at her cousin, she spoke, “It’s okay, pretend I’m your crush.”

Nodding Yuna leaned forward and kissed her cousin. Both girls were surprised that it didn’t feel real gross.

Backing up Yuna and Rikku blushed.

“Rikku you're next.” Yuna could not look her cousin in the eyes.

“Okie, cool.” Rikku gave the bottle a strong spin, and watched as it landed on…..

“Me,” shouted eighteen year old Chappu. “But she’s just a kid.”

Luzzu laughed, “yeah man, you know the rules. Go for it Rikku!”

Rikku smiled at Chappu, “Don’t worry, I’m a good kisser, just ask Yuna.” At that Yuna hid her face in her hands, feeling the heat of her embarrassment.

Rikku crawled over to Chappu, and cupped his chin in her little hands. Leaning forward she kissed him, full on the mouth. Forgetting who he was kissing Chappu deepened the kiss, sticking his tongue into Rikku’s mouth. Rikku squeaked and pulled away.

Chappu looked at the girl he had just kissed, and couldn’t help but think, the kiss he had earlier was better. I did not just think that, ah, what’s wrong with me, Chappu thought, his face growing redder.

“Hello,Spira to Chappu,” Yuna waved her hand in front of a dazed Chappu‘s face, “you're next.”

“Oh, what, oh, right,” still in a bit of a daze, thinking about making out with his little brother, Chappu gave the bottle a fast spin.

Wakka watched to bottle spin, and went chalk white, when it pointed to him.

Chappu has also gone white. Not again, if I like it the first time, what would a second time do.

Yuna saw the look on both boys faces, “Oh, no you don’t. If I had to kiss MY cousin, then you have to kiss YOUR brother. It’s only fair.”

Chappu saw no point in arguing, and the fact was, he wanted to kiss Wakka again. Not that he’d tell anyone that.

Wakka whimpered and opened his mouth and spoke his voice shaky, “C…Chappu just think of me as someone you want to kiss, ya.”

But I do want to kiss you, Chappu thought, as he brought his face close to Wakka’s, lightly placing his lips on Wakka‘s. Tasting him. Wakka tasted very good, and Chappu would have furthered the kiss had he not been in a room full of people.

As he started to pull away, he felt Wakka’s tongue enter his mouth. It was only there for a split second but Chappu felt himself warm. Both brothers pulled away fast, afraid someone would notice they both were enjoying the kiss.

“Well that was sexy,” Yuna grinned. Both boys blushed and glared daggers at her. “Sorry,” She said, “of course I know you both hated it.” Oh how wrong she was.

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Chapter 2

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