Chapter 1

A/N In lights of finishing my Final Fantasy High fic, finishing on a good note with Wakka/Tidus, I thought to myself, ‘Hey self, why don’t I start another Wakka/Tidus fic, but with a different theme from any of my other fics?’ So here this is. It is set in the Final Fantasy 10 world, but the events of FF10 did not happen. Characters from other FF’s and KH’s may show up. OOCness is to be expected for some characters.


“Line up; boys on one side, girls on the other!” Rin yelled. The tall blond had a clipboard in his hands and a pen behind his ear. Rin ‘hmmed’ as he walked up and down pass the young hopefuls.


Rin’s long dainty fingers reached out, grabbing a boy by the chin. He tilted the teen’s head up, looking into his wide, innocent eyes.

“Hmm…” Rin got a twinkle in his eyes as he looked the boy up and down. “You’d make a pretty good Eli-Marie,” Rin whispered so only the teen could hear.

The boy’s eyes widened, “excuse me?”

Rin chuckled, “don’t sound so startled. You have the perfect look.”

“T-to play a girl?”

Rin nodded, “yeah. What’s your name, boy?”

“T-Tidus Daniels, sir.”

Tidus was a fifteen year old student at the Shiva High Boarding School, a very prestigious Dance and Arts school; Tidus was at the top of his class; he was very good at what he did; singing, dancing, acting, you name it.

When Tidus heard that the famous Ifrit Talent Academy was auditioning students at Shiva High; looking for some fresh new talent, he decided to try out.

Now here he was being told by the talented Rin Kazumi that he’d be perfect for the girl role of Eli-Marie.

Tidus guessed he could understand why Rin would think he’d make a good girl. He was pretty small and had a girlish figure, well minus the boobs; his voice was soft and sounded like a girls, and put a wig on him and you’d honestly mistake him for a girl.

“Mmm, Tidus, you say?” Rin smiled. “Don’t look so freaked out by the idea, Tidus. Many of my pro guys got their start by playing female roles in their younger years.”

“But… but what about all the girls auditioning?” Tidus mumbled, his cheeks red.

Rin glanced behind his back at all the girls lined up. “Ah, they’re okay, but they don’t have the ‘look.’”

Tidus flushed even more. They didn’t have the look and they were girls! He did have the look and he was a boy! This was all too confusing.

“I’ll be talking with you later, Tidus, you can count on that.” Rin smirked, then moved on to all the other hopefuls.

“Hmm.” Rin stopped across from a stocky redhead, “I like your look.” Rin said unabashed. “You’d be perfect.” Rin put his hand on the boy’s shoulder, “stand up straight.”

The redhead did so, eyes going wide when Rin’s hands started to roam over his chest, as if feeling for imperfections. “You’re perfect, yes.” Rin nodded, agreeing with himself.

“Uh, thank you, sir.”

“Name?” Rin asked, removing his hands.

“Wakka Thomas.”

Rin glanced over at Tidus, who was currently gazing off into space, with a far off look in his ocean blue eyes; he grinned.

“Yes, you’ll look perfect playing across the one I’ve picked to play Eli-Marie.”


“So what’s the show about anyway?”

Tidus looked up at his best friend, Rikku Highwind. The young blond was sitting across from him on his bed, snapping her bubble gum. Tidus and Rikku shared a dorm room at Shiva High Boarding School. Tidus hadn’t known it when he started SH, but the dorms were co-ed.

At first it had been weird sharing a room with a girl, but Tidus had soon gotten used to it as his and Rikku’s relationship grew. It didn’t grow as one would expect from a girl and a guy sharing a room; rather it was a relationship of great friendship.

Tidus did love Rikku and vise versa, but it was only platonic love.

Tidus showed Rikku the script he’d gotten from Rin. “It stars Eli-Marie. Eli is a teenage prostitute who goes through men like some girls go through shoes, but she meets someone who wants to take her away from the world she‘s grown to know.”

Rikku read through the script a little. “Wow!” The blond murmured, “This is very X-rated!”

Tidus’ eyes snapped up, “huh?”

“What, you mean you haven’t read the whole script?”

“Uhh, no, I haven’t.” Tidus admitted.

“Well, there are no sex scenes or anything, but there’s a lot of kissing and stuff. And Eli seems to kiss almost every male cast member in the play.” Rikku chuckled.

“Whoever they’re getting to play Eli must have a lot of stamina too keep up with all these kissing scenes.”

Tidus flushed, looking away from Rikku. “You really think so?” He asked.

“Yeah, she’ll at least need to know how to kiss.” Rikku looked up, “and I find it hard to believe that they’ll find a good enough girl here at SH. You know how all these girls are little prudes or lezzies.”

Tidus started to laugh, “Rikku, you just described yourself to a T.”

Rikku’s face turned beet-red, “How rude! I’m not a prude.”

“Yeah huh, you are.”

“Lu and I have only been going out for a little bit; there’s nothing wrong with holding out until you’re ready.” Rikku said as if she was defending herself.

“Sorry, Ri, of course I know that…” Tidus said, “So that means you haven’t done much kissing?”

“No.” Rikku admitted.

“Me either.” Tidus mumbled.

Rikku rolled her eyes, “well that’s not hard to believe; you’ve never had a girlfriend.”

Tidus moaned, putting his head in his hands, “oooh, what am I going to do, Ri?!”


“It’s been decided!” Rin exclaimed, “You’re going to be my Eli-Marie!” Rin clapped his hands, girlishly giggling.

“Here,” Rin said, giving a shocked Tidus a book. “It’s the script. Read over it and make sure you’re at the first cast meeting on Monday. That’s where I’ll be announcing who will be playing the other roles.”

Tidus numbly nodded. Script in hand, he left the studio.

/End Flashback/

Rikku wrinkled her nose, a concerned look on her face, “what’s wrong, Ti?”

Tidus glanced up at Rikku, crystalline tears running down his cheeks. Rikku gasped, crawling over the bed to him. “Tidus?”

“I’m so nervous, Rikku, and very scared… and really excited; all at the same time!”

“I’m very confused.” Rikku said, “Why are you crying?”

Tidus’ eyes went wide; he touched his cheeks. “Nerves, I guess.” Tidus mumbled, feeling embarrassed.

“Wanna talk?” Rikku asked, reaching up with her small hands, wiping Tidus’ tears away.

Tidus clasped his hands together, nodding his head, “yeah. You know Eli… well the casting director decided he wanted…” Tidus glanced down, “me to play her.”

Rikku blinked, “huh…what?” Rikku got up from Tidus’ bed, going over to the door, “you play a girl?”

Tidus nodded, “yeah.” Tidus mumbled, “and I’m worried about the… k-kissing scenes.” Tidus flushed, “and I’m worried about w-who I’ll have to kiss.”

“Well according to the script you’ll be kissing everyone.”

“I’m so going to die!” Tidus moaned, falling onto his back.

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