Moving In

Tidus bit his lip, watching out of the corner of his eye as Wakka stared at him. Just knowing how hard Wakka was staring at him made him feel flustered. Of course Wakka didn't expect that Tidus knew he was staring, so he continued to stare, enjoying just being this close to the one he loved.

It was still hard to believe that after three hard, long years his love was back. And Auron was back. Wakka would admit he didn't understand how this worked, but he didn't really care. The proof that it was real was right across from him.

Yawning, Tidus stood up, "I'm really tired, I think I'll retire and go to bed..." He paused, looking around Yuna's house where everyone currently was. He had no house. Nowhere to stay and live; neither did Auron.

"Where am I going to" Tidus whispered to himself, though Wakka overheard.

Wakka smiled, getting up he walked over to Tidus, "Ti, you can stay with me; I'm all alone in my hut. I wouldn't mind a roommate." Wakka looked at Tidus, suddenly feeling nervous. 'What if he turns down my offer?'

Feeling relieved, Tidus smiled, "you really mean it? I'll find some way to pay you back." Tidus promised.

"Aw, you don't have to do that. I'm just happy to help." Wakka blushed, thinking of ways Tidus could pay him back. 'Stop it Wakka!' He scolded himself.

"Thanks," Tidus said, yawning again.

"You're welcome. Come on, I'll walk you over and help you get settled in."


"The bathrooms here," Wakka opened a door, "towels and rags are there," Wakka pointed to a closet door in the bathroom. "The soaps on the sink."

Wakka led Tidus to the bedroom. "Sorry, I only have one bedroom. For now you can have the bed. I'll buy another bed soon." Wakka smiled, "I'll sleep on the couch."

Tidus frowned, "I don't want you to have to sleep on the couch. I will, and you can have the bed."

"No, you're the guest."

"But it's your house."

"I insist you sleep on the bed..."

"Well I insist you sleep on the bed..."

"Why don't you just share the dang bed, it's big enough."

Wakka and Tidus jumped, turning around.

"LU!" Wakka shouted, his ears turning red. "Knock much."

Lulu smirked, "the door was unlocked," she explained.

"So that gave you the right to just walk in?" Wakka asked, still blushing.

"Wakkie, I'm hurt," Lulu pouted, "you didn't care if I walked in other times."

Wakka blinked. That was true...but...

"Sorry Lu, you just startled me is all." Wakka grinned sheepishly.

"S'ok." Lulu smiled, "now, as I was saying, the best thing you can do is share the bed. It's way big enough for the both of you."

"Aw, Lu, you know how I feel about him, why are you doing this? If we share the bed, won't be long before Tidus gets a clue about my feelings.'

Tidus blushed, but couldn't really argue with Lulu. The bed was big enough.

"Okay," Tidus said, as if it wasn't a big deal. After all nobody but Auron knew he knew about Wakka's feelings. "I don't mind."

Wakka blushed, half cursing Lulu but half thanking her as well.

"Well if you don't mind," Wakka mumbled.


Luzzu smiled, watching Wakka and Tidus leave Yuna's hut. He looked over at Auron who had nowhere to go as well. Standing up, Luzzu walked over to Auron who was talking to Baralai and Gippal.

"Excuse me, Sir Auron, can we speak?" Luzzu flushed when Auron turned his dark eyes on him. 'Oh, he's more handsome then I remember him being, and all of his scars are gone.'

"All right," Auron said, excusing himself from Baralai and Gippal.

Walking outside the hut, with Luzzu by his side, Auron looked at the redhead. "What's on your mind?"

Luzzu flushed again, "well I know you have nowhere to go, so I wanted to invite you to stay with me."

Auron rubbed his chin, looking at Luzzu, "that's very nice of you."

"So do you want to move in...?"

Auron nodded, a teasing smirk on his lips, "all right, but just know...I don't do bottom."

Luzzu flushed, "what? What do you mean about that?"

Chuckling, Auron walked toward Luzzu's hut, Luzzu hot on his trail.

"Auron!" Luzzu caught up with the dark haired man, "why did you say that?"

"Calm down, I was just joking." Auron shook his head, "breath. Don't worry; I won't molest you in your sleep."

Luzzu blushed a deep maroon. 'But what if I want you to?'

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Chapter 18