The Gathering of Friends

A/N Yeah, I do know how to spell Vegnagun, Tidus doesn’t though.

Auron and Tidus, wearing their nun robes once again, walked over to the temple. The pitter-patter of little children and their dogs could be heard all over the island. Tidus smiled. It’s so great that people can be out without the worries of Sin and this veggygon thing, Shiva told Auron and me about.

One kid was coming toward Tidus, going way to fast, she tried to stop in time, but was unable to slow down. Tidus grunted when the kid collided with him, putting his arm around her, to keep her from falling backwards.

"Whoops," the kid gasped, putting a hand going over her mouth. "I’m really sorry, sister. You see, Tommy was chasing me" The girl lowered her voice, "he said he was going to kiss me."

Tidus laughed, "that’s okay." He let go of the girl, and sighed. Those had been the days. He had done his fair share of chasing girls and being chased by them. Who knew after all that, I’d turn out gay . . . well maybe gay . . . bi . . . in like with another guy.

"That he wanted to kiss me!" The girl shook her little blonde head, her eyes wide. "That’s not okay, that’s icky."

"No; I meant, that it was okay that you bumped into me. No harm done."

"Oh," the girl giggled, "of course that’s what you meant. A nun wouldn’t encourage kissing. Haha," the girl laughed, running away, shrieking as a boy, Tidus guessed Tommy, jumped out from behind a bush, and started to chase her.

Auron snorted, "kids."

"Aw, you miss it, don’t you Auron. To be that young and carefree."

Auron briefly nodded, "perhaps. Come on, let’s go."

Tidus nodded, and they walked inside the temple, going to the statue of Braska. Auron lowered his head, reaching out, lightly touching Braska’s stone arm. Tidus looked on in wonderment. Where those two more then friends? It looked like they were, if the longing look he had seen in Auron’s eyes said anything.

After they had finished paying their tribute to Braska, Auron and Tidus walked to the room on the left of the temple, going in. Once inside they removed their robes, sitting down on the bed, waiting for everyone.

"So how do you think everyone will react?" Tidus looked at Auron, who was looking at a painting of some summoner, with a far off look in his eyes. He wasn’t seeing the picture at all, Tidus knew; he was most likely thinking of his past with Braska.

Tidus’ question brought him out of his dreamlike state, "can’t be too sure. I’m sure they’ll be happy. Yuna and Wakka especially." Auron looked away from the painting, brushing his hair out of his eyes. He looked around the room, still getting used to seeing things out of two eyes. The Fayth of the Aeons sure did a number on his injuries. He stretched, testing his newly healed arm. With a slight smile, Auron lowered his arm. It was good to be whole again.

Tidus groaned, "I didn’t think of Yuna; do you think she still . . . or ever had feelings for me?"

Tidus remembered, that one time when they had kissed. Yuna had been very emotional and Tidus wasn’t thinking. He hoped that Yuna didn’t take that kiss as meaning, they were a couple.

Auron smirked, "Tidus you sure are full of yourself. After three years, I’m guessing a girl like Yuna would of found someone else; she’s pretty and bright. And you know, I never got the vibe that she was totally into you."

Tidus nodded, "I hope you’re right. If she had feelings for me, it would make things a might difficult."

"That’s an understatement," Auron laughed.


Luzzu made his way through Besaid, looking for any sight of Yuna and her friends. He finally noticed Rikku, who was coming out of Yuna’s house. The blonde paused, surprised to see Luzzu with such a excited look on his face.

"Hey, Luzzu." Rikku grinned at the tall redhead. "What’s up?" What’s up, indeed? What’s with that grin, Luzzu?

"I have important news for the people that helped Yuna in the past. Can you get her and your friends? Meet me at the temple." Luzzu hoped she would say yes; it would sure save him a lot of trouble. He still felt quite faint from his little surprise this morning, and needed to get to the temple, so he could get out of the sun. It had nothing to do with seeing some dark, stoic man. At least that was what Luzzu was telling himself. But in truth the man was almost giddy that Auron was back.

Rikku raised her eyebrows, "aye, aye," Rikku saluted. "Of course I can."

Luzzu laughed, watching as the hyper blonde run off.

"Wakka! Lulu!" Rikku ran up to the two, gasping for breath, "Geez, where have you two been? I’ve been looking for you forever." Rikku squinted . . . the two had been really close together, whispering about something . . . "Hey, you weren’t making out somewhere or something were you?"

Wakka cocked an eyebrow, looking throughly sick at the idea, "no way, we’d do that. What’s crawled up your skirt?"

Rikku giggled. Excuse me! "I . . . have . . . news!" Rikku dramatically collapsed on the ground, "let me catch my breath."

Lulu bent down next to Rikku, peering into her green eyes, "what’s going on, Rikku?"

Rikku looked up at Lulu, "meet. Luzzu. In Temple." She gasped out.

Wakka looked at Lulu, who shrugged. "Might as well. Wakka carry her."

Nodding, Wakka bent down . . .

Rikku jumped up, "hey, hey, watch the hands, mister. I’m fine." Rikku ran ahead of Wakka and Lulu, "see, my breath is back."

Chuckling, Wakka and Lulu ran after the girl.

"Yuna," Rikku’s voice called through the handheld commsphere phone, "can you meet me at the temple? Luzzu said he had some news for everyone. Who’s there with you?"

"Of course," Yuna answered. Yuna looked around her and grinned, "well Baralai and Gippal are here, making out on my couch no less."

"Good get them to come. See if you can find Paine; I’ve looked everywhere for her."

"All right."

Yuna and Rikku hung up. Yuna walked over to her couch, giving Baralai a gentle nudge on the shoulder.

Jumping, Baralai pulled away from Gippal. "What?"

"Come with me." Yuna quickly explained what was going on. Then the three set out for the temple, keeping a eye out for Paine.

Once everyone was round up, they made their way to the temple. Rikku and Yuna managed to find everyone, including Paine. Paine had been near the beach, with a thoughtful look on her pale face. Something big was on the warrior’s mind, everyone could see.

The group of friends, made their way through Besaid, dodging running children and parents as they tried to round up their charges. Nearing the temple, Rikku waved at Luzzu who was standing in the doorway.

Luzzu waved back, glad to see that the blonde had found everyone.

"So what’s this BIG news," Wakka asked, raising his voice on the word ‘big.’

"Er," Luzzu scratched his head, nervously looking at everyone. "If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me."

"So what’s the point of bringing us all here if you can’t tell us," Rikku grumbled?

"Ah, but I can show you," Luzzu smirked.

"Show . . . well, then lead the way." Lulu said, with a smile on her face. Lulu started to follow Luzzu, putting a arm out to steady Paine, who had tripped over some little tykes pair of skates. "You okay?"

Paine blushed, and nodded, "I’m fine, thanks." Paine bent down and moved the skates out of everyone’s walk way.

Wakka sighed, watching his friends. Paine, just tell her. Don’t wait till it’s too late, like I did. Wakka frowned, he had to go think about HIM again. Now he’d be depressed.

Yuna looked at Wakka, worried. Did he just sigh? "Wakka?"

Wakka turned to the ex-summoner, "yes?"

Yuna walked over to Wakka, and put a arm around him, "thinking about something? You seem sad."

Nodding, Wakka breathed out a single name in Yuna’s ear, "Tidus."

"Oh," Yuna frowned, she missed the blonde too. But it was different for Wakka, she knew. "I miss him too," she whispered.

"Come along, you slowpokes," Rikku exclaimed.

"Coming," Yuna called.

Wakka and Yuna walked over to Rikku and the others.

"In here," Luzzu said, opening one of the temple’s doors.

Puzzled, everyone followed Luzzu into the room.

A/N What will happen next? Will Wakka die of happiness? I hope not, I need him alive in order to pair him with Tidus. Please review!

Review get this gear!

Chapter 16