Going into the Past

A/N Okay, warning. This chapter is angsty and it has a sort of non con. It goes into the past of Wakka and what happened to him. Also I had to raise the rating, because of this chapter.


Tidus tried to back away, not wanting Wakka to know he had overheard him, but he stepped on a branch. He cringed when he heard the loud ‘crack’

Wakka turned around, his eyes going wide, seeing Tidus standing there, staring at him. Oh no. Please no. Did he hear me?

Wide, emotional, blue eyes, stared into, upset, clouded, chocolate brown eyes for the longest time, before anyone spoke.

"W..what did you hear?" Wakka choked out, lowering his head, so his eyes didn’t have to look into Tidus.’ Wakka couldn’t bear to see, what he thought would be there in the teen’s eyes.

It was a few seconds, before Tidus could find his voice. "I heard, more then you wanted me to hear, I know that. I’m sorry . . . I wasn’t spying..or being rude . . . I was just worried. You ran out so fast."

Wakka risked it and looked back at Tidus, startled to see the tears that were running down the blonde’s cheeks. More tears came to his own eyes, making Tidus crouch down next to him, and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Do . . . do . . . well . . . I find . . . it helps . . . to . . . you know . . . talk." Tidus took a deep breath. "Do you want to tell me what happened? What did he do to you?"

Wakka hadn’t talked about that day ever . . . should he now? Tell Tidus. The boy he secretly really liked. "Tidus . . . you heard . . . when I said . . . I was gay, Right?"

Nodding, Tidus wiped his tear stained face, "yeah."

"It doesn’t bother you; you still want to be my friend?"

Tidus gave Wakka startled look. "Wakka, why would it bother me? Look at my parents; my friends. They don’t bother me. So why should it bother me that you’re gay?"

Wakka slightly smiled. If only Tidus knew. "Sorry, I wasn’t really thinking." Wakka took a deep breath, "if you want, I will tell you. You’re right, it does help to talk, and I need to get this off my chest."

Tidus nodded, "I’m here for you; I listen to whatever you want to tell me."

Wakka looked at the beach with a far off look in his brown eyes. Digging a finger in the fine sand, he began his story. "My best friend, Cian asked me and Chappu if we wanted to hang out. We didn’t know that he had another motive for getting us alone."

"Come on Wakka, it’ll be fun," Cian said with a bright smile, his black hair waving in the wind.

Wakka smiled at his best friend, "can Chappu come?"

Cian hid a pleased smile that almost looked cruel, "of course. It’ll be more fun, with more people. I invited Jayden, Chris and Toby."

Wakka put a finger to his chin, thinking, "well we can’t go to my house. Mom and Dad are having ‘alone time’. I’ll call my aunt. I’m sure she won’t mind."

"Perfect," Cian walked over to Wakka, putting a friendly arm around his shoulders. When he saw the teen blush, he smirked.


Wakka, along with Chappu, Cian, Jayden, Chris and Toby, walked into his aunt Edna’s house. Wakka smiled at the seven month pregnant women.

"Hey Aunt Edna, thanks for letting us come over," Wakka said, going over to the black haired women, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"No problem kids. Your cousin, Sayuri is at her friends on a play date, I’m going to a lamaze class. I’ll be back in a while." Edna gave her nephews a hug and told them bye. "Be good," she called.

Wakka chuckled, shaking his head. How old did she think they were?

The six friends walked into the family game room and set down on the couch. Wakka went to the game consol, giving a controller to Cian. "What do you want to play first?"

Cian went to the games cabinet and leafed through the games. "This one. It looks good."

Wakka walked over and peered at it, "Final Fantasy 100."

Chappu shook his head, "100? Will they ever stop making those games?"

Jayden stretched on the couch, "doubt it."

Chris looked at Chappu, "it’s fun, so who cares if they don’t stop."

Toby nodded agreeing, "I want to be the blue guy."

Wakka nodded and passed out the other controllers.

For about an hour the six friends played the game. The two redhead brothers had so much fun. They didn’t even have the slightest hint about what was coming.

"Okay, now I bored." Wakka put his controller down, "lets play Star Ocean, or something."

"Or something," Cian repeated, his eyes looked different, cruel, evil even.

Wakka blinked at his best friend, "hey Cian are you okay." He waved his hand in front of Cian’s face, gasping when the black haired teen grabbed his arm.

"Ouch, Cian." Cian really had a tight grip on Wakka, and for the first time, Wakka was scared of his best friend. "What are you doing?"

"Just teaching you a lesson." Cian growled.

Chappu jumped up in alarm, trying to run to his little brother’s aid, but he was stopped by two strong set of arms. "What’s the big idea? Let go of me Jayden, Chris."

"I don’t think so," Jayden said, his voice no longer kind. "You’re going to watch."

"Watch?" Chappu tried to pull away, but Toby punched him hard in the stomach.

"Stop struggling. You and Wakka brought this on yourselves."

"Toby . . . what did we do?" Chappu cried, tears coming to his eyes. He could see that Cian now had Wakka pinned to the ground.

Cian who was much bigger then Wakka, and stronger, put all of his weight on top of the teen, "as if you didn’t know, Chappu. Watch as I take your brother."

"Take . . . take my brother," Chappu paled, "no don’t, leave him along!"

"I don’t think so," Cian said, slapping Wakka’s face. Wakka turned his head, tears spilling down his cheeks.

Cian started to grind his hips against Wakka’s, getting mad, when the teen didn’t react. "Come on, doesn’t this feel good? It’s how you like it, right?"

Wakka looked at Cian and gritted his teeth, "no way it could feel good. You’re sick, Cian. Sick, man."

Cian laughed, "I’m sick! I’m sick?" Cian looked at Chappu, who was still trying to get away from Jayden and Chris. "You’re sick, because you like this." Cian took Wakka’s head and slammed it on the ground, dazing the teen. He then unbuttoned his pants, taking them off along with Wakka’s boxers. Wakka tried to move and get away, but to no

avail, he was too dazed.

Chappu screamed, watching as Cian took his brother into his mouth. "Stop it! Let him go!" Chappu tried to get away again, but once again, Toby pouched him in the stomach.

Tears were streaming down Wakka’s face, as he watched through clouded eyes, as Cian bobbed his head up and down. This didn’t feel good. It hurt. Cian was being rough on purpose, using his teeth, and squeezing too tight.

Cian pulled away, mad that Wakka wasn’t reacting to his ministrations. "What’s wrong with you? I thought you liked that!"

"I’m sure with the right person, I would! But never with you!" Wakka yelled.

"Why you little brat," Cian yelled, his anger so strong, Wakka could almost feel it choking him. Cian slapped Wakka again, making the boy yell in pain.

Chappu was so mad; it was lucky; lucky for Cian, that he was being held. A protective brother is a dangerous thing. "Stop hitting him! Let him go, please."

Cian chuckled, "don’t worry, Chappu, you’ll get your turn."

Chappu paled, and once again tried to pull away from the tight grip of the boys holding him. Toby smirked, "you never learn, do you? Keep still, and watch!" Toby hit Chappu in the lower gut; so hard, that he saw stars before his eyes.

Cian looked at Wakka, who looked like he was going to be sick, "Toby come hold him down."

Toby did as he was told, sitting on Wakka’s stomach, and pinning his arms to his sides. Cian stood up, and much to Chappu and Wakka’s horror, unbuttoned his pants, letting them drop to the floor. Cian turned around, and smirked at Chappu. "I hope I can turn you on," he leered.

"You crazy, sick . . . "

"Shut up," Chris yelled, kneeing Chappu in the groan.

More stars filled Chappu’s gaze, as he panted for breath and gasped in pain.

Wakka whimpered, as he watched, Cian drop his boxers.

"This will be fun . . . for me. I heard that gays use some kind of lubricant to make this go smoother . . . but what do you know, I forgot to bring some." Cian instructed Toby to flip Wakka over.

Wakka stopped talking, when he heard Tidus choke on his tears. "He doesn’t go all the way, don’t worry."

"Wakka, I’m so sorry." Tidus reached out, and grabbed Wakka by the shoulders, pulling him to his chest. "W...what happened next?"

Wakka hugged Tidus back, taking in his clean scent. "Cian walked over to me . . . he started to . . . pump his dick . . . till it got hard . . . then . . . I felt it . . . right there, touching the base of my entrance."

Another loud sob came from Tidus, and Wakka felt the teen squeeze him tighter.

Wakka tried to move; he could feel it. Cian tip was at the base of his entrance.

Chappu yelled, doing his best to overcome the people holding him. It didn’t work, and he only got kneed again, for his efforts.

"I heard after a while, it feels good." Cian laughed, "I guess we’ll see . . . "

It came out of nowhere, a flash of green and gold. Wakka blinked and looked with wide eyes as his aunt; his very pregnant aunt, charged Cian. She grabbed him by the neck and shoved him. Wakka gasped in surprise, as he watched Cian fly across the room.

Toby bolted off Wakka, knowing better then to mess with a pregnant women. He looked at the unconscious Cian, and then fled. Jayden and Chris knew the jig was up, and if they were caught they’d be in so much trouble. In a blink of an eye, Chris was gone; he was a track star, so he could run fast.

Jayden let go of Chappu and started to run for the door. Free, Chappu grabbed Jayden, throwing him up against the wall. Jayden whimpered, as he watched Chappu pull his arm back, making a fist.

Wakka cringed when Chappu’s fist met Jayden’s face. After that, Jayden managed to get away, and fled.

Edna ran over to Wakka, and dropped down beside him. "Wakka! Are you okay?"

"I am, thanks to you, aunty. How..how did you throw him clear across the room?"

Edna grinned, patting her bulging stomach, "I had help. Never anger a medicated pregnant women." Edna was on anti-depressant pills; she had been ever since her husband died, in a car wreck.

Chappu walked over to Wakka, dropping to the ground. He was freely crying. "Wakka, I’m sorry," he said. Chappu threw his arms around Wakka and sobbed, "I tried. I really tried to help."

Edna grunted, as she stood up. She didn’t tell anyone, but she was in a lot of pain. She knew she and the baby would be fine, so why should she bring up her pain, when Wakka was so distressed. Edna walked over to Cian and frowned. "Everyone had such high hopes for you. We thought, here’s a boy, who’s so kind; he’ll really make it big someday." Tears came to her eyes, "we never saw this coming,"

Edna went to the couch, taking a blanket off it. She walked over to Wakka and helped him cover himself.

"So that’s what I remembered, when we were in the kitchen. That’s why I ran out. The memories were too much."

Tidus pulled away from Wakka, "I’m sorry I made you remember."

"No, no, it wasn’t your fault."

"Um..Wakka? Your aunt; was she okay, after being so physical?"

Frowning, Wakka looked down, "yeah and no. After the police came to get Cian, she went into labor. She was two months early. It was a really painful delivery. The baby made it, but he’s was so small and sickly."

"And now . . . the baby?"

"He’s fine now. Guess his name," Wakka said, with a smile."

"I don’t even know your aunt; how could I know what she named her son?"

"Nezimi—it means ‘Cousins savior’" (A/N Made that up)

Tidus smiled, "that’s poetic."

"Yeah, he really was my savior; he gave aunty the extra strength she needed to help me."

"It’s getting late, we should go back in," Tidus pointed out.

Wakka stood up, taking Tidus’ hand, pulling him up.

Tidus looked down, blushing, "thanks for . . . trusting me. I won’t tell anyone."

Wakka smiled, "You’re welcome; I know you won’t. Just never talk about it with me, when Chappu’s in the room. That day hurt him so much too. His spirit had been broken for a long while. He was so upset, cause he wasn’t able to come to my aid."

"I understand, I won’t ever talk about it around Chappu." Tidus smiled bright, laughing he gently hit Wakka on the shoulder, "tag," he yelled, running for his house.

Wakka stood, stunned, before he broke into a big smile, "hey, wait up."

A/N Phew, that chapter was hard to write. That was the first, really angsty chapter I’ve ever written. Did it sound okay? Please let me know what you think!

Chapter 16
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