
Tidus shyly smiled at Wakka, climbing out of Chappu’s truck. “Bye,” he called, heading for his house.

Wakka grinned, “Bye,” he said, waving, as Tidus ran up his lawn.

“Haha,” Chappu laughed, “I think somebodies mind is on a certain kiss.”

Wakka blushed, “shush.”

Chappu shook his head, laughing. “Oh, come on, dish. What was it like?”

Wakka rolled his eyes, “I don’t kiss and tell.”

Wakka ran to his room, his thoughts in the clouds. Did he really kiss Tidus? It felt like a dream. He couldn’t possibly have kissed him, could he? But his lips told him another story. They were still tingling from the feel of having Tidus’s lips on them.

“Oh,” Wakka breathed. “I really did kiss him.” Wakka smiled, walking to his desk, getting out some paper and pen. He felt like writing. Yeah, it was true. Wakka was an in the closet poet.

He just needed to write some of his feelings down. Sure, he was no Emily Dickinson, but that’s okay, because he only wrote for himself. Wakka thought for a few minutes and started to write.

In a daze, I walked

Into my House

Not seeing what was around me

My thoughts too far gone

In the clouds

I’ve got to get this

Out of my mind

Tell myself that

It was only a kiss

I say this to myself

But do I believe it

Yes it was only a kiss

It didn’t mean a thing

Who cares if it made my

Head whirl and my heart pound

It was only a kiss

I’ve got to get over it

Wakka stopped writing, feeling a pain in the pit of his stomach. It really was only a kiss. A silly dare, so it didn’t mean anything. But it did make his heart pound and his head whirl. It was like before the kiss, Wakka wasn’t really alive, and the kiss breathed life into him.

“Whatch doing?” Wakka jumped, shoving the paper with his poem in his desk.

“Nothing,” He replied.

“Oh, come on,” Chappu walked over to Wakka, “you were doing something.”

“No, really. I wasn’t doing anything.”

Chappu shrugged, “whatever.”

Wakka heaved a sigh of relief, glad that Chappu hadn’t pushed the subject.

“TIDUSSSSSSSSSS,” Abby screeched. Tidus laughed, catching her, when she jumped of the couch into his arms.

“Miss me,” he asked?

Abby nodded, “yes. I miss my Tidus.”

“Where were you?” Tidus turned around, seeing Rin, standing in the kitchen archway, his hands on his hips.

“Oh,” Tidus slapped his head, “I’m sorry, Rin. I was at Selphie’s house.”

“You should have called,” Rin scolded.

“I know,” Tidus mumbled, “I’m really sorry. I forgot.”

Rin sighed, “I’ll let it slide this one time, but don’t do it again.”

Tidus smiled, “don’t worry, I won’t.”

“Good, now what were you doing at Selphie’s house?” Rin walked into the living room, and set on the couch.

Tidus bounced Abby on his hip, “some of our friends got together and we hung out.”

Rin nodded, “oh. Go wash up. Dinner will be ready soon.” Tidus nodded, handing Abby to Rin.

Running to his room, Tidus grabbed his bath things, and a fresh pair of clothes. He then went to the bathroom. He set his fresh clothes on the toilet seat, and quickly stripped.

Once he had the shower heat to his likeness, he stepped in, and sighed as the warm water ran down his back.

“Wakka!” Wakka jolted awake.

“Huh?” He looked up to see his mom standing in his doorway.

Mai smiled, “have a long day?”

Wakka nodded, “something like that.”

“Well get ready.”

Wakka gave Mai a confused look, “huh, why?”

“Mr. and Mr. Masters invited us over for dinner.”

Still not quite awake Wakka stood up, “who?”

Mai laughed, “Tidus’s Uncle and his husband.”

“Oh.” Wakka smiled, he would get to see Tidus again.

“So hurry up.”

Wakka nodded. Mai left so he could get ready.

Auron opened his door, “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, come on in.” Mai and Hiro smiled walking into the house. Wakka and Chappu followed.

“Dinner will be ready soon. Come to the living room while we wait,” Auron said, leading them through the house.

“Thanks for inviting us,” Mai said, sitting down on the couch. Hiro smiled and shook Auron’s hand.

“Yes, thank you.”

Auron nodded, “you’re welcome.”

Wakka looked around, not watching where he was going. “Ahh,” he yelped, tripping over something.

Rin came running out of the kitchen, a worried look on his face. “What was that?” He looked around, seeing Wakka on the floor. “Oh dear! Are you okay,” he asked, tossing his apron aside, and running to help WAKKA up?

Wakka blushed, nodding. “I’m fine.”

Auron went to Rin and Wakka’s side, “sorry, you tripped over Tidus’s bag.”

Rin put his hands on his hips, a frown on his face, “how many times do we have to tell him not to live his things laying around?”

Rin went to pick up the bag, “I’ll take it to him,” Wakka offered, “you’re busy.”

Rin smiled, “oh, thank you!”

“His door is the first door at the top of the stairs,” Auron said, pointing toward the stairs.

Wakka picked up the bag, and walked up the stairs. Once he got to the top he stopped. Which side? He looked at the two doors on either side of him. They were both the first doors on the top of the stairs. But which side was Tidus’s room.

Wakka shrugged, going and turning the knob of the right door.

When the door was opened, his eyes went wide. The bag dropped to the ground.

His eyes squeezed shut, Wakka bowed, “so sorry! I thought this was your room! Here’s your bag!”

Tidus blushed, “W. . . . Wakka! Don’t worry about it.” He grabbed his towel, and wrapped himself in it. “After all we’re both guys, right. So it’s okay.”

Right, it’s okay, because you still don’t know I’m gay, even though we kissed “Oh yeah sure,” Wakka said, closing the door.

“I’ll be out in a second. I’ll meet you in my room.”

Wakka blushed, “okay.” Wakka bent down, picking up Tidus’s bag, the walked to the room across from the bathroom, going in.

A/N Poem written by me! I’m not so talented in the poetry category.

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Chapter 13

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