
“SOOOOORAAAAA,” Sora jumped when a brown-haired girl glomped him, jumping on his back, hitting him very hard. Sora looked around and turned bright red, when he realized everyone was giving him and the girl on his back strange looks, most of them were snickering behind their hands.

Jumping off his back, the girl bent over, laughing.

“Um . . . yes?” Sora squinted his eyes. She looked familiar.

The girl looked up and giggled, “hey don’t you remember me,” she pouted.

Oh yes. You’re the girl who showed me to my seat the other day.

Sora nodded, looking at the over active girl. “Yes . . . um Yubbie.”

The girl put her hands on her hips, giving Sora a mocking look of anger, “no silly. YUFFIE,” she yelled. “As in: Y-U-F-F-I-E!” Sora looked around and noticed that now people were out right laughing.

Oh, just what I need. But she is nice. So I’ll have to learn to deal with it, I guess.

Sora giggled, “oh right. And I’m Sora, as in: S-O-R-A. But then again you already know that, except you think my name has more ‘O’s and ‘A’s.”

“Yes,” Yuffie giggled, “Five ‘O’s and five ‘A’s.”

Sora giggled again, “I see. So what did you want anyway?”

“Do I have to have a reason for calling your name,” Yuffie teased? “I just felt like glomping ya.”

“Oh, gee thanks,” Sora rubbed his left shoulder, which by now would be bruising.

“GO! GO! GO! FIGHT! WIN!” Sora and Yuffie jumped, when that loud shout called out. Yuffie made an annoyed face, and Sora held his bleeding ears.

“Okay, do you mind telling me what that was,” Sora asked, looking around for the source of the annoying noise?

“What in the heck,” Riku moaned. “What was that annoying sound?”

Selphie giggled, walking up to the new kid, she had met the other day. Grinning she tapped him on the shoulder. Riku jumped, turning around. When he saw Selphie, he smiled. “Um, that was the mating call of The Cheerleaders.” Selphie made ‘ohhhh, scary’ face.

Riku rolled his eyes, “oh gawd! I don’t know if I can stand it here. CHEERLEADERS, I mean really.”

Rikku ran up to the two, her blond hair flowing in the breeze, “what’s wrong Ri-ku? You have a thing against cheerleaders,” she asked him, giving him a cheery smile?

Riku rolled his eyes, “it’s just how can someone be so cheery all the time? I mean it’s not natural,” Riku exclaimed.

“It’s easy,” Rikku answered.

“Easy for you to say. I’ve only known you since yesterday, and I already know you’re the naturally cheery type.” I even bet you’d go out for the cheerleading team.

Selphie nodded, “she really is.” She’ll probably try out to.

“Oh and you’re not,” Rikku retorted. You’re almost as cheery as me, at least before the thing with Shawna happened.

Selphie was just about to answer when someone ran up to them, panting. “Um, are you okay,” she asked the boy? He was leaning over, his hands on his knees, so Selphie couldn’t see who it was.

When the boy looked up, they saw that it was one of their friends, Zidane. “It . . . the . . . ”

Riku walked over to Zidane, and pat him on the back, “take your time,” he told him, “get your breath back.”

Zidane nodded, taking a few deep breaths, “the school gym. Someone set a fire! That’s why they won’t let anyone in.” He was right, everyone had been waiting on the lawn for a while, waiting for someone to unlock the school doors.

“How do you know this,” Riku asked?

Zidane was just about to answer when he looked at Riku and squinted, “and you are?”

“Oh yeah . . . sorry, I’m Riku.” He saw Zidane’s surprised look and laughed, “yeah I know. It’s Riku with one k.”

Zidane smiled, “I’m Zidane. Anyway I know, because my uncle works for the school. He called me on my cell, because he knew I must be wondering.” Uncle Steiner thinks I’m a worrywort, and I guess I am, sometimes.

“Oh,” Rikku, Selphie and Riku said at the same time.

“We’re here,” Chappu announced, pulling into the schools parking lot.

Wakka looked up, his cheeks flushed. He had been staring down at a sleeping Tidus for the whole ride. “Oh, hey,” he gently shook Tidus. “Wakey, wakey,” he whispered.

Luzzu laughed, “I’m afraid that won’t work,” he teased, “to wake him, ya have to give him the kiss of life.”

“Oh shut up, Luzzu,” Wakka moaned.

“What? I was serious.”

“Luzzu stop teasing him,” Chappu grinned, opening his door. Chappu and Luzzu climbed out of the truck. “We’ll meet you and Tidus at the doors.”

“Okay,” Wakka looked back at Tidus and, shook him again, “yo! Sleepy head. Wake up.”

Tidus mumbled something and snuggled against Wakka. Wakka blushed, “hey come on! It’s time for School. Last time I checked you need to be awake for that.”

Tidus groaned, and opened one eye, “spoil sport,” he set up rubbing his eyes.

“Hey! I’m just trying to help you NOT be late. But if you insist, by all means go back to sleep and I’ll carry you inside.”

Tidus turned red, “it’s fine, I’m awake now.”

Oh poo, I wouldn’t mind carrying you. It would give me an accuse to grope your bottom.

“Wakka, are you okay,” Tidus gave the teen a worried look, “you’re all red?”

Wakka choked on his spit, “what? Oh, I’m okay,” he said. Tidus shrugged, and gave him a pat on the back. Wakka smiled, his choking now under control. “Let’s go.”

Tidus nodded, and the two boys climbed out of the truck. They walked over to the doors and raised their eyes in confusion.

“Why is everyone just standing around,” Wakka muttered?

“Yeah, the doors should have opened thirty minutes ago,” Tidus added.

“The schools on fire. Well at least the gym is.” someone said, walking up to them.

Wakka looked up and smiled at Zell and Seifer who was once again trailing behind the boy. His smiled disappeared though, when what Zell said hit home. “WHAT,” he yelled?

Tidus blinked in surprise, “what,” he said in a much quieter voice?

Zell nodded, “yeah. Zidane told us.” Seeing Wakka’s ‘who’s that’ look, Zell smiled, “he’s a friend of ours.”

“His uncle works in the school,” Seifer added.

“Oh!” Wakka looked around for his brother, wondering if he and Luzzu knew this yet.

“Does anyone else know about this,” Tidus asked?

Zell nodded, “only Zidane’s friends. So far he’s told, Selphie, Rikku, and a friend of theirs named . . . guess? What don’t feel like guessing. Fine, it’s Riku. And he told me and Seif.”

“Huh?” Tidus wondered if Zell was pulling their legs.

“He’s telling the truth. Riku with one k. And a boy Riku,” Seifer told them. Of course everyone would know of Riku if they had paid attention at the school orientation, but of course not many people did.

“Oh no! I hope he doesn’t act like Rikku. A girl Rikku is enough,” Tidus said, laughing.

“HEY! I heard that,” Rikku yelled. She along with Riku and Selphie walked up to the group.

“Oh . . . oops,” Tidus grinned, “sorry.”

“Like you’re really sorry,” Selphie giggled.

“He does have a point though. A boy and girl Rikku . . . OW,” Seifer yelled, when Rikku pouched his arm. He glared at the girl, making Rikku stick her tongue at him.

“Big meany,” Rikku said, pouting.

“Whatever,” Seifer muttered, making everyone but Riku and Wakka start to laugh.

“Do you think he’s hanging out with Squall to much,” Tidus whispered to Zell?

Zell nodded. “Must be.”

Seifer rolled his eyes, and almost said ‘whatever’ again but stopped himself in time. “Shut up,” he said, instead.

Wakka looked at Riku, “do you think they’re talking in another language?”

Riku shrugged, “seems so.”

Squall and Irvine walked up to the school building, hand in hand, not caring what others thought of their display. Irvine was really happy that he and Squall had finally admitted their feelings, and was not going to hold back, no matter what others thought. Meaning if he wanted to hold his hand in public, he would. And if he wanted to kiss him in public he would . . .

Squall jumped, blushing. He smiled at Irvine, who had just kissed his cheek. “Hmm, not so sure how people will take PDA from us.”

“I don’t give a hoot, what they think,” Irvine said, putting his arm around Squall’s waist. “We waited too long, to tell each other how we feel. So we shouldn’t have to hold back those feelings, just because we’re both guys.”

“Yeah, you certainly don’t see Baralai and Gippal holding back their feelings,” Squall pointed to the said boys, who were making out on the lawn.

Irvine blushed, “we’ll work our way up to that.”

“Aww, come on,” Squall teased, “don’t go shy on me.”

“What? Do you want to go sit under the tree and make out too?”

“Maybe . . . do you?”


“Come on. Yes or no. This maybe stuff can go on forever.”

“Well yes, but those football players are walking this way,” Irvine said, a look of apprehension on his face. Most of the players were known for picking fights with guys that were gay, or guys they thought were gay.

Squall nodded, “s’ok. I’d rather not start something with them either.”

“Okay. Why do you think, they’ve not let us in,” Irvine asked, looking toward the school doors?

Squall shrugged, “no Idea.”

“Bout time,” Zidane muttered, hearing a siren in the background. A bunch of student looked around in alarm.

“What’s going on,” a girl named Garnet asked?

The little purple haired girl named Eiko shrugged her shoulders, looking at the dark-haired girl.

“Hey,” someone yelled, “they’re coming here!”

He was right, the fire truck pulled into the parking lot, and three men jumped out, pulling a long hose. Going to the doors, they were let in.

“Wow,” a girl yelled, “there must be a fire!”

“You’d think someone would tell us what was going on,” a boy grumbled.

“No they just let us stand on the lawn for thirty minutes, twiddling out thumbs, wondering what’s going on,” another boy said in response to the first boys comment.

Wakka finally spotted his brother and Luzzu, and he and Tidus ran over them. Zell, Seifer, Rikku, Selphie and Riku had wondered of somewhere else.

“Hey little brother,” Chappu ruffled Wakka’s hair, “this is crazy, huh.”

Wakka nodded, “yeah. Zell told us that there was a fire in the gym.”

“Mm,” Luzzu looked to where the men were running into the school. “I wonder how that happened.”

“I don’t have a clue,” Wakka said.

“Maybe Lu set it,” Tidus teased, seeing Lulu approaching them.

“Hey! All have you know I haven’t set a fire in three years.”

“WHAT? You’ve set a fire before,” Wakka asked, surprised?

Lulu nodded, “it was an accident. I was thirteen. My dad had been in one of his rages and well . . . I got so mad at him that I tossed everything off my desk, not taking in account that I had a burning candle on it.”

“What happened,” Wakka asked, feeling like he wanted to go to the jail and hit Mr. Frost?

“Well it landed on my bedspread. And POOF, it caught fire. I was so freaked, and I panicked.”

“But her mom was home and was able to put it out,” Tidus said, remembering Lulu telling him the story. Of course she had left out the, ‘my father was in a rage, and he beat me up,’ part. Everyone had only recently found out about Lulu’s father.

“It’s okay!”

Everyone looked up to see one of the firemen.

“Fire’s out, but as a precaution, everyone is ordered to go home.”

A bunch of cheers went out and a few groans of disappointment from the chest club sounded.

“Well,” Chappu grinned, “seems we have the day off, so what’s everyone want to do?”

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Chapter 11

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