Moving In

Fifteen-year-old Wakka Thomas gulped, looking out his window, as his family drove pass his new highschool. He hated being the new kid. School wouldn’t be starting for another week or so. So he hoped he would at least make one friend before that time.

“Nervous Wakka,” Chappu asked?

Wakka smiled sheepishly at his sixteen-year-old brother, “is it that obvious?” His shoulders slumped. Why did they have to move anyway? He had to leave all his friends, well what friends he had, behind. It wasn’t fair. But at least he could start over. A clean slate.

“Yah bro,” Chappu laughed, slapping him hard on the knee, “you’re as white as a ghost.”

Wakka groaned, leaning his head back, “Dad, do we really have to move,” he whined, looking up at his dad through the rearview mirror?

Hiro sighed, “Wakka, we’ve already been over this,” Wakka groaned again, “and it’s too late, the movers have already moved all of our stuff.”

“Better not break my stuff,” Wakka grumbled so only he could hear.

Chappu leaned up, resting his chin, in-between the two front seats, “what’s the house like?”

Mai looked at her son and smiled, “sit back honey, were on a highway.” Chappu set back, his arms behind his head, “the place is great. A quaint little place. One story, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen and livingroom, and a big garage”

Wakka rolled his eyes, “are you saying I have to share a room with this duffus?”

Chappu pouted, “Wakka, what an awful thing to say.”

Mai started to laugh, “hush you two. You know you love each other.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Wakka closed his eyes, “whatever.”

“Hmpf, be that way,” Chappu turned away from Wakka looking out the window. Both boys were smiling.

Mai rolled her eyes, 5,4,3,2, . . . 1

Both boys started to crack up, their shoulders shaking hard.

Hiro smiled looking at his red headed boys through the rearview mirror.

“Hun, how did you find this house again,” Mai asked looking at her husband?

“Through a guy that works with me, he gave me the phone number of the Realtors when he found out I was being transferred.”

“What luck,” she looked back at her two boys, “you really will like it.”

“And we also have some neighbors,” Hiro said trying to cheer up his boys, “one family has a boy Chappu’s age and another family has a boy Wakka’s age.”

“Oh,” Wakka said.

“Cool,” Chappu grinned.

“I thought that would pip your interest,” Hiro joked.

“Ah shudup,” both boys yelled, blushing.

Hiro and Mai looked at each other, trying their hardest not to laugh.

“They’re both really cute too,” Mai said, biting her tongue so she wouldn’t laugh.

“Mom,” both boys exclaimed!

“What,” Mai asked, looking back at her boys?

Wakka blushed, “when we came out, we thought, sure our parents would support us. We didn’t expect them to try and set us up.”

Hiro and Mai grinned, “what can we say, we want you two to be happy.” Mai smiled at them, winking, “those two boys really were cute.”

“Mom!” Wakka and Chappu groaned.

“Wow,” Wakka breathed, getting out of the family vehicle. “Is this really it,” he asked, peering at the white house, which was right next door to the beach?

Mai smiled, grabbing a suitcase off the roof, “yup this is it.”

“Wow,” Wakka repeated.

Chappu nodded, “yeah, you took the word right out of my mouth.”

Hiro took the second suitcase off the roof, “pretty cool, huh?”

Wakka ran to the front of the house, looking in a window, “yeah,” he called back to his father.

Chappu nodded, following his brother, “wow, the movers did a good job. It looks like someone’s lived here a few days.”

“Huh,” Mai said, joining her boys? She looked in the window, “oh, they didn’t have to do that.”

“Oh, but they did,” Wakka laughed.

“Did what,” Hiro asked, walking up to them?

“Unpacked everything,” Mai took out her key and unlocked the door, letting everyone in.

After they had settled in, Wakka went outside to get some fresh air. He sighed looking up at the clear blue sky. He had to admit this place was very beautiful, and it smelt very clean.

Wakka tensed up when he heard a rustle nearby. Oh, I hope it’s not a big dog or something, he thought, worriedly looking around. Wakka sighed in relief when he saw that it was only a small child, a very very young child at that.

She couldn’t be more then two years old. Wakka looked around, worry on his face. Where was her mother?

“Hi,” he smiled at the little girl. “I’m Wakka, are you lost, little girl?” He held his hand out to her, hoping she wouldn’t get scared and run off toward the beach.

“Ball,” she gurgled, waddling up to Wakka.

“Oh, you were following this ball,” Wakka bent down and picked up a small yellow ball the baby seemed to have followed into his yard.

The girl giggled, “ball.” She grabbed Wakka’s leg.

Wakka smiled, “okay,” he picked up the girl, handing her the ball. “Don’t drop it.”

“Ball,” the girl said again, tapping the ball on Wakka’s chest.

“Okay, now lets find your family.”

Wakka wondered into the next yard, opening the gate and going into the backyard, what he saw almost made him drop the baby.

“Ahh, ack,” Wakka yelled, shutting his eyes his face bright red. It was two grown men, sitting on the ground kissing. They were really going at it.

Both men jumped, and looked up at Wakka, their faces red.

Face still flushed, Wakka opened his eyes, “sorry . . . I found a baby . . . is she yours?” That sounds weird. “Hi I found a baby.” I really hope she belongs to them.

Both mens eyes went wide, “Abby,” the dark-haired man shouted, getting up and running to Wakka.

“What happened,” the blond haired man asked, getting up?

Wakka blushed, two really handsome and very GAY men were staring at him, “she wondered into my yard, following that ball.”

“Ball,” Abby giggled.

“Yes, that’s a ball,” the blond said. He looked at the older man, his eyes starting to mist, “I’m so sorry, Auron . . . I was supposed to help watch her.”

The older man looked at the blond frowning, “hey stop that, it’s not your fault, Rin.”

“Well you’re lucky I found her and not my brother Chappu,” Wakka teased.

Both men turned to Wakka, smiling, “thank you so much,” Rin exclaimed, “what if she had wondered down to the beach,” Rin closed his eyes, “I’d hate to think of it.”

Auron smiled, “then don’t think of it, hun.” He turned to Wakka, “thank you so much.”

Wakka smiled, “you’re welcome,” he bounced Abby on his hip, making her laugh, “well I think this belongs to you,” he handed Abby to Auron.

Rin smiled, “yeah, she sure does. Excuse us, we need to go throttle our son, he was supposed to be helping us watch her too.”

Wakka smiled, shaking his head, “okay, um bye.”

Wakka watched as the two men and Abby walked into their little pale blue one story house.

The next thing he heard made him cringe, “TIDUS!”

“Ouch, I hope he doesn’t get into much trouble,” Wakka muttered, walking back to his new home.

Hiro looked up when he heard someone approaching him. He was sitting on the porch reading a book, “hey kid, where’d you disappear to?”

Wakka smiled at his dad, scratching his head, “next door.” Hiro raised his eyebrow, “a little girl found her way into our yard. She lives next door.”

“Oh, man I bet her parents were out of their minds with worry,” Hiro said, standing up.

Oh, they were too busy to be worried. Way too busy, Wakka grinned, “um yeah. They were very thankful.”

Hiro smiled at his son, ruffling his hair, “you’re a good kid. Come on lets go inside, your mothers fixing lunch.”

Wakka grinned, “yum, I can smell it now,” Wakka ran into the house following the smell of grilled cheese, till he found the kitchen. He skidded to a stop and started to snort. His mother was singing along with the radio, shaking her hips.

“Ha ha, careful mom, you’ll put an eye out,” Wakka bent over laughing.

Mai shrieked, jumping and turning around, facing her son. “Wakka, don’t do that,” she scolded, “I thought I was alone.”

Wakka looked at his mother, “I can see that,” he snickered, “what’s that move called?”

Mai put her hands on her hips, “Wakka, all have you know in my day, I was a great dancer.”

Hiro walked into the kitchen, “she’s telling the truth. We met on the dance floor. She was the best dancer there.”

Mai blushed, “shush you.”

Wakka laughed, putting his hands up in defense, “okay, okay, I believe you.”

“Believe what,” Chappu asked, walking into the kitchen?

Wakka grinned, “oh, that mom was a great dancer.”

“Wha----mom, you can dance?” Chappu looked like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

Mai huffed, “just because I’m a mother, doesn’t mean I can’t do other things.”

Hiro shook his head, “boys leave your mother alone.”

“Yessir,” Wakka and Chappu shouted together.

Wakka sighed, laying back on a lounge chair, looking out at the beach. It was a quiet day and only a handful of people were in the water and on the beach.

One person really caught his eye, “man,” he set up in his chair, taking his sunglasses off, “she’s really good.”

He watched as a girl of about sixteen surfed. The waves were really big, but they didn’t faze her.

Up and down she went weaving in and out of the waves. Her long dark hair was tied back into a tight ponytail. She was wearing a small black bikini, geez, she must be cold, Wakka thought looking at her, of course not noticing her body.

“Who’s good at what,” Chappu asked, plopping down on the lounge chair next to Wakka?

Wakka looked at his brother, “that girl in the waves,” Chappu turned to look, “the one with dark hair and black bikini.”

“Shesh, she sure is,” Chappu whistled, “did you see that,” the girl just painfully wiped out, “ouch?”

Wakka quickly stood up, “ouch...hey, she’s not coming out!”

By now the dark haired girl was the only one left on the beach. Both boys worriedly scanned the waters looking for her.

“I don’t see her, or her board,” Chappu breathed.

Wakka was already running toward the beach, his shirt fluttering behind him, when he heard Chappu.

Chappu jumped up following his brother, taking his own shirt off. Both boys jumped into the water. They frantically started to look around.

“See anything,” Wakka asked, coming up for air?

“No,” Chappu yelled.

Taking a deep breath Wakka dived back under the water, thankful that the surf had calmed down.

Where are you? Where are you? Ahhh, is that...ahhh! Oh no, please be okay, please!

Wakka swam faster then he had ever swam before, grabbing the lifeless girl, and dragging her toward the surface.

Coughing, Wakka managed to pull her to the shore. She wasn’t moving, and it looked like she wasn’t breathing.

“Oh, no!” Wakka brushed her hair out her eyes and bent down, pinching her nose and started giving her CPR.

Chappu’s eyes went wide when he saw Wakka giving the girl CPR on the beach, oh no let her be okay. Chappu kicked his legs and swam for shore.

“Come on, come on, breath,” Wakka yelled. Tears of fear were starting to form in the corner of his eyes. Taking a deep breath he preformed CPR once again.

Chappu slumped next to Wakka, breathing hard, “will she she,” he sputtered.

Wakka breathed into the girl one last time, sighing in relief when she started to cough.

Brown eyes fluttered open. She looked at the two unfamiliar redheads leaning over her. “Wha...” she muttered, confused?

Wakka smiled, helping the girl sit up, “you wiped out.”

“My brother did CPR on you.” Chappu patted his brother on the back, a proud look on his face.

“ saved me,” she coughed, spitting water up, “thank you.”

Wakka blushed, “ahh, it was nothing. Chappu would of done the same thing if he had found you first.”

The girl smiled, “I’m Lulu Frost,” she stood up, wiping the sand off herself.

Wakka stood up, giving his brother a hand getting up, “I’m Wakka Thomas, this is Chappu.”

Lulu smiled, running up the beach and grabbing a big beach bag, pulling a large shirt out of it, and putting it on. “So you two are new,” she called back to the boys.

Wakka and Chappu walked up to Lulu, “yeah, we just moved in,” Wakka told her.

Lulu smiled, “well welcome to the neighborhood.” She shouldered her bag, “I’ve got to I’m so going to get it, when my parents find out I trashed my board,” she groaned.

“Hopefully they’ll be too happy that you’re safe, to notice your board’s missing,” Chappu said.

Lulu snorted, “yeah right,” she waved to the two boys, “well I’ll see you guys around.”

Wakka and Chappu waved and watched as Lulu jogged away.

“Well she seems nice,” Wakka said.

“Yeah, maybe we’ll have some classes with her,” Chappu said, picking up his and Wakka’s shirts.

“Maybe,” Wakka took his shirt from Chappu and headed for home, “come on, mom will worry if were gone too long.”

“Mommm, dadddd, were home, sorry we left without tellin...” Wakka trailed off when he noticed nobody was home.

“There’s a note on the fridge,” Chappu said, coming in after Wakka, noticing the white piece of paper taped to the fridge.

Wakka picked up the note and started to read it, out loud.

“Boys, went to town, to pick up a few things. Will be back soon, love mom and dad.

P.S. Chappu, the guy we hired to drive your truck, dropped it off.”

Chappu leaned against the sink, “phew, I was worried he’d trash it.”

Wakka grinned, “maybe he did.”

Chappu yelped and ran for the front yard, coming back a few minutes later, “nah, it’s fine.”

He rubbed his head, grinning sheepishly.

Wakka shook his head and started to laugh, “geez, you sure love that thing.”

“What can I say. I saved my money forever, so I could buy that truck when I turned sixteen.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Wakka walked pass Chappu, wacking him on the back, “come on lets surprise mom and dad, and make supper.”

Chappu mock glared at his brother, “oww, Wakka that hurt.”

Both boys started to laugh, as they rummaged around the kitchen looking for the stuff they needed to fix supper.

In no time they had the table set and supper cooked.

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Chapter 2

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