Chapter 9

Yuna gasped, a hand covering her mouth; tears welled up in her multi colored eyes.

“You mean it?” she asked in a whispered voice, as if she was afraid to speak loudly. Speak too loud and she might wake herself up from this dream.

Gata nodded, “yeah, I read it; saw it with my own two eyes.” Gata pointed to said eyes to empathies his words. “It was all written for us in black and white.”

Yuna slumped slightly, falling into Gata’s arms. “I’m so happy.” the teen sobbed.

Taking a deep breath, Yuna composed herself, pulling away from Gata.

“Yuna, are you fit enough to come with us?” Baralai asked, concerned for the mage in training. She seemed really shaken up by the good news. She was almost shivering… no, she was shivering in excitement.

Yuna’s eyes shined as she nodded, “oh my yes.” She nodded her head at a almost dangerous speed. Whiplash speed.

“You all might get the wrong idea because of they way I’m acting, but Rikku and I weren’t like that. Remember, I told you she was my cousin. I just love Rikku so much, but not that kind of love.” Yuna said.

Gippal laughed, “you don’t have to prove anything to us, Yuna. Love is love, no matter what kind it is. And we wouldn’t judge you if you liked your cousin like that.”

Yuna nodded, “yea, but I only like guys, though I’m too shy to do anything about that.”

“Okay, okay, we get it.” Gippal said, ruffling Yuna’s hair.

“Luzzu, Paine, Pacce, are you all going to be okay while we go get the others?” Baralai asked. He was sitting next to the young Pacce, wiping a washcloth over his forehead.

“We’ll be fine. I’ll look out for them.” Luzzu said, the stronger of the three.

Gata smiled at Luzzu, leaning down to hug him, “don’t push yourself.” he whispered into Luzzu’s ear, “if you do, I’ll have to find some way to punish you when you recover all the way.” Gata gave Luzzu a lopsided grin.

Luzzu chuckled, “I hope that’s a promise.”

“Oh, it is.” Gata replied.


“Just how are we going to get in?” Baralai wondered out loud. The four were eyeing the whore building. It was heavily guarded. The guards let people in who gave the correct pass code.

Baralai figured that the person who run the house had a special code all their customers knew; people were only allowed in by invite.

“Can you hear what they say when they go in?” Gippal asked.

Gata looked through some binoculars, reading the guards and customers lips as they talked.

“Hey Pete, how’s everyone these days?” Gata repeated as he read some guys lips.

“Really good; we’ve got some great new girls in and even a few more guys.” Gata said, telling everyone what the guard was saying.

“Code?” Gata read.

“Grat’s nest.” Gata saw the customer say back.

With a smile, the customer was allowed in.

“The code’s Grat’s nest.” Gata told everyone.

“So we have to go up their and act like customers; request Rikku and Lulu; make up some story about someone recommending them.” Gippal suggested.

Yuna pointed to herself. “What about me?”

“Pretend you’re a lesbian and want in on the action too.” Gata said.

Yuna blushed, but nodded. “Okay.”


“Howdy,” Gippal said, speaking in a thick accent. “Me and me mates were invited to come here by one of yours customers.”

Gippal had his arms slung over Baralai’s shoulders and was giving the guards a loopy grin.

The guard eyed the four.


“Aw, I think he told me Grat’s nest.” Gippal scratched his head. “My brains all a fussy, cuz I was drunk when he told me.”

“You?” The guard pointed to Yuna.

Yuna jumped, “I’m one of those. I’m lesbian and would like to have some… uhh fun.”

“Ohh,” Gata suddenly said, as if something just came to him. “The chap recommended someone… who was it?” Gata snapped his fingers a couple of times.

“Ahh, right, a name like louy and Rika.”

“No,” Baralai shook his head, “it was Lulu and Rikku. I have a much better memory then my friend here.” Baralai slapped Gata on the back.

“So which one of you wants Lulu and who wants Rikku?”

“We all do.” Gippal said with a smirk. “Orgy, I’m thinking.”

The guard blinked. “Well, that’s a first. Of course we’ve had threesomes and the like, but never a sixsome.” The guard slapped his knee. “Come in come in.”

The four walked in; someone lead them to a very large room.

“The girls will be in in a moment.”


“Get in there, wench!”

A short blond girl let out a shout as she was thrown into a room. Seconds later a black haired girl followed.

Both girls got to their feet and looked at their customers with wide eyes.

“What’s going on? They never said anything about us doing a group.” The blond put her hands on her hips.

“Rikku, don’t you recognize me?”

The blond jumped. “Who said that?”


Rikku watched as a tall brown haired girl walked up to her; she blinked a few times, then shrieked.

“Yuna? Is that you?” Rikku yelled. She covered her mouth, hoping nobody outside the room heard her.

Yuna nodded, “yes!”

Rikku ran across the room and hugged the girl she hadn’t seen in years.

Yuna started to cry, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

The other girl cleared her throat, crossing her arms. She had a almost jealous look on her face.

Rikku pulled away from Yuna. “Oh, Lulu this is my cousin Yuna. Remember I told you about her?”

Lulu nodded, “I remember.”

“Yuna, Lulu is my only friend in this place… actually… she’s the one whose kept me sane all these years.” Rikku smiled fondly at Lulu.

The guys looked at each other; they were completely being ignored, but they’d let the girls have their little reunion before they busted out of here.

“Rikku, is Lulu your special someone?” Yuna asked.

Rikku giggled, “yep!”

Lulu blushed, “she says it so freely.”

“That’s cause I like you so much.” Rikku said, for the first time remembering the guys.

Rikku hugged herself, giving Yuna a look. “Why did you guys come here?” her voice sounded suspicious.

“Rikku, I’m shocked at you! You’d think I’d come to a whore house and bring men to fool around with you?” Yuna shook her head.

Rikku frowned, “sorry, it’s just that I have a trust issue…”

“That’s understandable; we’re hear to save you.” Baralai said, pointing to Gippal. “Remember him?”

Lulu and Rikku looked at Gippal, their eyes wide. He was older now, but there was no mistaking who it was.

“Gippal escaped and I found him. He told me his story and told me of meeting you guys and others.” Baralai said, “we vowed that we’d find a way to save you and all the others.”

“They found out where the headquarters were and we found the records of everyone’s… er, sale.” Gata said.

Gippal smiled, “we’ve already saved three people; they were at the headquarters, waiting to be sold off.”

“But how?” Rikku whispered.

“Yes, how?” Lulu repeated.

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