Chapter 7

A/N Sorry, before you even began to read this, I'll let you know that this is a short chapter. I hope you like it anyway.

Gata sighed, looking up at the ceiling. Waiting around was killing him. He wanted to leave here and now and go save everyone, especially his best friend.

"Gata, what's your friend's name?" Baralai asked, figuring taking would help the time pass. They still had five hours until it got dark out. Five hours!

Gata glanced over at Baralai, Gippal and Yuna, who were still dressed as nuns, "his name is Luzzu, and he's seventeen years old."

Gippal blinked, "it's odd they're taking people of that age. Usually they take much younger children."

"You were thirteen, right?" Gata asked. 'Yevon, that's so horrible.'

Gippal nodded, "yeah and my friend, Tidus was eleven." Gippal said, sighing. He wondered if he would really see Tidus again, or any of the others that he'd met.

Baralai saw the sad look in Gippal's eyes and clinched his fists. The gentle soul really wasn't feeling so gentle anymore.

Standing up, Yuna walked to a door, "I'll be back," she whispered, going through the door where she knew the bathroom was.

"How did you get that girl to join you guys? She doesn't seem the type that would be doing something dangerous like this." Gata watched as Yuna closed the bathroom door.

Baralai shrugged, "Yuna's a friend, and I knew she was training to be a white mage so I thought having her with us would be a good idea, so I asked her and explained everything to her. She was quick to except." Baralai looked at Gippal, "I'm thinking she has her own reasons for helping. Who knows maybe she's been affected by these scum."

"A friend of hers being kidnapped?" Gippal suggested.

"Could be," Baralai said.

"Wow, I wonder if that's true, have I met her friend." Gippal looked up.

'Rikku, wherever you are right now, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to save you.' Yuna sighed, leaning against the sink. 'Don't worry, cuz, I'm coming to save you.'

The sixteen year old pushed herself away from the sink, leaving the bathroom. As she walked back where everyone else was, she blinked her eyes, hearing the others talking about her.

"Rikku Highwind, my cousin." Yuna said, looking at Gippal, "she was a hyper active blonde. She was only ten years old. I saw with my own two eyes as these men approached her... t-they grabbed her from behind. She screamed and struggled and I ran to help her."

Yuna blinked, tears falling down her cheeks, "I hit the one holding her and he backhanded me, sending me flying. I-I stood up and tried to follow but I-I was so dizzy..."

Yuna looked down, "I'll never understand why... why they took her and not me... "

Gippal stood up, walking over to Yuna. The white mage gasped when the al behd reached out to hug her. "Shh, you can stop crying. It wasn't your fault." he said. "I did meet a girl named Rikku and she looks how you described."

Yuna pushed away from Gippal, "really?"


"Dry up your tears, pretty lady, we'll find everyone and save them!" Gata exclaimed, jumping up from where he was sitting.

Yuna blinked, then blushed, realizing what Gata had called her; she smiled, "right, we will!" Yuna grinned, feeling better then she had in a long while.

"But in four and a half hours," Baralai reminded everyone. He sighed. Time was going too slow.

"Can't we just go?" Gata asked, "I'm so worried about Luzzu."

Gippal looked over at Gata and then back at Baralai. Baralai shook his head, "I'm sorry, you don't know how bad I want to go now, but I know it would be reckless to do it in broad daylight."

Gata's shoulder slumped, but he saw the truth in Gippal's words.

"Stand close to me," Yuna told the three boys. Gippal, Baralai and Gata walked closer to Yuna.

"Protect," Yuna said, waving her staff in small circles over each teen as she repeated the spell. Finally she cast the spell on herself.

"Good, now we have the upper hand," Gippal grinned.

"Remember what we told you Yuna," Baralai said.

"I remember; cast slowga on the men inside so you three can knock them out." Yuna held her staff tighter, nervously licking her lips.

"Don't worry, things will go well," Gata smiled at Yuna, trying to calm the girl down, though he felt just as nervous as she looked.

"I-I hope so," Yuna said as the four started to slowly walk toward the slavers headquarters.

"This is it," Baralai whispered, pointing to a decent size house.

Gata walked to the front door. He twisted the doorknob, seeing the door was locked. The teen smirked, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a piece of wire shaped into a lock pick.

After a few tries, the dark haired teen had the door open.

"It was a good thing we met you," Gippal said as they quietly walked into the house.

A/N Yep, like I said, short. R&R.

Review get this gear!

Chapter 8