Chapter 1

Baralai was a gentle soul, so when he found someone laying battered in the streets, he ran to his side, not thinking of his own safety. Baralai was like that. He’d scale a fifty-foot tree, the only reason being to save a little girl’s kitten. He’d dive into a roaring river, to save a drowning man, forgetting that he can’t swim. He’d run through a fire, to save the very person who started it. Baralai was like that. A gentle soul. So it was no surprise that he was possibly running into danger to save a complete stranger.

Baralai looked at the young man, and grimaced, it looked like he wasn’t breathing. He felt his chest tighten in fear, as he dropped to the boy’s side. Baralai reached out, with shaking hands, and gently turned the teen over, moaning in sympathy pain. The boy’s face was covered in many bruises and cuts.

Baralai silently thanked his mom for making him learn CPR, and leaned over pinching the man’s nose, gently puffing into his mouth. Then pumping on his chest. Back and forth he went.

Puffing, pumping, puffing, pumping.

His heart lept, when he felt the boy’s mouth move against his. Baralai set back, and smiled, the boy was breathing. Still not awake, but breathing.

“You’re going to be okay,” he whispered to the sleeping boy. Baralai reached down, brushing blond hair out of closed eyes. His hands on the boy must have startled the man awake, because he jerked, letting out a scared sound. Baralai leaned down and gathered the boy in his arms, helping him into sitting position.

Green eyes fluttered open, going wide in fear, as the boy Baralai was holding struggled to get away. The green-eyed boy blinked a few times and finally his vision focused, and he whimpered seeing that someone was holding him.

“Shh,” Baralai whispered, “it’s okay.” Baralai’s heart broke. Someone had totally damaged this boy, to the point he was even afraid of a gentle soul like Baralai. But gentle soul or not, Baralai felt like killing whoever did this to the boy. And that feeling scared him. He had never had hateful feelings before.

The blond tried again to get away. “Don’t,” Baralai whispered, “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Green eyes peered at Baralai’s golden-brown eyes. They seemed to be taking what Baralai said into consideration. At last, the boy relaxed, falling slack in Baralai’s arms.

Baralai heaved a sigh of relief. It would have been difficult if the boy struggled. Baralai wasn’t what you’d call a strong person, so carrying a struggling boy would prove almost impossible.

The blond was bigger then Baralai, so he did struggle a bit, but he managed to wrap his arms around his waist, lifting him over his shoulder.

Baralai was only sixteen, yet he lived alone. His parents had been killed, when he was fourteen. Baralai still didn’t know all the details, but ever since that day, he had lived by himself. He was lucky that his elderly neighbor had taken it upon herself to take care of him. But when she had died, last week, Baralai finally found himself alone.

Now there was this mystery boy, who had passed out. Baralai laid him down on his bed, wondering what had happened to him.

Baralai didn’t even know him, but even so he felt compelled to beg him to stay with him. Baralai was tired of being alone. He had no family, no friends, and it was a really lonely life.

Baralai walked to his kitchen and got a bowl, filling it with cool water. He then grabbed a clean rag.

He quietly made his way back to his room, going to the bed, and gently sitting down.

Baralai dipped the rag, throughly wetting it, then rigging it out. Bitting his tongue in concentration, Baralai patted the teen’s fevered forehead.

Startled green eyes shot open. Baralai grinned, “how are you feeling,” he asked, in a soothing voice?

The boy blinked, confused for a second, then they went wide, remembering before. Tears started to flow, making Baralai frown. “It’s okay,” Baralai whispered, “you’re safe here.”

“Really?” His voice was quiet and horse, like he wasn’t use to talking, or hadn’t in a long time.

“Sure,” Baralai smiled, dipping his rag again, placing it back on the boys fevered cheeks, then his forehead.

“W...who . . . ”

“I’m Baralai,” Baralai said, guessing he was asking his name. “You?”

The boy blinked again, seeming to think if he could trust Baralai, “G..G . . . Gippal,” he stuttered.

Baralai smiled, “you Al Behd?”

Gippal nodded, gasping in pain.

“Eww, sorry,” Baralai went to his bedside table, rooting for something. “This will help,” he said, holding out a little tube.


“It’s healing cream. Sort of like a potion, but in a cream.” Baralai set next to Gippal and squeezed a large dollop into his left hand. Setting the tube aside, Baralai rubbed his hands together, and started to gently rub the cream into Gippal’s skin.

Gippal’s eyes fluttered, as the feeling of Baralai’s hands rubbing his neck started to feel really good. When the pain started to leave, he opened his eyes and blushed. Baralai was raising his shirt, and starting to rub the cream onto his sore stomach.

Gippal’s taunt muscles responded to Baralai’s touch, making Baralai blush.

“Feel better,” Baralai asked, removing his hands?

“Mm,” Gippal nodded.

“Do you have any other injuries?”

Gippal turned beat red.

“What?” Baralai gave the blushing boy a questioning look.

“My . . . ” Gippal covered his face in embarrassment.

“What,” Baralai asked, stating to get worried? “Where are you hurt?”

“My thighs,” Gippal glanced down.

“Oh, well why didn’t you just say so,” Baralai smiled, “I can fix them up in no time.”

Gippal turned redder, if that was at all possible. “I can’t take my pants off. You have to. My back hurts too. I can’t move very well.”

Baralai nodded, biting his tongue, to stifle his blush, as he went to undo Gippal’s pants. “Button up pants,” he looked up at Gippal a small smile playing on his lips.

Gippal glared at the silver haired youth, surprisingly happy that he already felt so at home with him, “shush. Take em off. My legs are stinging.”

Baralai laughed, to cover his embarrassment. “Yessir!”

Gippal bit his tongue to keep from moaning out loud, when he felt Baralai’s hands brushing against his clothed cock.

Baralai’s breath caught in his throat. “So that’s why,” he whispered.

Gippal blushed, “yeah.”

“You don’t wear underwear.”


Baralai gulped, taking his eyes off Gippal’s member, and pulling his pants down his legs. His breath caught in his throat again, but for a different reason. Gippal’s legs were marred by many painful bruises and cuts.

Taking the tube he rubbed more of the cream into his hands, then he gently ran his hands up Gippal’s left thigh, coming very close to his crouch, because the bruises went that high.

Gippal’s eyes fluttered, the sensation becoming almost pleasurable, as the pain faded. He’d never had anyone touch him so gently. He almost felt like crying. How could someone he didn’t know care so much, and be so gentle to him.

“Better,” Baralai asked?

Gippal nodded, not trusting his voice.

“I’m going to do the right now.”

Gippal nodded again, biting hard on his tongue when he felt Baralai’s hands start to run up the length of his right thigh. Once again the sensation became almost pleasurable, when the pain started to fade. Gippal looked down and almost passed out. It looked so . . . It was really a big turn on. This beautiful silver haired youth, biting his tongue, running his hands gently up and down his leg.

“How’s that,” Baralai asked looking up, blushing when he saw Gippal’s intense stare.


Baralai smiled, “good. Now your back. Take your shirt off.”

Gippal turned red, “I can’t raise my arms . . . ”

“Oh, don’t worry.” Baralai went and set closer to Gippal, reaching out, and gently removing his shirt. Both boys looked at each other, seeming to remember that now, Gippal was completely naked.

Shaking his head, Baralai grabbed the tube, squeezing a large amount on Gippal’s back. He took some and massaged it in his arms. Then he returned his attention back to Gippal’s back, rubbing in gentle circles.

Gippal bit his tongue, his eyes closing. The soothing feel of Baralai’s hands on his back, was putting him to sleep. It was no surprise. It had been a long day for the young al behd.

Baralai finished, and looked at Gippal. “Aww.” The boy had fallen asleep, his head resting on Baralai’s shoulder.

Gently standing up, Baralai laid Gippal down, tucking him into the sheets.

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Chapter 2

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