Chapter 5

Walking to school a few days after Kisa’s party, Momiji found himself face to face with none other then Momo, in fact, he found himself on top of Momo.

He’d been lost in thought when he rammed into the younger girl, knocking her over. With a startled gasp, Momo fell to the ground, Momiji right on top of her.


“Owie,” Momo rubbed her head, staring confusedly around herself. What had just happened? Where did the boy go that ran into her?

Momo blinked, looking down. “Huh?” She reached down, picking up a shaking rabbit.

The rabbit squeaked, trying to get away.

“Hey, calm down little guy, I won’t hurt you.” Momo started to pet the bunny.

Momo stood up, “where’d you come from anyway?” Momo asked the rabbit.

‘Oh no! This has got to be the worse thing to ever happen to me! What will I do? Akito will kill me! There’s no doubt that Momo’s going to find out.’ Momiji fretted, his little legs kicking.


The whole Sohma clan was in a uproar; Momiji Sohma, the fifteen year old cutie pie everyone loved so much was missing.

Momiji had been missing for three days and Haru was almost beside himself with worry. Even Kyo, who didn’t like to show it, cared about Momiji and was worried.

Surprisingly Yuki noticed this and that made him happy; Kyo was human after all.


Momo gave Kisa a questioning look. The girl seemed really upset; in fact she’d been crying, Momo could tell. Kisa’s eyes were blood red and she keep sniffling.

Finally finding the courage, Momo walked over to her cousin.

“E-excuse me, Kisa.” Momo whispered, feeling afraid of rejection.

Kisa looked up, her eyes going wide at seeing Momo.

“Yes?” Kisa said, sub-consciously looking around for Akito.

“I-I’m sorry for bothering you, but I couldn’t help but notice… you seem really sad. Are you okay?” Momo gave a small smile.

Kisa looked at Momo, her eyes falling as she started to sob.

Momo startled, putting an arm around Kisa’s shoulders. Momo didn’t even think anything of it as she started to lead Kisa toward her house; they were pretty close to her house luckily.


He didn’t know why he was doing it, but he was. Kyo was glancing down at Yuki, watching him as he slept. Yuki looked so interesting when he slept. And dare he say it, cute. Kyo blushed, shaking his head. ‘What nonsense is this? Why am I thinking of Yuki this way?’

Kyo leaned down, bringing his face mere inches from Yuki’s. “What are you dreaming about?” Kyo asked, of course not expecting any kind of answer.

Suddenly Yuki’s eyes opened. They went wide, seeing the closeness of Kyo’s lips to him.

“What are you doing?” Yuki snapped, pushing Kyo away from him. Yuki’s cheeks colored a delightful red.

Kyo, who ended up on his bum, looked up at Yuki.

“Hey! What’s the big idea, I wasn’t doing anything.” Kyo crossed his arms, fuming.

“Oh yeah, well, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were about to kiss me.” Yuki said, jumping up from the couch.

“But as if you’d ever want to do something like that with me.” Yuki said, running out of the room.

The feeling in the rat’s chest hurt so much; Yuki wanted to scream and cry. Why did the cat have to hate the rat? Why couldn’t they forget about the curse and get along?

Kyo blinked, the anger he felt fading when he caught something Yuki probably meant to hide. The look on Yuki’s face when he said that looked so sad.

“Could Hana really be right?” Kyo murmured. ‘Does Yuki like me?’ Hurriedly Kyo got to his feet, running after Yuki.

Catching up with Yuki, Kyo grabbed the teen’s arm, “Yuki.”

Yuki gave Kyo a startled look, “what?”

“Do you like me?” Kyo blurted out; his eyes went wide.

“Kyo, why would you ask a question like that?” Yuki said, not at all answering Kyo’s question.

“I don’t really know.” Kyo admitted. “I just want to know, I guess.”

Yuki wasn’t one for lying, so he stood straight, ready to answer truthfully, “to tell you the truth, Kyo, I do like you. I don’t hate you at all. I only fight with you because no matter what, you won’t give up. I have nothing against you or the cat… I honestly just wish we could let the past be the past and get along.”

Yuki pulled away from Kyo, “excuse me, I’m going out with Haru to look for Momiji.”

Kyo blinked, his cheeks red. So Yuki did like him, but Kyo still didn’t know in what way.

“Can I help?” Kyo quietly asked.

“You’re worried?” Yuki grabbed a coat, putting it on.

Kyo shrugged, “a little bit.”

“Yes, you can help,” Yuki said, tossing Kyo his coat.

“Thanks…” Kyo said, passing Yuki as they walked outside, “by the way, I kinda feel the same way too.”

Having told Yuki that, Kyo felt a million times better.




Haru looked up and down, and all around for the little bunny, but no matter where he, Yuki and Kyo went, they couldn’t find the teen.

“Sorry, Haru, it doesn’t look like he’s around.” Yuki said, coming to a stop in front of Haru.

Haru sighed, hanging his head.

“I’m so worried. Momiji is so small and cute. Some pervert could have picked him up on the way to school. Why did I have to skip school that day? I should have made myself go and walk Momiji there.”

Yuki patted Haru on the shoulder, “I’m sure he’s okay.”

Kyo walked over to the two, “I don’t see him.”

Haru broke down, crying. Yuki sputtered catching Haru in his arms when the teen fell toward him. “Shh, there, there.” Yuki said, hugging the cow.

A spark of jealously came out of nowhere, nearly knocking Kyo to the ground. Kyo blinked a few times, his mouth falling open. ‘Huh…’ The cat rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Hana was right… I do like… him.’

“Good God.” Kyo suddenly gasped.

Yuki and Haru looked up at Kyo, raising their eyebrows. “What’s wrong, Kyo?” Yuki asked, his eyes widening as he watched Kyo fall to the ground.

“Kyo!” Yuki hollered, pulling away from Haru. He ran over to the cat, dropping to his knees.

Kyo opened his eyes, then he laughed… and laughed and laughed.

Yuki gave him a worried look, “Kyo, did you hit your head?”

“No, I just realized the truth and I feel so free. Hehe haha, this is great.” Kyo continued to laugh.

“What truth?”

“The neko fell for the nezumi.”

A brilliant shade of red appeared on Yuki’s face, “w-what?”

“That’s cute! Kyo likes Yuki.” Haru suddenly exclaimed, forgetting his tears.

“Okay, now that we have that little confession out of the way, can we please go look for Momiji some more?” Haru asked.

A/N Please review!

Review get this gear!

Chapter 6