Chapter 1

A/N Okay people, your probably saying, ‘Rikku what are you doing, starting another fanfic when you have all these other unfinished fics? Well, it’s because I have the next three days off, and I’ve been dying to do this, (Write a Momiji Piece) and I have writers block for some of my other fics and it helps for me to write other stuff. Warning, this will have yaoi. Because, how can it not? Who the pairings are, are for me to know and you to find out. Mwaha ha ha. Please review!

Oh and just so you know: This is AU. (Momo is older in this) It’s based on the anime, so manga characters like Rin won’t show up, (I haven’t read that far in the manga yet.) and Akito is a male.


People on the outside would look at Momiji Sohma and think he was just your typical, ordinary boy, who happened to have clothes issues. If asked they would say, he was bouncy, hyper and never without a happy smile. They would also say the young teen never seemed angry or upset.

But this was just his outside appearance. It was all an act. Momiji wasn’t the type to bring others down, so he always acted like everything was in tip top shape. He didn’t want them to waist time worrying about him.

Often Momiji found himself all alone under a bridge near his highschool, (where he was right now) thinking about her. If you knew he spent a lot of his time thinking about a girl, you’d most likely assume he was thinking about his crush, and not the sister that never knew him.

But that was who he was thinking about. Momo. Sweet little Momo. So innocent and young. She’d never imagine that her life was a lie. Or that her mother rejected her own son. But she did.

Momiji wondered how Momo would act, if he were to tell her. Of course she would laugh and not believe him. Momiji knew Momo was lead to believe that he was her distant cousin.

Momiji didn’t know why Akito didn’t allow him and the other Zodiac have contact with her. They were supposed to be cousins after all. He felt sorry for her almost more then he felt sorry for himself. How sad, she must feel that her cousins don’t associate with her.

Momiji sighed, leaning against the bridge, glad for the cover. All he needed was for someone to find him and wonder what he was thinking about.

"Momo," Momiji whispered, his eyes closed. Her image popped up into his head. They were only a few years apart in age, and looked quite alike. The people outside the main Sohma family just thought it was because the two were cousins. Momo thought the same.

Momiji lowered himself, not caring when the concrete from the bridge scratched his back. Taking a deep breath, he found himself thinking about the meeting that he had with Akito the other day. He had gone to ask why they couldn’t associate with Momo.


Akito peered out from under his long hair, at the little cross-dresser. Momiji looked up at Akito his shaking visible. Akito slightly smirked. "What brings you here," he asked in a soft smooth voice?

Momiji opened his mouth, the words he had practiced over and over again, coming out in a stutter, "A. . . . Akito s. . . . sir," he began, "it’s about my s...sister."

Akito snarled, his face turning angry. "What about that wench?"

Momiji winced. He hated how Akito blamed Momo for what his mother did. "I want permission to talk to her. Permission for anyone who wants to, to talk to her."

"Out of the question," Akito yelled, his face growing red. "I won’t hear of it. If she gets to close to us, she’ll learn and it won’t be a good thing! I’m only doing this for you. I care for you, you know."

Akito always said that. He was doing this or that because he cared about everyone and didn’t want them to be hurt. He attacked Hatori, because he didn’t want him and Kana to be married. He said he did that for him. Because he cared. ‘Don’t you know that you can never embrace her? I don’t want you to be hurt," he had yelled.

Momo sighed. Would he ever be able to talk to his sister?

"Be gone! HATORI!"

Hatori ran into the main house, having heard the shout. "Akito!" His eyes went to the angry Akito then to the now tearing Momiji. "Don’t fuss," he scolded, "it’s not good for your health, you know that."

Akito waved his hand, dismissing the comment, "who cares, I’m gonna die anyway. Get rid of him." He pointed to Momiji.

Hatori nodded, going over to Momiji. Taking his younger cousin by the hand he lead him out of the main house. They walked to their little house.

"Momiji," Hatori whispered, "what was that about?"

"Momo," was all he said, as he ran into the house.

/End Flashback/

"I shouldn’t have said anything. Now Hatori is going to act all worried about me." Momiji grunted in frustration. He didn’t want to put that on Hatori’s shoulders. After all the dragon had took him in, after his mom’s memory was erased.


Momiji jumped, hearing the female voice. He planted a happy grin on his face and ran out from under the bridge. "Here, I am," he shouted his voice sounding happy like it normally did.

Tohru giggled, "what were you doing under there?"

Shrugging, Momiji walked over to the only outsider who knew of the Zodiac curse. "Oh, I was hiding," he lied, a giggle in his voice. It was true enough, but still a lie.

"Oh, Momiji, who could you possibly be hiding from?"

Momiji grinned, "the Momiji fan club of course." It was true. He did have a small group of fans. It seemed all the Sohmas had fans. "One of them even tried to hug me." Momiji was glad that wasn’t a lie. One of the girls did try to hug him, a week ago.

"It’s cause you’re so cute," Tohru said, "come on, I think the fan people are gone, although Yuki’s is still around."

Momiji cringed. Yuki’s fan club was rabid. It was scary really. As if on cue, the two friends could hear a group of girls starting up the ‘Yuki Chant.’

"Y-U-K-I, Yuki, Yuki, nananana, nanaanna YUKI!"

"That gets really annoying," Momiji said, covering his ears.

"You have no idea," Yuki remarked, joining them. "Just wait till your fans start a song."

"Oh please no," Momiji groaned.

Both boys rolled their eyes when they heard Tohru trying her best to stifle her giggling behind her hands. "Miss Honda, if you want to laugh, go ahead."

Tohru’s eyes went to Momiji . . .

"I don’t care," Momiji said, with a big smile on his face, "it is a funny thought. What would they ever sing?"

Tohru nodded, and let out her uncontrollable laughter, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Oh, Momiji, it too cute."

"If you’re not carful, she’ll be the one to make up the ‘Momiji fan club song,’" Yuki whispered to Momiji.

Momiji shrugged, "let her. If it makes her happy, I don’t care." He paused, putting a finger to his temple, "ah, as long as she doesn’t teach the song to the fan people."

He’s always so nice. Yuki shook his head, "okay, but I warned you."

Tohru snapped her fingers, a big smile lightning up on her face, "I know!" She gave a twirl and started to quietly sing, Momiji’s Song. "Who’s in the forest, strolling? The birds and the be . . ."

"No." Momiji put a hand over Tohru’s mouth. "Not that."

Tohru started to pout, "but it’s so cute," she said, when he removed his hand.

"Annoying you mean," Kyo remarked, seeming to have overheard the whole conversation.

"You don’t have to be mean, stupid cat," Yuki calmly said, slightly glaring at Kyo.

"Shut up, Rat. Nobody asked you," Kyo shouted. "Besides it was annoying."

Yuki agreed but didn’t see why, Kyo had to go shouting it to Momiji.

Tohru had gone white, worriedly looking from Kyo and Yuki as they yelled at each other, afraid they would start another physical fight.

Momiji sighed. Of course nobody noticed. What Kyo said did hurt him, but he was didn’t want to show it. "It’s okay," he smiled, "you don’t have to yell. Kyo is right. It was annoying. I was younger then."

"That was three months ago." Kyo just had to point that out.

Momiji’s smile wavered for a moment, but was back before anyone could notice, "well I’ve matured in those months." Before anyone could say anything back, he bowed, "goodbye," and ran away, heading for home.

The three teens watched him all with puzzled looks on their faces. "Hey, where’s he going," Tohru mumbled?

"Yeah, the next class is just about to start," Yuki added.

"Who cares, he probably just forgot something he needs for his next class," Kyo said, with a shrug.

Oops. Why did I run? I still have three more classes. I guess I just couldn’t stand standing there for another second with that painful smile on my face.

What will I say to Hatori?

Sick . . . yeah, I can say I got sick.

Momiji paused reaching the gates to the Sohma compound. He walked over to the intercom box and pressed the button.

"Please state your name and business here," a voice spoke.

This is stupid. Why do we need this much security? Is Akito afraid random people are going to come in and start hugging the Zodiac members?

"Momiji Sohma. I live here," he said, his voice slightly annoyed.

"Oh, Master Momiji, forgive me. Come on in." The gate opened and Momiji walked through.

Making his way through the housed, Momiji came to his and Hatori’s. He took a deep breath then walked in.


Momiji jumped. Oh someone’s getting a check up.

"That hurt, you big meany."

A smile quirked at the corners of Momiji’s mouth. "Hatori must be using his big needle again."

"Ow, Tori! You did that on purpose. That’s going to bruise, you big brute."

"Oh quit whining, Shigure, or I’ll take another blood sample."

"Why would you need to do that?"

"Well, I could accidently drop this little tube."

"That’s just cruel."

Momiji quietly tip toed passed Hatori’s office to his room. Getting to his room, he went over to his bed and set down.

Laying down, he reached over to his bed side table and opened the drawer. Reaching inside he pulled out a photo. He smiled looking at the happy, smiling face of his sister. It was a class photo and was given to him by Kisa. Kisa was in the same grade and in the picture.

Kisa had shrugged, saying, ‘I just thought . . . well, you know, would like it."

She didn’t know how much he had wanted a picture of his sister.

Smiling, Momiji hugged the picture to his chest, "Momo. Will you ever know?"

A/N aww, I feel sorry for Momiji. Say does anyone know the names of his parents? I don’t recall if it was ever mentioned in the anime.

BTW, I do want this to be a yaoi, and am open to any pairings. So who do you all want to be paired up? And more importantly, who do you want Momiji to be paired up with?

What you say, may or may not affect this fic. I sort of have an idea, but I haven’t made up my mind yet. And just so you know, I don’t really care about the age differences in relationships. Well I do, if were talking about Hiro (I think he’s 12) being paired with Hatori (27?), but other then that, the couples could be anyone.

Please review!

Review get this gear!

Chapter 2

IMPORTANT NOTE: Can you please tell me what fic you are reviewing so I will know what you are talking about. Thank you!