Chapter 6

The hug was so unexpected that it made the much smaller teen stumble back a few steps. This resulted in Ryo tripping over his own two feet.

The fifteen year old let out a gasp as he fell to the ground with the much heavier weight of fourteen year old Dee landing on him.

Ryo winced in pain, biting his lower lip.

Dee quickly scrabbled off Ryo, his eyes wide in fright and worry. “Ryo, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Dee asked, helping Ryo to his feet.

The weak teen smiled, trying to hide the pain he was feeling. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he lied. It wasn’t that big of a deal; he’d been in much worse pain. His back would probably bruise, but it wasn’t the end of the world.

One bruise wouldn’t kill him, but if his parents saw it, Ryo was sure they’d panic, thinking the cancer had returned. Ryo sighed. Every time he got a bruise, he was always dragged off to the hospital so it could be determined if it was a regular bruise or not.

Dee gave Ryo a sideways look, one step away from sighing in relief, but there was just something about Ryo that told him he wasn’t being truthful.

“You sure?” Dee asked.

Ryo smiled, surprising Dee with a hug. Dee was proud to admit he didn’t fall as Ryo did, though this hug was just as unexpected.

“Don’t hug me like that,” Ryo said, looking up at Dee, his face flushed.

“You don’t want me to hug you?” Dee asked, perplexed, because Ryo had just hugged him and was still holding him.

Ryo shook his head, “no, I didn’t mean that. Umm… what I mean is… well… you really startled me… and I’m not very strong… you hugged me so fast and it was so unexpected…”

Dee grinned; it was so cute how flushed Ryo was as he tried to get his point across.

“I think I understand.”


Dee nodded, “yeah, I’ll remind myself not to suddenly do something like that again. I’m sorry you fell.”

“It’s okay.” Ryo grinned, his eyes shining, his cheeks flushed. He lowered his head against Dee’s chest, sighing deeply.

“I wanna…” Ryo murmured.

“What?” Dee tilted his head to the side, looking down at Ryo as he suddenly clamped up.

Ryo looked up at Dee, his face flaring up. “N-nothing… umm, well, I was just…” Ryo paused, as if trying to think of what to say. “well, I was going to ask you… if I could come over again, if the others were going to again…”

For some reason to Dee that didn’t sound like the truth. It was almost as if Ryo had wanted to ask or tell Dee something else, but at the last minute he chickened out, saying something different.

Dee shook his head, pushing those thoughts away.

“Of course.” Dee grinned, then flushed. They were still embracing in the middle of the school ground. Ryo seemed to come to realize this, too, and quickly pulled away from Dee, a cute tinge spraying over his equally cute nose.


This was a setup, Dee was sure. He crossed his arms, cursing and thanking his friends at the same time. At the last minute all three of his friends had pulled out, saying they had a change of plans. Dee and Ryo were already at Dee’s house, and Dee really didn’t want Ryo to leave.

‘Oh, yes, I’m sure Diana had a talk with JJ and Drake.’ Dee glanced over at Ryo, who was sitting on his bed, looking around the room at… the posters on his wall.

Dee blushed, realizing how it must look to Ryo, seeing all these posters of hunky heartthrobs. It was probably a little uncomfortable to Ryo.

“Ohh!” Ryo jumped up from Dee’s bed, going to one poster. “That’s Johnny Depp. I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2.” Ryo grinned, “he’s so funny in it.”

Dee chuckled. “Yeah.” ‘Not to mention very hot.’

Ryo walked around the room, looking at each poster, “Jake Gillanhal(SP?) and Heath Legder.(SP?)”

Dee nodded, looking at the poster from ‘Brokeback Mountain.’

“That was a sad movie,” Ryo murmured.

Dee blinked, surprised, “what, you’ve seen it?”

“Yeh huh, mom made dad and I watch it.” Ryo grinned, “and would you believe it, my dad had tears in his eyes, though he claimed he got some dust in them.”

Dee grinned; thinking about Ryo watching a homosexual movie with his parents was rather amusing. Ryo must have been very uncomfortable. He could just imagine the look on Ryo’s face when he realized what kind of movie he was watching.

“So what do you want to do?” Dee asked Ryo. “Sorry that the others flaked out. Not going into too much detail, JJ and Drake were a little too busy to come over and Diana decided to go to one of her girl friend’s houses.”

“Oh, that’s okay.” Ryo smiled. He liked spending time with Dee.

Ryo shrugged, returning to Dee’s bed. He set down, glancing over at Dee. “I don’t know what I want to do. I suppose we can do whatever you want to.”

Dee almost smirked, dirty thoughts quickly assaulting his mind.

“How bout…” ‘Making out… “uh…” Dee chuckled. “I don’t know either.”

Ryo started to laugh, Dee soon joining in.

“Well, we’re never going to get anywhere if we go at this pace… so…” Ryo giggled, grabbing one of Dee’s pillows. “Pillow fight,” Ryo shouted, just as he smacked Dee with the fluffy pillow.

“Hey!” Dee shouted. He quickly grabbed a pillow and stood in a pillow fighting stance. “I’ll get you for that.”

“You don’t have the guts,” Ryo taunted, backing away from Dee. “You wouldn’t hit me, now would you?”

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong; you may be weaker then the average person, but you’re not glass and a harmless pillow whack to the head won’t hurt you.”

For some reason Ryo beamed, catching Dee off guard.

That was so totally true. Ryo wasn’t a glass doll that would break at any given moment. He hated the way everyone always coddled him, not letting him have any fun. Everyone always treated him like a invalid, as if he was too sick to do anything, but Dee treated him differently. Dee saw that under the sickness, Ryo was just like any other person.

That made Ryo so happy.


“Ah…” Ryo stared at Dee with wide eyes, a hand going to his head. “You really did hit me.” His voice sounded amazed. He blinked few minutes, dropping his pillow. “Haha, I can’t believe you did that.” Ryo bent over, laughing.

Dee blinked. He hadn’t hurt Ryo, had he?

“Dee, you’re the first one to treat me normally. Thank you.”

Dee smiled. “You’re welcome.”

Dee dropped his pillow and walked over to Ryo, who almost looked like he was glowing from happiness.

“I don’t want to startle you, so I’ll tell you. I’m going to hug in in two seconds.”

Ryo looked up, blushing. He grinned, nodding his head. “Okay.”

‘Aww…’ Dee stepped closer to Ryo, hugging him as tightly as Ryo could stand.

Not really thinking, Dee breathed in Ryo’s ear, “would it be okay if I kissed you?”

‘Ahhh, why did I ask that!? Stupid Dee! Stupid! Can’t I control my hormones?’

A/N Yay! Cliffie!! Please review!

Review get this gear!
Chapter 7