Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction

The Christmas Gift
Author: Rikku
Rating: T13
Length: 1 chapter
Warnings: yaoi
Pairings: Riku/Sora
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Riku is thrilled to hear that his best friend's brother is coming home for X-mas. Riku has missed Sora dearly and hopes to give the teen the perfect present this year. Roxas has an idea. He knows what Riku can get Sora.

Author: Rikku
Rating: T13 (for now)
Length: 1 chapter
Warnings: yaoi, yuri
Pairings: ?
Status: Incomplete
Summary: It's now time to celebrate! King Mickey is inviting everyone to his castle to celebrate the defeat of Xemnas. Sora, Riki, Kairi and the others are going. Who will they meet from their past travels?

Home Again
Author: Rikku
Rating: T13 (for now)
Length: 7 chapters
Warnings: yaoi, maybe yuri, OOC, AUish(but the events in KH1 and KH2 did happen). Angst, romance, cuteness, fluffyness, humor. DON'T READ IF YOU'VE NOT BEATEN KH2!! I Do not want to spoil anyone.
Pairings: None as of yet
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Axel died and Roxas went to live in Sora's heart again, but can this really stop a love so strong? I think not. Axel meets a girl who may be able to help him 'live' again. Meanwhile, Riku is overcome with worry when Sora gets a unknown illness. What happened to Sora?

Shiva's Song
Author: Rikku
Rating: T13 (for now)
Length: 17 chapters
Warnings: Songfic(sort of), yaoi, maybe yuri, OOC, AU. Cute and Fluffy with some Angst on the side.
Pairings: Wakka/Tidus, Axel/Roxas
Status: Incomplete
Summary: A Fic, about the kids on Destiny Island. Sora meets a new girl, who drags the name of his crush out. It just so happens it's none other of his guy friends. What will the girls do to see that Sora's feelings are returned? Will whatever they do help Sora or shatter a close friendship?

What Santa Told Me
Author: Rikku
Rating: T13
Length: Oneshot
Warnings: yaoi
Pairings: You'll see
Status: complete
Summary: Selphie wants Riku to do something; she gives him the look and Riku give in.

Sora's forced to sit on Santa's lap. And what's this? Sora tells Santa what he truly wants for X-mas.
