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oi oi oi. and all that generic punk rock shit.

Here I go, and it's over. i eAt pEopLe

I've come to the conclusion that the way that my webpage was set up simply wasn't working, so until I take in initiative and actually learn (or someone decides to teach me) how to do frames, I decided to revamp it like this. From now on, there will be a link to THIS page (ie, all the following little buttons you see) from all the other pages; if you want to view another page you've got to come back to this one. Tedious, I'm aware, but to tell the truth, I just hate having to make all those links several times over. It's not fun... And while you're here, remember to sign the guestbook.






lookit my slambook!
fill out a bajillion questions and make reecie a happy gurl

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