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i lounge like a bastad
in th backseat
wrappd round with holy social discomfort
This newly fetishised silence
buzzes like no flies
like a calm just taken up and tried on for size
Obsessed with so-so sewing metaphores
totally unplanned
but unaviodable since reading Tailor of Panama
for once glad i don't know th full history of a region
-would've spoilt th ending.
look up.
expect reproachful eyes
but none appear
only head nod
mimics th gold wobbling dashboard creatures
he's seen too much of them i figure.
shut up.
have t quiet my own head down
and dig deep into these blank lined pages.
a cardiograph that rouses no nurses
body just resting peaceful at last.
nothing left to do
but arrive now
ride th rest of this lazy weirdness out
just got to put th restless fucking pen down.
here it goes.

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