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Night Out


What hand's this?
and spins about
'you lark!
Up earlier than th dark is it?
driven far?'
and she warbled
merrily on
welcome to do so
now i knew who it was
that spun me about so sharp.

'To th pub then!'
as soon as said as in
and (drinks) down
our warped spines
wrinkled almost
to fit on th pew
and damp to th bloody marrow.

She swilled a hard-as-nails measure
round her tight but gabby gob
and then spat a likely story
of previous miles, men and memories trod
and me under th table almost!
hand bent in an effort to produce
a home-brewed smile
from a yard of swill.

But where does th time go?
Watch on th table when i run to th bog
come back and it's gone
has she pocketed it to pay for another?
wouldn't put it past her
Barman Bah-humbuggling by now
'Out! Come on! Out!'
and knows by our blue muttering
that we're cold,
finally breaks out a lonely lump of coal
to join its brother
in back of th wood burner
'Not too close,
Lest He burn!'
'Right you shits!
Shut up',
that's it then and
we'r turnd out
'Last warning!'
to spin again
Left her jacket inside

Halfway down th hill
before we know it
sort of a bit like sledging
if you forget where yore legs are
and neither of us
see th parked car
'til well into morning.

we'll never afford a home