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A Brief Synopsis of Katrina's Mortal Existence

I was born in the small town of Provo, Utah. Three days later, I had to move to Orem. It was a big adjustment, what with the culture change and all. When I was small, I fell out of a lot of trees. I dropped out of ballet and joined the Little League. My brothers taught me how to hit hard. My poor, poor husband. During high school, I hung out with my friends and spent many hours in a pool. Then, when I was a freshman in college, I met my hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love, Nils Anders Rasmusson. Nils was my home teacher from church, and then we got a class together at school. He became my best friend in about a week. He had to move back to Connecticut, where he is from, to prepare for his mission, and my poor little heart was broken. It was then that I realized I sorta loved him and stuff. Anyways, Nils went on his mission, we wrote lots, he came home, and we got married on April 22, 2000. You've probably gathered that from the other links on our lovely homepage. I currently have no hobbies. I have spent the past few years erasing all the interests I once had, and writing papers for school instead. I will soon graduate with my Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy and Behavioral Science, both of which have exhausted all my creative efforts. Despite the fact that I have no hobbies, I'm a fun girl!

Looook, it's MEEEEEEE!

Things That Sorta Bug Me...
(Disclaimer: I created this list when I was having a bad day. I considered removing it, but decided that it's just an innocent way to vent. Besides, my mommy likes it.)
  • The fact that 90% of all my co-workers have been mutants.
  • People who eat with their mouths open...or chomp their food in a loud manner.
  • People who drive under the speed limit...what the heck?
  • People who are too too too serious.
  • Kimberly Perkins of KTVX, channel 4, broadcasting out of Salt Lake City. Actually, make that the whole News 4 Utah News team.
  • Mall chicks. Eat a steak, girls!
  • People who say, "Are ya okay? You seem a little tense", and then proceed to touch my shoulder in a caring manner.
  • Check-out girls/guys who don't say "Thanks, have a nice day!"
  • Check back periodically for additions to this list!
  • Update: Kimberly Perkins is no longer on the news, so I don't have her to bother me any more. Thank goodness!

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