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lyrics to songs are under the latest appearance on whichever recording.


Finer Troubles


Level 3 lyrics: Tim It’s so hard to turn around from your life’s past, it’d be nice to get away once in a while, Sometimes it’s like being trapped in a whole far away, People just don’t understand what it’s like trying to live for God today, I knoe he’s behind no matter what I say. IN MY TEENAGE YEAR I BECAME CONFUSED AND STRUGGLED TO FIND THE WAY, BUT NOW A LITTLE OLDER I BEGIN TO SEE THE LIGHT AND START TO FEEL O.K. Now that I christ is in my life things begin to fall into place, God is behind no matter what happens, Now that I know what my true calling is thing begin to fall into place, things are starting to happen that never happened before.

Static-Doormen lyrics: Josh What’s the difference between a fool who keeps quiet and a wise man who won’t shut-up, If you have an answer keep it to yourself don’t want to hear it, SHUT-UP!!!, SHUT-UP!!!, SHUT-UP!!! I’M SORRY, BUT I’M NOT, IF WHAT I SAY OFFENDS ANYONE. .BUT THAT’S THE WAY IT IS!! Don’t tell me the ideals you rely on, Don’t shaow me the thing’s you place value in, I don’t want any of your junk, just take away all of your sin. JESUS CHRIST, LORD GOD, NO MERE MORTAL MAN, SUPREME BEING, CREATOR OF EVERYTHING!!! (X2)

No Coast Punk

In Short lyrics: Josh Jesus is God in the flesh Christ flawless lamb of God then He was crucified although He never sinned. OUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN DON’T YOU LOVE IT WE RECIEVED SALVATION ALTHOUGH WE DON’T DESERVE IT.(X2)

Love of My Life lyrics: Josh You’re the love of my life Jesus Christ Lord God in the flesh You died and rose 3 days later You are my great savior and so that is why I devote my life to You there is nothing I’d rather do thank You thank You SHED BLOOD JESUS YOU ARE AWESOME YOU LIVED A LIFE OF LOVE THEN ROLLED AWAY THE STONE

Friday Night lyrics: Josh And to this day I’ve never been the same I just grow and grow And You love me indefinitely I want more and more WHO CARES WHAT OTHERS THINK I DON’T CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK OF ME(X2) And I look back to when I dreamed and when I lacked only You and You And they’ve come true ever since I was found by You give me more and more to be blunt quite simply what I have to say is I love You Lord I love You God I love You Father I thank You Jesus I love You I love You GOD.

un recorded as of yet

8 Months lyrics: Tim It’s been 8 months and I can’t tell wants go’in on. And I can’t cry, these feelings got me churning up inside. AND I DON’T KNOW IF ICAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU, I’M NOT SURE IF THESE FEELINGS WILL CHANGE, BUT THE ONE THING THAT I’M SURE OF IS THAT I’M NOT SURE OF IS WHAT’S BECOME OF ME. Torn up inside, I can’t stand to be myself anymore, it’ll have to wait, the fact that I can’t be what I want to be. I’m sick of changing, sick of rearranging my unconsious thoughts, I,ve had enough of being with out love from my family. I’m tired of all the confusion I’m sick of all your intrusion, you never cared. I don’t wanna be, but I wanna be alone, do you understand?

Never Turn Around lyrics: Earl W. Run and hide thoughts of me are coming back to you. I know I didn’t need to ever hear it from you. I can’t seem to understand the reason that you lied. It’s just a mystery to me BUT, WHEN I GO FOR A WALK AT NIGHT I CAN’T GET YOU OFF OF MY MIND. IT’S JUST THE THOUGHTS OF WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN AND WHY THIS COULD EVER END. BUT AS I WALK AWAY I NEVER TURN AROUND.(X2) But now, now that it’s over I want to say something. You know that you have already made up my mind. It’s done, it’s all over it’s been real fun. I’m though you won’t listen no matter what I do. BUT IF WE EVER CROSS ONE DAY WOULD WE EVER SAY WHAT OUR MINDS WERE THINKING AND NOT CARE ANYWAY. BUT AS I WALK AWAY IN NEVER TURN AROUND.(X2)

No, Please, No lyrics: Josh My my how times have changed look what I’ve become. May seem conceded but now I’m a better person. But did you know me then, I’m still stuck with the same problem will it ever be ridden. PC) I’ve had enough I try to escape people try toconvince me that I’m O.K. I need a break I’m just an average guy, I need to run hide. I NEED TO SAY WHAT I’M FEELING, NIGHT AND DAY WHAT I’M THINKING. I HEARD YOU SAY WHAT I DON’T NEED TO HEAR, WHY OH WHY OH WHY NOT ME! My heart is scabbed up from being tortured so hasn’t it been through enough I wish the pain would stop. But it’s unknown to you by my knowledge. What I feel for isn’t forbidden. My emotions have been: kicked, stomped, crushed, battered, whomped, doinked, bonked, fried, smothered, konked, punched, beaten, toyed with mashed chomped eaten road killed crashed.

Change My Life lyrics: Tim The search is over, I’ve found what I’ve been looking for, I’m face to face with a decision that’ll change my life. And I accept the challenge, to better myself for today, even though I know imperfection is in my life. EXAMINE MY HEART, PURGE MY SOUL, I WANT TO BE PERFECT IN YOUR EYES. I LOOK AT MYSELF, AND CRUCIFY MY FLESH, I WANT YOU TO TAKE CONTROL. You satisfy me, I will never hunger or thirst again, and I know you’ll always be right there by my side. When I fall down, your always there to pick me up, and I know you’ll always be right by my side.

No Longer Seventeen lyrics: Tim Jesus Christ, light of the world, how I long to be with you. Too often, I fall short of your glory, just want to praise your name. YOU WILL CATCH ME WHEN I FALL, WITH YOU I’LL BE O.K. YOU WILL EMBRACE ME WHEN I FALL, COME IN AND MAKE ME WHOLE Oh God, I need you now, more than ever, I need your touch. Fallen again, I feel condemned, with one prayer I’m whole again. So many things I cry about, so many I can’t figure out. JESUS I NEED YOU NOW (x2)

What Happened to Tina? lyrics: Tim, Josh The tear I cry when I think about, all the pain you have and what it’s got you into, just give it back to the one who saved you. All the confusion life can bring, can dim the light of the beautiful things, that God has placed into all of our lives. WHAT HAPPENED TO TINA? I HAVEN’T SEEN HER IN SO LONG. WHAT HAPPENED TO TINA? GUESS I HAD TO SAY SO LONG. What happened to Tina? Is she O.K., she’s getting into things she shouldn’t be, I pray she will let herself FREE. What happened to Tina? Something’s gone wrong, touch her with your power O ’GOD so very strong, comfort her in her time of need.

They’re Not a Heathen Band, They’re Heathens in a Band lyrics: Josh Did God save you from hell or not, haven’t you been plucked from the devil’s lot, God creator of time and space, author of healing mercy and grace. Substitution for satan’s contract , Jesus took the lashes on His back, He should be your number one priority, pilot not co-pilot put Him in the drivers seat. WHOA OH WHOA OH.......WHOA OH WHOA OH! BUT YOU’RE ONLY CHRISTIANS IN A BAND YOU’RE NOT A CHRISTIAN BAND WRITE ABOUT YET ANOTHER FEMALE, GOD WILL GET HIS THANK YOU IN THE MAIL Songs and albums and not a word perfect forum for Jesus to be heard, he should be living inside you bubbling out His name in one song? Why don’t you shout? What reward in heaven is it gonna bring? to sing about women and material things. when you arrive at his throne what can you put down a dirty, broken , jewel-less crown. be heavenly minded, while you can change, stay meek and humble for the rest of your days

Relics lyrics: Josh She always paid attention to the stupid things, running running running around and not giving a care she always argued and criticized things running running running around and not giving a care PUT HER TRUST IN OBJECTS AND SUPERSTITION FAR FROM GOD WAS HER POSITION SHE’LL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE HER BODY IS GONE SHE DIED SHE DIED SHE DIED She always put everyone in pain and agony running running running around and not giving a care now she’s the one thats in pain and agony running running running around and no one seems to care

Oodles of Fun lyrics: Josh Let’s all go to church and play some games let’s all go to the House of God and be entertained forget the glory and who we are worshipping just can’t wait to have fun Maybe I’ll join the churches softball team I’ll just milk it not be what I seem I can fake it and get away with it I can make it and not believe a bit no one will ever catch me no one will ever see GONNA HAVE FUN OODLES OF FUN AND LOSE MY FOCUS GONNA HAVE FUN OODLES OF FUN AND STOP LOVING JESUS (X2) {OODLES OF FUN}(X4)bg vocals When I go to church I’ll meet a girl I’ll turn it into the social world I’ll go one day just one day I’ll go somedays the convenient way just pretend for a little while just put on an innocent smile

12 Inches of Snow lyrics: Josh Woke up bright and early to go to the studio looked out side through my window Tim pulled up in all that snow we tried to move but where could we go. 12 INCHES OF SNOW(X4) When we got there we did some recording tried our best to do our thing went out to lunch but McDonalds was closed went to Hilander with a runny nose That’s what we get for living in Rockford living here I should have learned all we get is 15 feet of snow that completes this story we gotz to go.

Don’t Wanna B lyrics: Aaron Wallrich Its time to believe this life we’re living face the fact that you can It’s time to forget all the ways we are driven follow a straight line and plan -pc-take your own course set sail and forget Forget all the people that are holding you back cause I DON’T WANNA BE AFRAID ANYMORE AFRAID TO BELIEVE IN THE CAUSE I IGNORE ONLY TO BE BLINDED BY FATE AS A WHOLE FATE MEANS NOTHING IF YOU’RE WILLING TO TEAR DOWN YOUR WALL Movin’ on without a clue is hard especially if you don’t know Where you are going to reside at least you have a guide I don’t know what to do about fate It takes me by surprise I have no one else to blame this wall is mine(x2)

No Reasoning with Mike C. lyrics: Josh Mike don’t need no one else he thinks he’s just fine he likes to bowl rather than fight. M ike isn’t lik me or you , he does stuff that really gets to you. AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE HIS MIND THERE’S NO REASONING WITH MIKE NO DESCRIBING HOW HE’S LIKE THERE’S NO REASONING WITH MIKE. Mike is just a bit confused wish he’d go away , has no morals or standards needs to learn how to behave. Mike acts like a gentleman but he’ll hit on your girlfriend. Mike doen’t understand, Mike tries to understand, will Mike ever understand? Hey Mike, why don’t you understand?

Little Red Hiding Hood lyrics:Josh The incidents that pass just aren’t enough but I don’t want to be based on touch. The more time I spend I hope it’ll help cuz this problem is damaging myself. I CAN’T EXPLAIN HOW I FEEL, WHAT HAPPENED AND WHAT’S THE DEAL. I SAID I HATE TO TELL YOU SO. BUT I REALLY MUST GO. Last night I didn’t care I had a bad day. Even you couldn’t take the pain away. I don’t know why I felt the way I did. I simply cried put on my hood and hid. Everything is wrong. And I don’t know how to fix it. So I ask my Lord all about it. This bad day won’t go away. So I try looking at your face. The fact it doesn’t help makes me afraid. This bad day won’t go away.

Speaking to Backs lyrics: Josh You mean so much to so many and you don’t even know and it scares me so much when I’m left alone. And it’ll never, never change and it’ll forever be this way. I go through this everyday it’s really getting lame. I keep wanting and asking but everyday is the same. And it’ll never, never change and it’ll forever be this way. BUT YOU DON’T SEE IT THAT YOU ADMIT BUT I KNOW THAT YOU CAN’T FORGET ALL THE TIMES WE’VE SHARED YOU SHOULD NOTICE SOMEONE CARES. WHAT MORE CAN I DO TO MAKE YOU SEE. So much more valuble than anything owned. Pretty pathetic they take it as a joke. Just sit back and let me speak just turn your back to me. I feel like I’m drowning and I feel so surrounded seems as though my emotions will aways be grounded. Just sit back and let me speak just turn your back to me. I wish you could see what you do to me may be then you’d understand why I am the way I am.

When You Were Walking Away! lyrics: Tim When you walking away, you would never listen to me, When you walking away, you were looking for something to say, When you were walking away, you thought you could make it on your own, When you were walking away I coulda swore I heard some one say. LOOK AT ME, WHAT HAVE I DONE, LOOK AT YOU AND WHAT YOU’VE BECOME, LOOK AT WHAT I’VE BECOME INSIDE, TO MY GOD I KNOW I HAVE LIED, LOOK AT YOU AND YOUR SELFISH PRIDE, TO MY GOD I’LL ABIDE LOOK AT ME I’M A BETTER MAN ALL BECAUSE OF THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB!!!! When you were walking away, what has happened to me you would say, When you were walking away, you forgot everthing I had told you, When you were walking away, you denied Christ for dying for your sins, When you were walking away, I coulda swore I heard someone say. I’ve got something to say, you won’t listen anyway, I’ve got something to say, you’ll have HELL to pay. If only you would have listened earlier on this might not have happened to you, you’d be walking those streets of gold, but instead you decided to walk away.

It’s Not That Bad lyrics: Tim It not that bad, the way things are, if it’s the way things are suppose to be. Whats going on, trust in God, he’s got a plan and reason why. It’s not that hard, to carry on, takes a pray and some self-esteem. Just look around, at what we’ve got, thanks to Christ our almighty king. BUT, YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE ANSWERS TO THE WAY THINGS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE. YOU TRUST YOUR LOGIC AND YOUR OWN REASONING. YOU DON’T TAKE A MOMENT TO ASK CHRIST THE KING. YOU JUST PRETEND THAT YOU KNOW EVERYTHING. Just a little faith, is all it takes, to part your own Red Sea. Just carry on, with all we’ve got, some hope and a reason why. What’s the use in knowing tomarrow is just another day. It’s what we make of it to know that it’ll be O.K. What’s the use in crying tomarrow away. In the comfort to know one day it’ll all go away.