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Hi im kyle im 16 and live in wetaskiwin (shitty little town near edmonton (canada)) and this is my web page (no shit!). First thing first canadians do not!! live in igloo's and it doesn't snow in the summer.I like punk music, partying, playing rugby, soccer and i do x-country running and track. This is my first web page so i know it REALY SUCKS (so dont e-mail me and tell me how crappy it is cuz i already know all about it). My favorate bands are KiTTiE, KoRn, NOFX, and Slipknot. they kick ass and if you say otherwise you can go to hell.If you like techno or rap (excluding ICP there prety cool) you suck ass and i demand that you get the fuck off my page or ill will hunt you down and kill you.


do not veiw this trippy shit if you have epilepsy

If you want to check out the burnout to english dictionary click here also if you want to check out "A burnout in parliment click here

This page does pro... I mean does not promote the smoking weed,dropping acid, or injestion shroomz.

HERE is a poem a chick named ANUT made while on cid on new years

DOWNLOAD the cannabis growers guide

download a mp3 of kermit and big bird getting stoned

If you want to check out my links click here

Message from the surgeon general: After $40 000 000 of canadian tax payers dollers canadian scientists have determaned that the leading cause of death in canada is... dying.

If u want to get in touch my e-mail is

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