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Hey everyone! Welcome to U.G.R.! (The Underground Riders)I am Chris "the boy" Haynes.I designed the web page in between riding and school. Right now in U.G.R. there are 4 of us but we intend on expanding . I am "The Boy" and The president of under ground riders are former president has disgraced us by turning into a fruit booter he deserves to have his ass kicked!! j/k hes still a cool kid i guess Matt "Byke Bob" Sienko is probably haveing the most progress in our team. He has just learned no haned one footers and pegs grabs i am learning aloot of one hander variations allthough nuthing to big , i have been riding to much latly i have bee occupied with school i know it sucks but i ride as much as i can matt has given like total devotiong to his bike and his riding i wish i could but my father will trash my bike if i dont get good grades. right me and matt are the only ones from U.G.R> that have been riding allot while we ride with allot of the other kids in town they arent with U.G.R. thats all for now oh ya u better check out our riding pics too and the rider info page!


rider info

riding pics