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Layout © Blurry Visions and Lady Black
Welcome to Brilliance Productions

This layout is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and POA. I found The un-modifed layout which was sailor moon. on the web and fell in love with the idea. So it took it and changed it to how i wanted it. I also to the sailor moon theme and changed it to HArry Potter.

1- Do not POST on your web page and say the video was your work.
2- DO NOT use my video production name and do not steal my videos by saying there yours
3- To use video clips in your videos change them at least 50%
4- Have fun watching them and enjoy my work
5- Be creative and create your own work, don't steal from my site.

When Veiwing

Viewing and about new videos All new videos will be only able to be viewed online. Then next month they will be downloadable in there catagory. Please watch videos in the real size for the best viewings.

When Downloading

Well i final found a place for downloads. lol I working on up loading them all to File Front, but rigth now their all on rapid share and will be deleted in 30 days or when i delet them if no one is downloading them.
Lady black

how to DOWNLOAD!
1- Cilck on link.
2- Scroll and cilck free.
3- Fallow it through.
P.s You can ONLY download once a hour.


If you wish to be a contcat email me at purple_fuzzy_pillow Thanxs!
Magicail schools