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Applying to BITS Pilani

Please note that this site does not claim to be an official site of the University .. It has been constructed with the sole aim of disseminating information to applicants.

Hi! I'm a fourth year student of Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering at BITS,Pilani one of India's finest Technical Education Institutions.

Having gone through the gruelling college admission process, I know the tension that you must feel !! This web page aims at giving you some info about BITS and also some advice on how you should fill up the admission form ......


1. General Info about BITS
2. The various programmes of study
3. Whats this Dual Degree ???
4. Why BITS is so special ..
5. The all important application form
6. What to bring when you come !!!
7. Frequently Asked Questions

The Saraswathi Mandir in the night ...

Well, I will tell you a little about BITS at first .. BITS offers three types of Programmes A: Direct 4 year Engg (BE) + Master of Management Studeis (MMS) + B Pharm B: M.Sc in Bio, Chem, Maths, Economics and Physics. You can enter one of these programmes and then in 5 years you can complete one of these degrees+one of the A Group degree (This is called a dual degree programme) C: M.Sc in Information Systems (Basically a software degree), Engineering Technology or Finance. Also these are M.Sc degrees as well, as they are soft science, you cannot take a dual with the A Group Programmes. BITS takes into account only your XIIth Standard marks .. What they do is, divide your total marks (in TN it is 1200, for cbse 500 and so on) by your topper's mark and then multiply by 100 to get the normailzed %. This is to bring students from all states to an equal standing. These are some of the cut off's that are required for the various programmes .. approx (all of these are in terms of normailxed %) Computers: 98.2 EEE : 97.5 Instrumentation: 97.2 Mechanical: 97 Information Systems: 97.5 B Group: 96 Applying to BITS: The application advertisement comes out in the end of April/ early May. You have to send a DD to BITS to get the form.

How to get the form ....
The following is the contents of the advertisement released by BITS


The Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, which is deemed to be a university, is an all-India Institute for higher education for men and women, fully residential, and awards its own degrees.

I. PROGRAMMES Admissions will be made on all-India basis strictly according to merit and suitability of the candidate to pursue the following programmes of studies.

1. Integrated First Degree Programmes (Code: FD)
Group A: B.E.(Hons.): Chemical; Civil; Computer Science; Electrical and Electronics; Electronics & Instrumentation; Mechanical, B.Pharm.(Hons.), M.M.S.(Master of Management Studies).
Group B: M.Sc.(Hons.): Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Economics; Mathematics; Physics.
Group C: M.Sc.(Tech.): General Studies; Engineering Technology; Finance; Information Systems.
Normal Input: Pass in 10+2 from Central/State Board or its equivalent, with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and adequate proficiency in English.
Duration: Normally four years.
Note: Admissions are based on the normalized aggregate percentage of marks and there is no separate entrance examination.

Application form and Bulletin can be obtained from the undersigned against a request on plain paper giving the name and code of the programme for which the application is requested, candidate’s name, complete postal address with pin code, the required despatch mode and demand draft details, accompanied by requisite fee in the form of a crossed demand draft drawn in favour of Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani payable at State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, Pilani (Code: 1398) or UCO Bank, Vidya Vihar, Pilani (Code: 0150) for Rs. 500/- (Registered Parcel Post) or Rs. 600/- (Registered Letter / Speed Post wherever speed post is available) or US $25/- or its equivalent (for sending to foreign countries by Airmail).

Deadline for submission of the completed application forms is 5.00 p.m. on 30th June 2001.

BITS, Pilani – 333031 (Raj.)

The form should be completed and sent in by June 30th. Results will be known the very next day (July 1st). College starts on August 1st. Ask me for advice on filling up the form when you get the form (You could mail me at BITS itself BITS is a truly great place ... You really learn a lot Its got a great campus .. very pretty , green etc .. Good facilities for research as well First yearites have either single or double seaters (depends on ur luck) .. Hostels are very good, modern and convenient. Fees are as follows: Rs. 15000 per semester (4.5 months) There are 2 semesters in a year. Food and all other expense should cost you about 1500 a month. You chould be sending about 50000 a year. Do come to BITS .. You will really broaden your horizons !!

1. General Info about BITS

Well as you probably know, BITS stands for Birla Institute of Technology & Science. It was established by the legendary visionary Shri GD Birla. It admits students to its various programmes with no reference to caste or creed : Purely on merit.

The college is run with the support of the Birla family which is India's largest business house. Its graduates are found all over the world.The most famous BITS graduate is probably Sabeer Bhatia (Founder of Hotmail) who is worth in the region of 600 million dollars !!

No BITSian needs to worry about his future and his career as closed doors seem to open, quite amazingly for BITSians !! With a 100% record of placement over the past few years, BITS has established itself as the epitome of the coming to age of Technical Education in India.

2. The various Programmes of Study

BE (Hons)

Computer Science
Electronics & Instrumentation

B.Pharm (Hons)


Biological Sciences

Note: Students of the above disciplines can take a dual degree with the Engineering degrees at the end of the first year.


General Studies
Information Systems
Engineering Technology

3. Whats this Dual Degree ??

Well BITS has some great flexibilities and this is probably the best of them all .. Students who are admitted to any of the B Group Courses (M.Sc (Hons)) are given an oppurtunity to work for a dual degree which could be any of the other programmes of the institute based on the choice of the student

Rest assured, every student who applies for a dual is given one .. It is also not very tough for students to make a good dual degree .. Please do not be discouraged if you get admitted to one of the B Group Programmes .. It is a wonderful oppurtunity to study Engineering and Science together in just 5 years

4. Why BITS is so special ...

Well I dont really know !!! Maybe its the fact that I am studying under World Class professors most of whom are doing research in the latest exciting fields and have degrees from the best universities in the world .. It could also be the fact that we have superb facilities for computing (We are getting a Super Computer soon) .. It could even be complete peace that one feels inside the campus .. It's wonderful greenery, fresh air and the beautiful peacocks ..It has a truly beautiful campus and one feels in peace both with himself and nature here.

BITS does a great job of developing your whole personality and not just your brain .. You can find people of every type here .. the atmosphere is truly cosmoplitan .. We have hugely talented painters,sculptors,musicians,actors,play directors,mimers,orators and entertainers who are encouraged fully by the institute.

There are several cultural Associations for all the above mentioned activities and also Regional Associations such as the Pilani Tamil Mandram and the Andhra Samiti which organize cultural programmes and special dinners pertaining to the specific cultural background.

There is also a Students Union which has a well documented constitution. It is elected by the means of Democratic Elections every year. There is active involvement of the students in the running of the various festivals:
OASIS : The Cultural Festival (The best in India)
APOGEE : The Academic festival
BOSM: The Sports Festival

5. The All Important Application Form !!!

Well, I am sure that you have asked several people for help to fill up your application form .. However I would like to say that it s best to contact a person who is studying at BITS right now instead of your school principal or somebody who passed out of BITS a long time back. They would not be in touch with the present trends.



I feel that the first choice should be Computer Science unless the student has a strong aptitude for EEE. After that EEE, Electronics & Instrumentation, Inforation Systems & Mechanical. I would advice you to apply for a B Group course (M.Sc(Hons)) after this as that would give you an oppurtunity to take any of the above courses.

After that you could add Chemical and Civil.It is also dependent on ones individual choice whether Mechanical should be before the B Group or after.. It is quite easy to get a dual from the top three (Computers, EEE, Electronics & Instrumentation). So it is basically a decision on whether you want to spend 4 years or five years ..

Irrespective of the discipline, you can take electives of your choice which means that you can do Software courses anyway..

As for BPharm,Finance and MMS if you have a strong aptitude for these you could apply for them. The institute takes into account all the subjects marks .. Not only PCM .. The marks are normalized with respect to your boards topper .. That is your mark/board topper's mark = your normalized %. So everybody from every board is mabe equivalent ..

6. What to bring when you come !!!

Well you have been admitted to the best college in India !!! Congratulations !! Bring all the clothes tht you want and also woollens for the winter.DONT bring mattresses and pillows .. You can get them here .. Pilani has good shops and you can get most of the things that you need. But dont forget to bring photographs of yourself (Passport + Stamp Size). Also bring your school text books .. they could prove useful !!

7. Frequently Asked Questions

Hows the ragging ??

Well ragging is almost non existent nowadays except for friendly and helpful interaction between the seniors and the freshmen .. Nothing to worry about !!

What kind of entertainment do you have ??

Well we have about 30 movies screened each semester in the auditiorium (which has a capacity of around 2000). In addition there are innumerable plays, dances, music nites and invited lectures. In short there's never a dull moment here !!

Hows the food ??

The messes are managed by the students and they do a great job !! Non Veg food is available too .. Both South Indian and North Indian cuisine is available. There are also about 8 canteens all over the campus and about 10 restraunts. Foods not a problem here !!

Hows the climate ??

The climate is dry and healthy. It reaches extremes of 45 C in the summer and 0 C in the winter.


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App Info for BITSians
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