Azureus in Alyria
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Azureus in Alyria

Welcome to my home pages for Matiria Magica. This is the place I jot down all my notes for my character. Azureus is a Halfling, Rogue Wizard and my site includes everything I've ever found useful to know or jot down as note worthy. Hopefully it may prove useful to the Alyrian Noob since I've been first class for a very long time and I'm more of a Noob to 2nd class.

Index of Pages
Azureus' Current Spec's What's Worth Practicing
Items Location Flying Shortcuts
Eq and Items Worth Having My New Rigel Home
Look Out!

Links to Materia Magica Sites
Materia Magica Alyria Online
PK Headquarters Knights Of Chaos

I didn't expect to win anything for this site, honestly, I just wanted the challenge of entering.
I got Informational Web Site, Class II - third place. This site has plenty of problems, but I'll be getting to work on them,
especially the judging complaints, and truss this up.
Maybe next contest I'll get 1st!

A primary warning,
my spell checker apparently went to lunch at the moment,
not all of my information is accurate (I'll be fixing that)
and yes, this site is mostly based on my own Noob opinions.
My graphics are free online stuff I didn't make and minimal at best to cut down on page load time.
I'll strive for a better server with less pop ups, but my hopes for that aren't high.

Thank you Materia Magica :)