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ok this is just a start. i'll make it beter when i care.

this is me and my cousin dan at my other cousin's wedding in august 2004. i don't always wear glasses but i forgot my contacts back at the house. fuck.

this is an old pic of me when i was 18 with my sister. shes 2 years younger. do the math.

this is me with my baby face. clean shaven and ready to sex you up. i was 18ish, ism?

this was my first tattoo i got when i was 16. im not religious. its in memoriam of my grandmother who was. fuck you, i like it.

this is my dog pepper. she's fuckin tough for being a fat bastard. shes a terrier and a beagle mix.

this is some weed i got a while back and got bored and thought itd be cool to scan it. oo technology.

this is a drawing i did using MS paint because i was bored. i think its pretty self explainitory. oh yeah, i know the head of the dick looks all weird. thats what you get for living in a country full of pollution.

this it fred durst of limp bizkit. i made this in MS pain too. notice the detail on the boobs with the nipples. very nice. good thing i'm poor or he'd sue me too.

this is a funny email i got. i think its pretty damn funny.

beer goggles explained

this is me at 17 on new years. as frightening as this picture looks, i did not get raped and my asshole is still virgin. thank god.

HERE is a link to OzGal's webpage. she's hot, so linking her site from mine will make me look less ugly. it's science. everyone knows that.


People thought this site was pretty fuckin' stupid