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name: dziembowski, steve
born: 8/9/86
trade: tenor sax, smoking cock across the usa for National Lampoon
the sound: goldfinger, mingus, marley, meanies, weezer
thanks: the band, dann, and the moores

name: flynn, james
born: 11/3/82
job: trumpet
influence: maynard fergueson, arturo sandoval, diz, satchmo
thanks: the moores

name: kestigian, cody
born: 11/6/84
does: guitar/guns
stereo: alk3, ludacris, shadows fall, OMD, outkast, american nightmare,
dragbody, saves the day, ghosts and goblins, mu330
thank you: the moore family, dann, nick (equipment loans), calculus, weed,
john cusack, the Lady, fighting Rams.

name: macuga, tim
born: 2/8/83
function: guitar+verbal
why: barrit, shai hulud, bob marley, fishbone, goonies, nigel six
thanks: all on this People List, family, palmer/monson/oldstore/skarmy crew,
cjb, dan "i gots nintender" barrett, john "live at the acropolis" panos, the
entire Moore family tree, dirty karl, chudley commune, webmaster mike, mr
dono, lenin+bolsheviks

name: mctigue, joseph
born: a poor black child(date unknown, they didn't care)
rocks the: bass
sound list: oxymoron, the business, specials, bim, GB, judge, slapshot,
minor threat, bad brains, a trillion others
thanks: ron speroni. thats it. nobody else.

name: moore, all out
born: December 25th, 0 A.D
does: vocals/slide+valve tbone/airbourne assault
cd player: Hall and Oates, Greatest Hits
thanks: Mr. Cole, Ron Jeremy, and the 12 Apostles

name: smith, nick fucking
born: 1/18/82
does: drumset/timber felling
the rock: mxpx, saves the day, u2, rusted root, 311
thanks: the band, the moores, and the parents


name: archambeault, dann
info: former guitarist, now bassist for Hit the Deck. lives in north
andover with his girlfriend who could destroy any of us (pees on him). trying to collect disability from government.

name: ciprari, scott
info: former drummer, now leads a jazz octet at University of Southern
Maine. also builds custom drums.

name: lambert, nick
info: lead electrician, and drove his car into some dudes house. loans the
band equipment and a critical ear.

name: thibodeau, bryan
info: has added to his car mileage in the danger name, and done lead video
camera. is now an intern at WAAF. goes to walmart with hoes. had "sex" with "girls" from "tennessee"

name: posner, gabe
info: played sax before steve. allegedly had car hijacked at a show in springfield two years ago. was called Gabbo the Goat in high school

name: deren, derek
info: had a mullet, played lead nintendo 64. claims the wall street journal will get him chicks.
hasn't worked yet

name: jesse
info: tried out for guitar, but sucked. didn't know chords. he liked porn.

name: jesse's friend
info: tried out for trumpet, but sucked. liked jesse.

name: davis, ben
info: stopped by us when we were practicing on main steet.

name: fats
info: sat on his front stoop while we practiced, pretending to play. can't skateboard because of his weight. can't play guitar for same reason. liked slipknot.

name: king, the money
info:do you have money? he does!

name: stowe, christopher
info: used to play in a metal band. a strong force in allowing the danger strangers to win a hundred dollars. currently teaches psychology, history.

name: farrar, will
info: dislikes everyone, used to fall asleep on scott's couch. kinda smelled in health class. got a good talking to by mr. cusick.

name: robertazzi, dominic
info: is bouncer at centerfolds 2000. is older than time. he can't read, but that doesn't matter; he wrote everything. is 94 feet tall and eats babies for fun. rode a tornado through the mid-west and carved the grand canyon with his middle finger.

name: barrett, dan
info: is 7th level magic user. lead japan.

name: swift, jon
info: cody peed in his guitar. eats shit.

name: avalon, jason
info: pornographic film director. titles are not recomended.