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I am not in Denial

Sam Clark
High School Student
Calais High School

Calais, Maine 04619

HiGh EvErYoNe! Well if you are reading this then either i must have sent you here or you must have stumbled apon it (you poor unlucky bastard). . .Well I am 15 a sophomore at Calais High School in the big old city of Calais Maine.... I play basketball, volleyball and softball for my school.....ummmmm blah blah blah blah..... I am big on friendz,music and sportz. . . . I listen to:Korn Marylin Manson,Limp Bizkit,Orgy,Rob Zombie,The Offspring,Nirvana (is the best),Rammstein,Filter,Lit,Creed,Godsmack,Bush, Powerman 5000, Rage Against the Machine, Applesauce (a local band), Flybanger (atleast I will when I get the tape!!!) and alot more! I would like to say hey to all of my friendz home and on the net. At the top of my list Jess MacArthur**don't ya luv them southern boyz, LET YOU OUT YOU DON'T HAVE A LISCENCE!!! "If we get pulled over i swear to God i will piss myself right here and they will have to pull all three of us out of the car and wonder why the seats are soaked"** Ali T. **Keep your damn pants on! !** Jess L. **AVALANCHE!!!!!!!!!!** Jess U.**Well it is official Steve is real (damn i guess i can forget about getting my 75 bucks for turning u into BMHI** Jess T.**you won't believe who came to my house. . . **To the rest of the Jess's. . . Mills **hmmmm quarter of a what?** Jon A. **she was a whore i wish you had listened to me** To Jess's ex 2 pump worthless boyfriend Scooter. (for those girls who are desperate his e-mail address is Craig Alvarez **Jewel is the best......YUP! whatever u say!** Craig D. **miss ya see you in MDI this year!** G aka Bubonic**what!?! me?!? do anything wrong?!!?!? YUP!!!!** Adam**hey** Jesse**aka I Am The Iron Man!!!! buh bye cookies i think i'll leave you right here by the rabbit cage** Aaron**Despite all your rage your still just a rat in a cage**Wayne** stay away from those damn border pigz** Big Sexy**yeah Sid that means you** Erik Clark and Burgess**even though you two will never see this HI!** Jackie E.**your long lost love E.C. knows now....sorry!!** Christine McCoubrey**don't hit the damn curb....JESUS CHRIST PUT YOUR HEAD LIGHTS ON!!!!!!! NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FORGET THERAPIST!** Kristy McPhail**"HOLY SHIT KRISTY!" I was just making sure you were awake! I really hate trees.** Manna Bagley**I still think you got ripped off** Becca Colson**hmmm geee thanx for leaving me in St.Stephen ALL NIGHT!!!** Melva M.**best of luck with PJ. I still can't believe you are getting married!** Neomi** George I can't get the door open please open the thing!** Tori Neptune**don't make your mom sit in the back of the truck!!** Lewey (with the tongue ring)*what is wrong with you?!?! J/K!!!!!** J Zwearcan**hmmm best of luck in high school and life (which really means choke and die)** Sunny**man o man can't believe i don't have to sit through 4 hours of Drivers Ed every Tuesday with u!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** Mark Kierstead**Maybe Ali will get some common sense soon** Randy Welch**umm yeah hi** Scott McKeown**I have 54 blue squares** Nick Bohannon**Havin an orange on the water by a fire.........CUMALLOFIT** Andrea**Hey how are things in Old Town? See you at MSYM this summer!** David G**miss your dry humor and thanx for the tattoo!** Meagan Wheaton**Oh to be a trumpet!** Ummm also hi to the rest of you wonderful people that i met over these years and such.........miss all of the people that don't live near me! I KNOW THERE ARE MORE OF YOU BUT MY HANDS ARE STARTING TO HURT (CARPAL TUNNEL see what i do for you?!?!?) and in case you missed the link at the top of the page click here to meet some of my psycho friends! and in case ya'll really care about my opinion you can go HERE to see some of the coolest sights on the web.