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View Comments and ideas of the council
Add your idea, your comment

The next layout theme is saiyuki....
We have a new contest:The donater of the month, but the name of this contest is mega donater, post in the guestbook what do u think about it! And the mega donater is angel1c_layer!
The next member of the month is angel1c_layer

i cant find: a poll idea. I dont have any ideas :( maybe we should delete it? post!!
I will write here when i will be out of ideas! i will ask you for some help and u will answer in the guestbook (or the idea/comment book)





You will find here the current layouts, next layouts,next trophys, and everything the guild will have! all the secrets of the guild are open! But please, take this site for u, in the secret! im counting on u the council members!! Have a rotten day (lol, Wario is saying this all the time!!)


current time

current topbar:
guilds link picture:
current viedo of the week:
Current mystery pic:
Animated texts:
current left bar:
current layout
super bonuses: animated picture of kaolla sue made by me ^^
my userlookup layout hihi
somethings from my other site:

Guilds links

The Guild
The Guilds webbie
The Guilds donation shop