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A New political party is being created



A New political party is being created, and its no longer politics as usual. It is radical in a way that Greenpeace and other such activist groups can never be. Its vision is relentlessly progressive, embracing evolution as its core concept. Reflecting many of the principles of Trans Humanism. It is Science-Positive and rejects the pessimism of both right and left. It is in many ways a Stage-Three philosophy, moving us beyond Stage-Two Idealism. Consumer-Futurism is the logical political extension of Trans Humanism, the last great idealism to be transcended.

What propels evolution in the Twentieth-First century is the The POWER OF SCIENCE and CHOICE. No other political or religious philosophy puts SCIENCE and CHOICE so harmoniously at the center like CONSUMER FUTURISM.

Nearly every point of view want you to accept their idea of suffering, so they don't have to. When we should instead strive instead for the Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number, and THE LESSER SUFFERING FOR ALL. Ecah of these balance the other, creating the best measurement. This is being the sole morality that can be useful to us all. Every other philosophy is wanting you to buy into a particular kind of being; whereas, for us, that is an still open-ended prospect. The human specie continually recreates itself. We are Evolution.

If a citizen is given only one choice to be, then how can you say he is truely free? Science has the means of increasing positive choices.

We are progressive. Neither strictly Libertarian or Socialist. We are also new. We don't look back to some romantic Eden in the past. We recognize that the past is dead. We are the true progressives still standing, because we have realized that solutions can only come from nature, that is: through Science itself, which is part of nature. Nothing is more natural than Science. It is nature recreating itself. Unlike others, we don't just attack, but offer solutions. We know those solutions are being created through Science. It will never come through politics alone.

People by nature seek pleasure and a limitation of their suffering. Our political morality is this: whatever the majority decide to be their happiness. We balance this against the Lesser Suffering Principle. We are the only ones who are not trying to create a perfect race, ironically, because for us its an open-ended process. It is Traditional Religion that chooses perfection over Happiness and Lesser suffering. We also believe that individuals have the right to change themselves, in almost any form. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be Post-Human. To transcend traditional limitations. That is called Evolution.  

This will mean that we will often be at war with other philosophies. Notice the Catholic Church often ask you to suffer, so you can be a better person, and a woman who does not want a child should just have it anyway. Not just one-- but as many possible. She must follow some abstract ideal of womanhood. She is reduced to being a biological animal, to a mere product of nature. Why? Because none of them hold respect for the power of pleasure. They don't want human beings to be happy. Its about social control. To keep us at a lower level of existence. To enslave us to the past. But what makes us human is our desire to transcend ourselves. To become more than human. To become more than just our gender or race, and whatever else.  

Every religion has a different idea of morality, as you've noticed so far. So which one is right? If we were born in Asia, we probably would be Buddhist. Right? But they want us to think about it differently. Notice that. They want us to think that one's birth in one particular country is not the point at all. The truth is that what we call morality evolves over time. What was needed in a agricultural age would be obsolete today. Science is the only true world movement and therefore has the capacity to end all these destructive divisions, such racism and sexism and colonialism.

People have fallen from their faith. These religions no longer meet present needs. Though, at one time they may have been necessary. In a pre-Capitalist world choices were limited, and large families were essential to the survival of a peasant's livelihood, to that of an estate.

Today bearing many children can actually shorten one's economic advantage. Before they were useful slaves. FEUDALISM it was called and yet we still clinging to it, even today.

What is economy but the expansion of pleasure and the diminution of pain? Isn't that a better definition? Why do we need Feudalism or Conservative Columnists?

Look, we all look for happiness, yet many of us have different ideas of what that can be. For the simple reason we can never be happy in the same way. To be human is to have options of becoming. That is what makes us free and when a society limits that they limit our humanity.

The only real constant in history is Evolution. People usually seek evolution-- if there is a pleasurable result to be gained. That is what motivates them. It is their desire to be happy. Seeking riches and fame is a way of expanding for some people; whereas perhaps for the more developed mind it is personal and spiritual expansion that excites them. And because every human being undergoes a different stage, these choices should be respected.

Therefore, we want to go far beyond the so called political spectrum here. The old political parties all want to decide what people should get and what they should not get. They all seek to impose their moral perspective on us, even sometimes search for and militate constantly against their enemies, when in reality both camps are but different sides of the same coin. Fundamentalisms always go to war against each other. Communism versus Nazism, and Capitalism, or Christianity at war with Islam. Each claim a moral perspective and yet they are the ones responsible for bringing us closer to nuclear annihilation many times.

Before we can outline our main goals and policies we must define what a Consumer Futurist member is. A member must have reached the stage of rational consciousness, which usually comes after childhood, somewhere into the late teens. To have a rational consciousness is to be able to choose from options. To also understood their range of desires. Children do not make choices in the same way we do. They do not choose who they will be, where they should live, who they want to live with. They are barely aware of their own desires, even when they have them. They are not mature. You'll notice pack behavior among children at school. They do not become fully rational until a certain age. Therefore: there should be laws to protect them from themselves. We see no reason why a child should be allowed to take up smoking.

Most of the time, adults do have what we call rational consciousness. They understand most of their desires. Unless of course such a member suffers from a mental illness of some sort. In such cases they should be protected from themselves. First: the definition of insanity should receive careful consideration and weight. Only a competent physician can make such determinations.

Non-humans just do not have the capacity to reason, and are completely determined by instinct. A bird will follow the same flight pattern that every bird does. They do not have much of an individual or rational consciousness. Therefore, they can not really consent to something. That is why it is a shame that the are abused the way they are. It will be a humane policy to protect animals when we can, as long as the do not interfere with the Principle of Lesser Suffering for humans.

FUTURISTIC CONSUMERISM offers the highest possible ideal of democracy to be achieved.

The Policies and Core Concepts agreed upon:

1. The relationship between government and the people is ultimately decided between people and other people first. PEOPLE then send their vote to the government, which is nothing but an interpreter. The purpose of government is to implement the Lesser Suffering Principle that the voting body has voted on. This can also be a consensus of what happiness is, shared by most members of society. Government then INTERPRETS these votes or consensus or data into meaningful legislation.

2. Those who work in government should be competent and professional, and highly educated. The same goes for politicians. No more rats. There will be more hurdles to pass this time. We test them before we get to office.

3. The only purpose of government is to provide a product or service: in most cases a social product that can be consumed. Its purpose is not to self-perpetuate itself, though it will do that anyway, because people will always continue to make new choices.

4. Government can no longer just be a moral arbiter, it must move beyond the Ten Commmandmants thinking. It must be an inclusive solution-solver, not just exclude. Previous and present states are based on old agrarian concepts, such as race, nation, tribe, and so on. They use morality to divide and exclude. The new state philosophy should to be transcend all this by allowing itself to obey the structures of Science, whose main purpose is to catalogue, investigate, and transform all. This will take us even further than where we have gone already with the liberal-democratic experiment.  

What about the Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number? Shouldn't people's choice for a fascist or conservative alternative be respected? You forget just one thing. These philosophies are not really interested in limiting human suffering; in fact they are pro-suffering, based on the Transcending power of the warrior who sacrifices for the tribe. You see this in the U.S Republican administration. They want to pass legsilation that make it impossble to detach Terri Schiavo's tubes. But they are also pro-death penalty. This same administration have just recently pressured Guatemala to limit generic competition for drugs such as Atazanavir, which helps in the struggle against AIDS. Notice that their pro-life views are always in the abstract, mostly idealistic ones, but never doing anything to save those who are presently living. Their anti-abortion views never include doing something concrete about world hunger, which millions of children suffer from. They will soon all be Transcended. Thei morality is antiquated and violate the new morality of Lesser Suffering. But these primitives will notbe easily defeated. CONSUMER FUTURIST PHILOSOPHY is however the philosophy of the FUTURE. Each society must pass through different stages of development. Unless they pass through all the important stages they would never be ready for FUTURISTIC CONSUMERISM anyway.

5. We do see the right to SUFFER LESS as the ultimate basis of Morality. No one - who hasn't been destroyed mentally - seeks to suffer. That is what makes us all human: the need to suffer less.

6. Concerning Politics, Government, that is, the legislative body and the Courts along with it, doesn't serve itself only. Therefore services, whenever possible are contracted out to the Private Sector, but the funds must continue to be administered by the Government with access to the tax base. That tax base can not be turned over completely to the Private Sector though. Its not necessarily lesser government we want, again that is old morality from the past. Rather, it's simply to have less of the tax base spent on government itself and more of it transferred back to its citizens. Meaning more funds for more services.

7. What programs and services should be provided? Well, that will be decided, once our citizens has filled an annual tax form and listed their preferences for programs and services. This hopefully will make some of our conservatives feel less anxious about their taxes. But we say that is always what the majority of people want that counts the most. These tax forms only helps government understand demand better. Like the ballot box, and the polls undertaken, the results of these tax forms will be investigated by an independent body and published for the public.

8. Healthcare and Education, and so on, these are social products to be consumed. To be voted on by a social unit. What is a social unit? It is simply a province, state as a geographical space, nation, or country or even a city.

9. But because CHOICES should be expanded, then that is left to its members to make.

10. Practically speaking, CONSUMER FUTURIST PARTY MEMBERS would usually be progressive enough to promote the following policies:

a) Legalization of prostitution. We would like to believe that members have the CHOICE to use their bodies however they wish to. We support the right of sex-workers to unionize. We don't seek to scrapegoat them for men's desires.

b) Legalization of gambling. We would like to believe that members have the CHOICE to give their money away recklessly if they desire to. We allow it for Charities, so why not Casinos? Yes, Gambing create suffering; but we have decided that forcing it underground corrupts society far more.

c) But we can still limit some of the conditions in which this legalization takes place. Licenses will still create limitations and perhaps they will have to be bid upon. It is the other side who are immoderate and fanatical, deciding to punish. Beside, making something illegal only increases the price of that product. The high price of drugs has lead addicts to prostitute their bodies. Then they get punished for that too.

d) Now concerning certain drugs. The worst ones may be limited, if the danger proves too great. But the desire of preventing addiction would be insufficient reason to do so. If we are chasing after addictions, then lets just make alcohol illegal also.

Nevertheless, it can be said that drugs actually violates Choice, and increase Suufering as well. How you ask? It does this by violating the ability to CHOOSE, CHOICE always depending on rational thinking, on practical consciousnesss. Technically, drug-use is not really a choice at all. It usually becomes a form of Insanity, and thus an irrational Choice, because particular kinds of addictions actually obstruct CHOICE and all decision-making. Worse, it will thrawt all other desires that were once important to the user.

What we must do is reach at the root of the unhappiness. Just banning things will not modify the individual's behavior. In Iran alcohol is forbidden and punishable by death, but the country has a terrible drug epidemic, especially with Heroin. For some reason some people are so unhappy that they are willing to even blot out all consciousness. Isn't that what really needs to be dealt with? Why are they so unhappy to begin with? Beside, the illegalization of a drug only increases its price on the street, forcing the user to commit more crimes to pay for it. Especially if there are no alternatives. The illegalization of drugs pushing these people into worse corners, and removes them from the protection of society. So, for safety reasons a CONSUMER government will fund major research into a better and safer drug than the ones on the streets today. This drug will one day replace all the other ones.  

A modified drug, and easily more controlled one. In the way that coffee is a stimulant, and alcohol has been a depressive tranquilizer. In this way, dosages can be controlled. In a free society such needs will definitely not disappear. We are realistic here, unlike many people. In a quickly evolving society there is often a need for instant changes. Such a drug will be far safer and benign however, than the ones on the street today.

e) On the family issues. No problem with same-sex marriage at all, in fact we support it. It is certainly not something that should be banned by a legislative act. That would limit the Choice of one particular group. Marriage can take on many forms and perhaps should be inclusive of even more people. What is most needed is the consent of all parties involved. Eventually what we call the nuclear unit will change into something else, becoming a new social unit.

f) We should not try to limit the choice of one side or another on many issues. These issues can only be agreed to by consensual means, or debated. But we still expect a scientific goverment to analyze all available data to ascertain what most people can possibly live with, and what matches up to the highest pleasure that all members can use.

g) Some of us think that school choice is not really a bad idea, and should be looked into. We also think that School Choice is not a real Choice if it funds one group or religion against another. If it privileges too much one religion, then it becomes a bad project for all.

h) More Birth control education must be made available, so people have the means to regulate their families. Desiring to bring less unhappy vhildren into the world is in fact a moral act. Those who do not really desire children should be compassionate enough to not have any. Every city will be given a birth control center that anyone can go to. Why do we support Birth Control? Choice is why. Most importantly, we want giving birth to be about creating the new happiness. Not do we accept the Malthusian hypothesis about population explosion. This is too much fear-mongering, and used by the Environmentalist movement to lower our standard of living. We do understand however, that unloving parents create unhappy children. One should love what one is giving bith to. Children were made to be loved. They should not be created for any other reason. Our Morality, as you now see, is the Lesser Suffering Principle. That is our measurement. Our only morality, the only natural one possible. There is no higher moral law than Lesser Suffering.

i) Far more funding for Education, and Vocational programs. More available training at an earlier age. To collapse the separation between secondary institutions and post-secondary ones. This in order to build a highly educated work-force. That also means more extensive vocational training and placement, already being offered at secondary institutions. If a student is not doing well, then certain measures will be offered to provide him with an appropriate program of training.

Because of the extensive nature of future education, what we call secondary institutions will be lengthened. The best way of doing this is following the post-secondary education system in Quebec but extending it further, offering post-secondary education on a part-time basis to anyone. In the future people will do a lot more studying than today and thus becoming more knowledgeable. The point here is to shift the future generation away from manual work. A more intellectual and creative society will bring about a consciousness shift that is needed to move humanity away from primitive consciousness.

j) Meditation techniques will be offered at all secondary and post-secondary institutions. In order to breed out aggression. This will one day be modified by Free DNA modification services, once that Tech becomes available.

k) Every citizen will receive a basic fund, so to cover cost of food and shelter. But they will be required, if they are not disabled in any way, to offer certain hours of work every week to the community as financial compensation.

l) Legalization of Cloning. We support the work of cloning-rights activists who merely seek a better future. They are the heroes of a new generation. Contrary to the myths, Cloning will not produce slavery, because each consciousness will receive due legal protection. More likely, only the bodies will be cloned, and the parent will then have his memories directly downloaded into the younger, superior cloned body. Thus, no new consciousness will be created, avoiding all these ethical issues. In the future, people will be given a chance at partial Immortality.

m) Concerning GE Foods and Organic. I think that should be left to the consumer. But the Creation of GE-Free Zones limit CHOICE availability. However, I do believe that copyright protection should be more limited, so that monopolization does not occur.

11. Consumer FUTURISM embraces technology as mostly a positive development, except when it no longer leads to a CHOICE spectrum. Therefore we must seek the legalization of Cloning Options, contraceptive availability, stem-cell research, pervasive surgeries and physical modification can one day be partly offered as part of Medicare. Here we are embracing the best tendencies of the Tran Humanist Movement. Yes, Trans humans are quite welcome into the Consumer Futurist Party. You are what we are looking for. People who are positive about the future, instead of putting it down all the time.

12. Finding a way to help the human race achieve some sort of longevity or immortality on earth, is a worthwhile goal. Once in Government we will fund major research into finding solutions towards aging issues. We will like to find ways to expand people's life-spans. I know this is not too popular today where senior citizens are considered to be parasites on the system. Economists go on about how they are costing us too much, dividing the young from the old. They like to tell us that old people are a burden. We however, are afraid of wanting to see people live longer and live better. All this of course will be determined by the next stage of technological development.

13. Nuclear bombs and military power is used often against its own citizens, and goes far beyond basic security, which a police force can more easily provide. Military power contradicts the power of Choice, but especially The PRINCIPLE OF LESSER SUFFERING. We will say unequivocally that Military power often declares war on consumer and human power. Nor does it utilize the real positives of technological development, but mostly the negatives. The Military is mostly an old warrior concept. Where Cloning and other technologies can expand life, the military destroys life.


15.  If we are in favor of a Women's right to choose, her body over a child, allowing her to seek one, its not because we believe abortion to be or not to be a moral good. We just prefer not to limit CHOICE. We can't stop the Chooser. Those who hate abortion have every right to deny themselves one. They will not be asked to like it. We believe in such a CHOICE because it liberates women from previous biological roles. Neverthless, there are certain biological facts that defines our humanity. Human beings are still biological organisms. That means we are sexual beings through and through. Previously the maternal drive has limited women's ability to experience the full range of desire, and this has given men certain social advantages over women. It has given men a power over women. Such limitations on desire has historically lead to a decrease in power for those who must obey such limitations. Just look at patriarchal societies and the Middle-East. Men have always sought to limit a women's sexual partners and at the same time increase theirs. This is seen in the one-sided polygamy practised in certain societies. What Christianiry did was equalize it a little more, and now in the western world we have pushed scientifically further ahead of other traditional societies. The restriction on human sexuality is a form of social control that was always meant to be oppressive. It fosters a hostile competitive environment. Yet, with all this said, it is always more natural for human beings to form smaller cohesive groups. In the new Society there will likely be a shift from nuclear family dynamic to group polygamy. This is a middle way between primitive sexual rigid hierarchy and its opposite extreme. So as Policy, the state should wish to promote multiple marriages and should be legalizing this new concept of family. Marriage today is a left-over of an earlier agricultural era where children was seen as property or free labour for purposes of food cultivation. The Nuclear family is an oppressive institution, and leads to hate-crimes against people in sex-same relationships. It harms women, and is patrirchal at its roots. Science is already reconstituting the family concept. In-vitro fertilisation and cloning will be undermining it further.

Hopefully, we can one day live in a world where we can respect each other. Where we can all agree that Lesser Suffering actually produces a better result for all. In fact, it is the most rational way of interpreting the world, and also the most understandable and basic approach. This is how we de-mystify all political absolutes into one simple truth. How we reach solid reality consensus. This is what meant by putting Love into action.


The truth is that the chief metaphysical structure of the universe is DESIRE, which reaches and connects all the like-minded. What has been called a personal God or the miraculous, is nothing but DESIRE at work in the universe, for the simple reason that the universe itself is expansion. INFINITY. One and yet Infinite. The universe is infinite because it is  creative. Therefore, Creativity is the Originating principle of the universe. Creativity is guided by motivation or desire. What we call God is really Desire. People have been quite confused on this issue, seeing God as personhood, with a personality. But if God is all, in all, then how can it have a personality? What people worship are really the Powers of The Universe, that is the Creativity Principle or Desire. The smarter pagans understood this. What the mystics refer to as Oneness is the infinite feedback or loop-back of the Universe. Religious-minded people call this LOVE. It is LOVE only because all is connected. Everything is part of everything. Nor because there is a personality with an ego to love us. God is merely the sum of the whole universe and in this manner can be called intelligent. God though is really Infinity itself. Not really a supreme being who watches over his creation, but is creation and evolution itself. Desire and Creativity being the infinite sources of the Universal structure. The Universe is an infinite circle, going out and returning back. This is not all too different from sexual intercourse. Nature is but a reflection of these laws, and therefore Nature is its own divine. In sex we are able to feel this closeness more vividly, making it the supreme spiritual act.

Desire is the only way we can really understand the universal structure. Desire makes all possible, even new life. Desire makes all creation possible. This metaphysical perspective also agrees closely with the philosphical trend of 'DESIRE-FULLFILLMENT', as described by the philosopher Alonzo Fyfe, with his radical update of Utilitarianism. Therefore recognising that: 1. People are not aware of all their desires. 2. The value of a fulfilled desire is proportional to the strnegth of that desire. 3. Therefore, that desire is appropriate when the fullfillment of that desire makes one better off. 4. That desire should aim for well-being. 5. That desire or object should not thrawt other desires. For example drug addiction can make someone lose their home and previous existence. 6. Depending on whether the object thrawts a desire directly or indirectly 6. In summation: DESIRE is Morality. The desire to evolve is always superior fact of the human condition, and informs all religions itself. Even the religious-minded seek a superior station for themselves. No one seeks altrusim for its own sake, but for a pay-off down the road. 7. DESIRE is the same as Evolution, and Science improves and extends Evolution. 8. Therefore Science for the most part is good. It is Primitive consciousness that produces bad Science. Yet: only science can motivate humanity to shift away from primitive consciousness.

People have to be motivated to want to change, and that can only happen if its result-oriented. Religion and political ideologies have proven that they are largely incapable of substantially changing Consciousness. In this world there are many Christians but extremely few who can actually imitate Christ. For the simple reason that a Consciousness shift can only be natural, and can only be reproduced, not produced. The GREATEST HAPPINESS FOR THE GREATEST NUMBER is now redefined as a POLICY ATTEMPT TO LIMIT HUMAN SUFFERING. Science will be our guide here, and its data used to promote through out society the Optiminum Range of LESSER SUFFERING. Political experiments that demand collective suicide or sacrifice obviously violate this Principle. Policy is now oriented to producing Lesser Suffering-- the basis of our political/social progam, itself a shift away from a mere hedonism. Rather it is Scientific and rational hedonism that we now offer. The interpretation of data will help counsellors recommend the most rational approach to an existence of Lesser Suffering.

Previous Ideologies focussed on abstract absolutes. From the right it has been Liberty, and from the Left it has been Equality. Both of these approaches have often lead to more suufering for the majority on this planet. These have been secular attempts to replace the old moral absolutes of religions. They are non-realist and non-practical, themselves infected by Platonic idealism. They have not directly focussed on the human condition. They have not been able to import the major insightful discoveries of Psychology. These secular absolutes are Revolutionary ideas, but not evolutionary ones. Whatever avoids the major work of Psychology can not be said to offer a holistic approach or solution to problems. Soon there will be a stugggle between these two perspectives, between Philosophical idealism and the Evolutionary Psychology tendency which FUTURISTIC CONSUMERISM is willing to learn from.

Up to now, Capitalism has been far superior to any other economic alternative, simply because it works with the human condition, when socialism could not. That is why Capitalism seems to be in its triumphal mode, vanquinshing all other economic approaches. Not because it is done this in a conspiratorial manner, but because it knew better how to exploit human desire. This is now Late Stage capitalism. At the moment there is a contradiction in the system, between the need to meet counsumer demand and the need to utilize and decrease the cost of labor. The decrease in labor cost is what the Capitalist seeks, in order to increase profit, but which actually constrains labor's ability to purchase more consumer goods. This is the system's internal contradiction showing up, which can only be resolved by a radical change in the utilization of labor, and a new understanding of its role.

More so, an increase in the educational level of the population will one day create a shift away from the primitive expectation of struggle, moderating the survival of the fittest outlook that constantly leads us into wars, thus, to a new appreciation of creative values. At the moment there are certain forces at work which does not desire the full education of its population, wanting instead to retain a mobile and surplus work force. In short, the system needs certain labor to be accomplished cheaply. In some ways the Marxist understanding of Capitalism is still resonant and true.

But the shift to a new economy can only come about in a natural and mostly non-violent manner. Science is the great modifier of human expectations, of the human condtion itself, especially when political absolutes have largely failed. Science is more willing to work with the human condition, recognizing that the human animal is a series of needs and desires. These things supply the motivation for the human being to live and continue. It also creates for everybody else- even when it gives rise to social problems. Monks do not leave anything behind for the rest of us, whereas Bill Gates have done far more measurably for the human race. That is why Capitalism works and the Socialism advocated by the Left does not work. Socialism as we've known, always leads back to a conservative model resembling the Asian Feudal Mode of Production with its bureucratic centralization. Just look at Ancient China and North Korea today, quite simlar in many respects. But CONSUMER FUTURISTS are always open to a new model, a change in the mode of production. We are not individualistic Hedonists, but social ones.

Yet: only a Consciousness shift can make any of this possible. It is not possible to brain-storm out of this current mess and offer the usual moralistic dialogue that the helpless traditional Left has been offering us for the last half century. Wake up: capitalism has won, only because it knows the human condition better, for what it is, and does not make attempts at abstract reconstructon. The only way out of this is to PUSH Science to its most possible limits. Politically speaking--at the same time--we must prevent any sort of conservative counter-revolutionary attempt on the cultural front. We must stop these conservative fascist forces from turning the clock back.

It has been proven that Science is a third force, a new power beyond politics, forcing humanity to readapt to the ever new realities, taking us, but also the conservatives with it. In this sense it is an equalizing force, being less politically selfish. The Tradional Left must be entirely discarded though, especially the Environmentalist movement, with its silly ideas of primitive anarchism. Environmentalism is offering a conservative secular religion to the masses. Satements such as there being too much human consumption will only hurt the poor. This can one day become an ideological justification for the increase of human suffering. Enviromentalism is an attempt to create a third force in politics, replacing Science. That is what National Socialism was about. They too sought a return to an ideal past. Their inner philosophical core in fact rejects the basics of Humanism. If we don't place humanity at the center of the universe who are we going to ever limit human suffering? Beside, Lowering human consumption goes against human nature. To do so one would have to employ oppressive means. This view continually fails to understand that only science can offer the solution to environmental degradation. The Envionmentalists are right in pushing for leglislation that forces industries to be more energy efficient, and whenever it can suggesting new better tech. Philosophicaly speaking however, it is a dangerous philosophy, for the most part, and must be opposed philosophically,just as Fascism was once opposed. These views are all informed by the desire to return us to a simpler basic society. Simplicity always means Conservative in results. You can not have the structures of earlier hunting and gathering societies without bows and huts and horse-back riding. This is an internal contradiction in applied reasoning. You can can not desire the structure of old matriarchal societies just because it sounds empowering. You should instead advocate a possible future-oriented Feminism. The best way to do that is to fight the forces that want to repress human sexuality, which has always been the controlling tool of patriarchy. You should also seek to redefine the traditional family, since that has historically been a tool of woman's oppression. The problem with the Left today is that it has become regressive, rather than progressive and has allowed itself to be infected by conservative ideas. The return to the land movement can only lead to Fedualism. Earth religions, or neo-paganism are once again promoting women's old biological roles. In fact teaches women the limitations of their biology. How does that help women? Why should women seek to be reproductive machines?

The problem with the traditional Left today is that it is too focussed on destroying all perceived and visible signs of hierarchy, basing itself on a political idealism of a revolutinary era--mainly maximum equality. It is fact the opposite side of the coin of Conservative thought, that seeks maximum liberty at the expense of the human condition. Growing up in slums of Rio de Janiero is not real liberty. Nor does maximum equality reduce human suffering. As a policy it can not change human society. It is not realistic to eliminate all forms of hierarchal functions. None of these Political Moralisms achive real tangible result. Instead the job of philosophy should be to utilize all available data for the gradual elimination of human suffering. This was the concept that was originally at the heart of all religions, and the same can be said for all progressive philosophies. Jesus also healed the sick. The truth is that no society can rise higher than its Science. What we must always ask for is the possible. Only Science can give us the possible. Child hunger and the desire for its reduction is an outcome of sympathy for those who suffer. Lets us not remove ourselves from this singular event, but instead seek to change it. That is how we go beyond political idealism to a New Realism.

Therefore, Evolution is the principle motivation of creation itself, because as one reaches one stage one wishes to go to the next one. It is the reason why people are selfish and unselfish, depending on what they perceive as their next challenge. Every individual has an idea, based on such circumstances, on what stage they should enter upon next. Some of us wish to go beyond what is normally human, become mystical and spiritual, and others to become a new creation, aided by the techno-logical means to do so. Both attitudes seek to achieve the same result. To go Beyond. Every individual should have the choice to decide upon what that is. We should therefore not be afraid of Science but see it as another vehicle of evolution and expansion. In the past, evolution was often defined by how you could survive, how much you could accept without being broken. In the future it will be defined by how much you can be, by what you can do. How much you can change.

This new philosophical outlook will be challenged by those who wish to return us to the past. You see this happening in U. S politics a great deal. The harking back to traditional values and all the primitive nonsense. Many who do not embrace the Future sometimes unintentionally give comfort to the Fascists, allowing themselves to be used by them. New Luddites reside on both ends of the political spectrum. There is also the constant danger that they will one day link up and co-operate, like what happened before with Fascism, with Mussolini. I see the present Environmentalist Movement as attempting to make this appeal across the whole political spectrum. That is what they mean by being non-political and non-ideological. But its a sham. Its Conservatism in disguise. We have no problem with privileging clean fuel tech over old and primitive ones, but we know that they really want more than this. We must be on guard for our rights. Fascism is an ever present reality, and we must strive to overcome even our inner fascist.

But why are these people so afraid of the Future? It is what we can call a non-synchronous event. The past weighing upon the present. But we have to first understand that human behavior is part of evolution, always a previous stage of development.

Evolves according to Three (Major) Stages:

1. Primitivism. (Eden, Nature. Natural laws as the Moral foundation. Natural Balance. Think Native Indian. Smaller social units, economic anarchism.)

2. Rational-Mythic Stage. This is when the Moral foundation is Constructed. It is basically IDEALISM. It is also the age of the Spiritual Warrior or the Prophets. Think Evangelism and the Islamic Empire. The individual must submit himself, transcend himself through Suffering. Buddha named Suffering as the Great Nobel Truth. People suffered. People were slaves and accepted it as their lot. Into the 20th century when Europeans attempted to return to the past, to Blood and Soil. This got translated into Fascism, reacting against the uncertainties of Modernism.

This stage has lead to pyramid societies with divine kings, centralization of power, slavery, and pervasive Bureaucratization. Bigger social units, though smaller families. In the middle stage of Stage 2, we had Monarchies.  In the latter stage of this stage, we got the Rational State, or the end of nepotism.

Now we are entering rapidly into the Third Stage:

3. Science Stage (or The Period of Trans Humanism.) It is Balance on Scientific terms. First we've had a population explosion because of the vaccination programs offered against childhood diseases. Then people become more individualistic and decided to limit their own families. Self-regulation through contraception. Tech begins to regulate, taking over many of the functions of the State itself. Science starts creating the rules, and taking that power away from the autocrats.

Tech only becomes a problem when people refuse to advance to the next stage, holding up development and its own solutions. Science however, will eventually balance itself out. That is when we achieve Second Nature. This stage is when we return to Stage 1, beyond the dualities of Stage 2.  How will this stage looks like? More and more people will communicate electronically and maybe one day through a common computer. The Rational Stage will not disappear altogether, but it will do less in some areas.

There will be a return to smaller social units, that we saw in Stage One, but it will not be the old Tribalism. Nor a return to just Traditional marriage; instead people will choose to naturally become part of smaller social units. Sort like an extended family but without the rigid traditional concepts. There will now be a middle power between the individual and the State, unlike today where there is just the alienated Citizen and Patriotic State. Think of the Polis experiment in ancient Athens. These social units will live and work together. These will be mostly artificial families--at least what we call artificial today-- and mostly non-biological based parenting, and partly economic as well. Every society after all depends on a physician or a cook. Before, the wife might have done one of these roles. In the future other people might be included in such a household. Robots might end up doing the really menial tasks.

We'll know we have arrived at such a stage when all previous philosophical and religious systems have collapsed, and when Science finally wins the ultimate victory. It is our return to ' SECOND NATURE, ' a more natural moral system. Ideology will become less important, there will be no more conflicts and wars; because it will be a more natural system. Stage 2 with its Idealism and ideological constructions will fade. Trans Humanist Ideas will present itself as the last idealistic stage until it too must be overcome. People will have gained the natural right to evolve as they wish, and will no longer have to go through the exhaustive exercise of having to convince others that its alright.

This stage is no longer one that is simply constructed ideologically, but a physical creation. Human society goes beyond all previous meanings of society. Previously, Traditional Morality was used to fuel development, in fact it was Idealistic Fuel. But in the next stage, Evolution becomes completely natural, expected, and easily accomplished. We have raised ourselves from simple organic consciousness to Science-productive Consciousness. In fact the Science of the Future will be vastly superior to present tech, more humane, and immediate profit will matter less, and Evolution will become the real constant. At that stage we will go beyond ironical Post-Modernism, with its Luddite and Conservative contempt for the future. Nature now returns through Science to give us a real Moral foundation, real because it is natural, because it is part of us and not something to have suffer for. In this stage we no longer have to kill people to make them moral, amputate arms for stealing like in some parts of the world today. Those who persistently break social rules will be able to change whatever genes that make them unhappy and mean-spirited or violent. They will choose this option over going to jail. In fact better genes can be offered to anyone who wish to become better citizens of society. It will be a simple procedure offered to anyone at anytime. No, people will not be put in concentration camps. This is not racial hygienics. People will be given better genes at BIRTH, if their parents chooses to do do. Later on they will be able to choose again. People will be more loving, feel more closer to one another. People will often choose to part ways with harmful genes. People will live longer, having cloned bodies to choose from. No one will be allowed to own a real living or conscious person.  One can only choose one consciousness. Cloned bodies we said, and not necessarily cloned Consciousness. Our memories would probably be down-loaded into new bodies. We would be the same people, but younger and more healthier. Even if a whole person was cloned with consciousness, that clone would become a new person with new rights. Consciousness is what defines personhood. You can not own another consciousness. If society needed to make slaves they could make them right now, they don't need to clone in order to do so. The Consumer Futurist Party will have to educate the public about these myths.

In this stage there will actually be less emphasis on ownership. No more need for slavery and the productive machines. Robots will be the only slaves. Robots will do more for us, and what will now matter is Human Intelligence. Business people will have to recruit people according to what they know, not how long they work. Because again, Computers will do more. Over time, Business will realize that only by hiring more creative people can they compete. Third world wages will become redundant and obsolete, because the concept of old human labor will become obsolete. What matters now is how a product is enhanced, how a problem is fixed, not whether you work for nine hours. Because money becomes more virtual, the concept of profit changes also. The need to produce greater consumption will become more important than the need to get people to work for less pay for longer hours. Business, State and Society will merge into a Consumption Culture. Previous philosophical outlooks sought to get people to consume less, to accept a lower standard for living, so to create more surplus, more space for investment. This will no longer be possible in the Future, when Consumption will become vital to the continuation of Society and Economy. Older views will be seen as what they really are--destructive to Consumption patterns.

Because the Universe is infinite, therefore imbued with a sort of creative intelligence, this is a programmed course, and unstoppable. God is no other than Evolution, being the real intelligence in the universe. The Increase of the Individual leads to the increase of this Intelligence. It is an Infinite feedback Mechanism. The Universe desires, and so we must desire. In the previous stage, people were made to suffer, so to increase the Surplus Of Society as a whole. That surplus increased Tech. Now with Tech on the scene, there must be a mechanism to guide the individual to utilize that Tech, more and more, so that it can be ever increased, and thus Increasing the Universe. Once our new race colonizes other planets we again will be Increasing the Universe again. We will again become an agent for this Universal Intelligent Power, what people at one time called God. Desire or Infinite Creativity will seek further into a scientific society, until nature is recreated through Science. Then we will have robots to do most of the work we rather not do. Then we will see an end to most suffering. Every single ideology previous to this stage are either based on suffering as a Concept or was an outgrowth of it. That even includes many of our present simple-minded economic philosophies. Even Hinduism blamed the victims, with its Karma ideologies. For Christians, Christ was the universal sufferer, making suffering a spiritual gift to use. While for the Buddhist, release from this life of illusion was their final motivation. It is not in the nature of these old ideas to want to end suffering, but rather to get us to accept and even extend it. Not to extend life, but to extend suffering. They are death-oriented, and must promote an other-worldly paradise.

Notice that only the secularization of society has produced a welfare state. Which is why Conservatives want us to accept less, and be more religious. They need to produce a personality type who will sacrifice for their stupid wars. Political Islam now solely exists to make willing soldiers out of suicide. To keep itself going against other competing primitive philosophies, they will one day ask toddlers to kill themselves. But this is actually the FINAL END OF RELIGION as we've known it. To survive, they must become even more irrational, until exhausting all of their own options.

Only then will people realize that traditional religion is an obsolete, death-oriented philosophical outlook. That they have been worshipping death. Then they will turn away from it. The internet will finally overcome the sickle.  

That is why Conservatives want us to be religious, so to dupe us. Non-secular societies do not really wish to see a better world. They want us to hope for heaven instead and wait until we die to be happy. That is why Conservatives are RELIGIOUS-MINDED, and attempt to use Morality to make people unhappy.

To go to the next stage, all previous ideologies should really be jettisoned; in fact, all the world's religions can only produce sexism and racism and all other forms of outright discrimination. Even the more benign religions out there don't really seek to end human misery. It is not in their nature to want to do so. They are, but for a few exceptions, agricultural products. Based on concepts of suffering, on the blood of the martyrs, soldiers of sacrifice, etc. The danger is that they will become so desperate that some of them might seek to spark an apocalyptic war and then blame it on Science. But it is not genuine science that is doing this. They are the ones. They need to make Science look bad and therefore utilize it for their own bad purposes. Nearly every legislative act by a religious-minded person usually leads backward, back to the injustices of the past. They simple do not want to solve problems, but to create them again. Their only solutions to anything is to punish people. Notice that the results of their acts is to make someone's life more difficult. They choose the most vulnerable first and then they will move up to us. That is how they really think. To make life difficult is the only solution they can offer. Look at how they really want to deal with Social Security, pretending that it has to do with money; when in fact, they actually raise the age of it's benefits. Why? Simply because they don't want senior citizens to enjoy themselves. Libertarians are kidding themselves if they think that Conservatives want to make people's lives easier. It's just not how they think. What is even worse they usually come back and say that for the most part, human problems like poverty can not be solved, world hunger will always be with us. They say this WHEN WE'VE INCREASED FOOD PRODUCTION OVER A THOUSAND TIMES OVER THE PREVIOUS CENTURY. Sure they lead charities, but these-- if you notice-- never really do much on a major level and always keep the poor dependent on the religious-minded. It goes AGAINST their basic Philosophy to believe that a better world is even possible. Fundamentalists believe that ninety percent of the planet will perish and that a few of them will get raptured and be protected. To be a Conservative or religious-minded person is no different than being a cynic. To be a cynic is to hate people. Conservative columnists are usually depressive types, who are scathing, often calling human beings parasitical. To have shelter, and wanting to buy clothes is to them parasitical.

So why are Conservatives making a comeback?  Why? Because the traditional left and the liberal-minded have become too cynical about Technology. They too hate Science. It wasn't always that way. They use to believe in Scientific progress. But have been infected by anti-Tech Ideas. Environmentalism, other than the clean fuel technology solutions, are Conservative by nature. Environmentalists are not liberals. Don't be fooled. They seek to grossly limit human consumption. They are Conservatives in sheep clothing. The left needs to embrace science again. Because there is no way to politicize the world into utopia. Marxism couldn't do it. Mao and Stalin tried to by-pass certain stages of development and that is why they are tragic experiments. The Left will die out, if it continues to follow only a political path. You must first encourage the development of more science, as much as possible. Politics alone will completely fail. The left must stop rejecting the power of Reason and Science. Utopia has to happen naturally and only Science can do that effectively.

BUT I tell you now, that in the new Society, Human productivity as we've known it will become obsolete, and traditional capitalism will also collapse. The new system coming into being will continue only by continually stimulating consumer demand. Yes, we will live very long lives. Most people will be born with much higher Intelligence than what we have today. The system will no longer need to produce ignorance, so as to continue recreating its work-slaves. In the future it will be simpler to receive an education. We may even link to each collectively through one electronic mind achieving what the ancient mystics only dreamed about.

What will happen to all of our religions? They will go into the dustbin. But not before they show themselves to be completely insane. Currently they are fighting for survival and will do anything to prevent themselves from dying out. They are what you can call Collective Egos. This is what is happening in the world today. But the time will come, when people, even in the Middle East, will realize how foolish they really are.

These religions were perpetuated on old master-slave relationships. They no longer offer anything positive to humanity, only more suffering. Yet what individuals really seek and often call morality is the diminution of their own suffering. If someone was to suddenly enter your home and steal your furniture, I'm sure you would want the police to investigate and catch the thief. So you naturally say that the commandment against stealing is actually a good idea. What people assume to be morality is really their desire to protect something, their property, their children.  For religionists morality is a tool to make us more specifically moral, and to punish the unbelievers. But it is also to make others suffer, so they can suffer less. It is the slave-master relationship being perpetuated again.

Everywhere we are being transformed, and people are now seeing the true results of Stage-Two Idealism. First of all, people are learning that even traditional values are not working. In societies where Stage-Two has not even been partially overcome, suffering and poverty is a massive issue. Look at non-liberal societies, from all over the Third World, and you'll see great suffering. That is because Stage-Two Idealism can no longer solve problems, but actually make them worse. Look at Catholic Spain under Franco and Fascist Portugal--these countries were recently more poorer than other European Socities. Then they radically broke away from the Fascist mindset, and now Spain is a motor of economic growth in the Euro-sone. Samething happened to Ireland. Historically, Protestant countries tended to reflect a later stage of Stage-Two Idealism, and therefore did better economically than Catholic ones. Only Catholic societies like France which had an anti-clerical Revolution did much better. Secularism alone however is not enough. Regressive countries like Russia with the powerful Orthodox church, still adopted Idealistic collective concepts like the Worker, substituting for the spiritual warrior Idealism of Stage-Two, attempting to get around Capitalism which promotes Consumption for all; whereas the Marxist-State tries to limit consumption, based as it is on a war-economy or so-called Leninist Permanent Revolution. Collective morality can also be regressive. Nazism was also regressive, basing itself on blood and soil, old archaic agrarian concepts, with their emphasis on the tribe. Nazism is nothing more than Radical Conservatism however. The world today is still riddled with these sick Idealisms. Religious Theocracies for example. They end up with someone issuing fatwa's. But you may counter-argue that the majority may want some fundamentalist party to issue fatwa's. Isn't that the Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number? Unfortunately, for these Stage-Two Idealisms there can only be limited happiness. Their whole existence is to try to limit consumer choices. In their view people have to compete to be happy, and thus only a few of the chosen can ever hope to be happy. To them Happiness is as rare as rubies and diamonds. Seeing a limited availability of happiness, they seek to stop others from taking it from them.

But: Conservatives are the true Nihilists. The religious kind don't like this world much, which means they don't like no one. For we are all part of nature itself. They seek instead the purity of post-earth existence, since that is themost abstract one. Purity is what they often mean by morality. But, Purity is never-ending: To be successful you must erase nature itself, with all it's complexity. That is why sex must also be regulated or even restricted. In a certain sect of Judaism, it is believed that spilling the sperm during intercourse is a sinful act. In this view, the male homosexual act is forbidden, while the female homosexual act does not carry the same taboo power. The sperm is too sacred. Pagan, isn't it? Paganism after all, is based on the Fertility Cult. This is where the injunction against masturbation came from and was then carried over into later religious philosophies. But the Catholic Church changed it by saying that all masturabtion is selfish. Nowadays, the female homosexual is seen just as bad as the male homosexual. Sex of course can never just be a pleasurable activity, it must be tied to pro-creation, or work. Ironically, Conservatives themselves can never to be satisfied. They fear the world and therefore will always attempt to destroy it. Notice that purity in most countries is associated with whiteness. Its a non-color almost. Being transparent and invisible it holds nothing of color. That's why Conservatism is a moderate version of Fascism, and when given the opportunity, when nothing stands in their way, in their desire to extinguish, they will become Fascists.

Unfortunately, many People still believe that Conservatism and Fascism will improve their lives. Actually, Fascists and Conservatives are the most selfish people of all, because what all they really want to do is make others suffer for them, in their place. Just look at the Nazis and the Jews. Jewish bussinesses were handed over to Germans. Dictatorships can only occur if there are general Fascist tendencies on the part of the population. Marxism was also a form of Fascism--believe it or not--because it also expected the population to sacrifice their happiness and joy for some later benefit. These perspectives are all social-darwinist in nature. They believe that Happiness is for the most part impossible. They put great weight on the value of suffering and sacrificing for the herd. In practice, this means that most people must suffer. Most people are asked to sacrifice for the patriotic state, or for abstract ideals. Pretending that it wanted a better world, Marxism and the many variants of Socialism also asked that milions suffer for a future state. But Our party would never ask such things from anyone. The majority must decide what makes them happy. We call this the Happiness Concensus. Future Consumerism just wants to bring joy and pleasure to all. We are suspicious of most idealistic concepts from Stage-Two. We feel we must educate others about the dangers that these philosophies pose to their future rights. In this sense we believe in the rights of individuals to change themselves in almost any way. At the same time we respect the Happiness Concensus of the majority. We also have enough confidence to believe that the more advanced Science becomes the more people will choose to use it to create their own happiness.

Traditional Moralists are often bullies. Their power is always coercive, closing out our choices, wanting to deny us our opportunity to improve ourselves, find more pleasure.

We can only attempt to educate people about their right to have Choices, to lead them to their own self-esteem. We should not however force people to participate in this project. Rather we should offer them the motivation to do so.

True, Consumer FUTURISM appears political and moral also, but it is also ready to go much farther than any previous philosophy. That is the one crucial difference between our and their Idealism. We may not be perfect, but we coming much closer to what a progressive society can look like. We just refuse to waste time on attempting to resurrect or save the past. We offer the cleanest break of all.

Our philosophy though can only compliment a new stage of human development, which is still coming.

The FUTURIST CONSUMER SOCIETY of the Future is dependent on a new stage of human and social development. On people being educated about the Happiness Principle and its concensus ability. If we could recognize that everyone has a right to happiness, then this world would truly become a better place. There would be an end to most wars. But, as long as people are fighting over old abstract ideals like God, sacrifice and patriotism, then it will continue to be hell. Only the Happiness Principle can bring real meaningful peace to this planet.

THE PURPOSE of the CONSUMER FUTURIST PARTY at the moment, is to offer a forum for new ideas, being a citizen educating exercise. Not to teach, but to make more CHOICES known, to suggest new possibilities, thereby hoping to change some of the debate out there.

We do not promote self-reliance and individualism, nor altruism and unselfishness. That's old hat, old Twentieth Century politics. We are far too Future-oriented for these dualities and wars.

Technology and Science will one day provide the moral and economical-social system that we truly need.


In the future, Membership will be twenty five dollars. We have delayed it for the moment. We are still testing demand.

Choices offered with this new membership: You will be given the choice to set up a local chapter, on your own, using the name of the Party and from the source materials.

You will be able to send in articles for hopefully our quarterly annual newsletter. The articles will only be rejected if they run over too many pages, and do not reflect in even a basic manner the philosophical tendency of our policy program.

With membership comes a card with your name on it, saying you are a member of the PARTY.

BUT BECAUSE this is a new start up, for the first year there will be no fees or memberships offered. This is to determine the desire and present demand out there, for the consumption of this project. In the meantime during this will be considered a voluntary year.

BUT I will be happy to receive messages and opinions.


It is in a way a psychological TEST. Do you want to take it? You may be surprised at your answers.

Have you ever wondered whether you're a Fascist?

When I'm speaking of fascism I don't just mean the philosophy created by Mussolini. I mean a psychological tendency. Many of us carry an inner fascist within us, without being conscious of it. That is why we have created this Test.

If you would you like to know if you are a Fascist, please take the test down below. It will only take about six minutes or so.


People in Europe are taking too many vacations and this should be stopped.

The world is going to hell, technology is evil, and we should return to much simpler times.

It is wrong to have sex with someone of a different race.

It is wrong to have sex with someone of the same gender.

Free speech should be limited whenever my feelings get hurt. Because you hurt me with words, you should then be sued or stopped.

Those who don't believe in the true religion will be go to hell, and be punished.

The problem with our world is that people are looking for happiness.

We should stop consuming so much. It is destroying the earth. We need to lower our standard of living.

People are just not working hard enough. There should be far more productivity.

People are whining too much and should accept less help.

No woman should be allowed to have an abortion. If she did she would be a murderer and the physician should be prosecuted.

This is a Christian country. Don't ever forget that.

We need to punish people for doing drugs. They should be removed from society.

Suffering is something that is good, and should be promoted. The problem with most people is that they don't accept their suffering. But more suffering will make them more spiritual.

When you marry someone you should stay with that person forever. You have no right to leave. If your spouse beats you then should just continue to forgive your spouse. Leaving him will be sinful. Marriages can never be dissolved.

We are not doing enough to build up our military. Nuclear bombs bring real peace.

Our Problems could be solved if we just drafted young people into the military.

I'm sick of people wanting more rights.

Too many people are getting overpaid for their jobs.

We got to put a stop to all this technology before its too late.

Birth control should not be used.

No one should listen to rap music.

One should be ashamed of one's own body.

People should be saving most of their money and spend far less on enjoying themselves.

The 1960's was the worst thing to ever happen. It brought us Hedonism, and Promiscuity. So therefore, we should go back to older values.

Sure, Slavery existed in the 1800's, but at least people were more moral than they are today. Back then Everyone went to church.

People should be left alone to seek their economic advantage, but they should not be individualists when it comes to other things. Yes it's fine to make money, but not alright to break the ten commandants. Only capitalists have a right to be selfish.

We have too many holidays in this country.

A Good Woman will want to stay at home.

Men are just smarter than women. It's the truth!

Professional women are way too selfish. They should all quit their jobs.

Hilary Clinton is too ambitious.

We should force people to be equal.

No more research into cloning. None.

Things are so messed up that we need some kind of martial law.

The military is the best thing we have left. They are the ones who can be counted upon the most.

No one ever has the right to criticize the police when they shoot down criminals.

Immigrants are causing all of our problems.

Dating should be forbidden at the Office.

It would be much better if people had less sex.

Parents should be applying corporal punishment to their children more often. If you beat them more often you are turning them into better human beings.

We should leave bullies alone. Children need to understand that its a cruel world out there and that having someone bully them will only make them stronger in the longer run.

This world we live in was meant to be tough. Its impossible to make it a nicer place. Suffering is our lot.

Jesus is coming back anyway. So if things get worse, then it can only get better.

IF YOU SAID YES TO MORE THAN THREE QUESTIONS then You may have some Fascist tendencies. If YOU SAID YES to MORE THAN SIX of these QUESTIONS YOU ARE PROBABLY A FASCIST and perhaps should seek Psychological help. You have a psychological disease. You really don't like People. This is a far more serious problem than you think it is. Please help yourself. Yes: You do deserve to improve.

But at the moment we can not accept you as member for the Consumer Futurist Party. We are asking for humane-loving people; so to one day build a better world for everyone. For all.

IF however, you are sincere about becoming more humane and more open-minded

Extending Humanity. Building the future together.

