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Miroslav Provod


One of the many mysteries of Egyptian pyramids is their situation 1500 meters from the river Nile. Thereof ensue the questions why the builders had not recommended the place for building more closely to watercourse, the transport of stone would have been simplified, and why the distance 1500 meters?

The answer to the both questions the science has not understood, it can be found in the energy of mass and reads:

“The pyramidal complexes were not only ritual buildings but also the energetic. The builders respected the regulation of energy components and the bends of watercourses for passing the energy to mineral”.

I understand that in this one sentence are too much unknown and impalpable information, therefore I will try to reply the other way. At the end of year 2004 the whole world observed the undersea quake at SouthEast Asia and destructive power of water waves tsunami. During the valuation of results of the natural disaster, we were informed that in the afflicted areas not even one animal perished! Several minutes before coming of destructive water waves, The domesticated elephants in Laos were anxious and took to flight towards the inland. Science does not understand how animals had known about the danger in advance, while human beings had no clue..

Also in this case the answer is situated outside human knowledge and it reads: “There were energy zones of gigantic water mass, which covered the area in a flash and moved by the speed of water weaves in their set”.

In the preventive reactions of animals, it follows that probably they have in their bodies receptors responsive to energy components. Evidently that showed like a painful message in short intervals. The uneasy feeling coursed in their bodies under the movement of water-waves and it themselves orientated to the way of escape. I was inspired to this consideration by the event of a man whose receptors, after a poisoning of lead, had stopped to react to warm and reacted only to energy components. The details are named at I suppose that in unknown receptors of animal bodies can be hidden answers even for other mysteries of nature, such as the orientation at long-distance transfers of birds or congers, the lost orientation of whales etc.

The selection of building site for complexes of mastabas had been executed by the same way like for pyramidal complexes. The distance between the barrier and the mastaba is also 1500 meters and creates a parallel to pyramidal complex (the valley temple, the rising way, the pyramid). The barriers constructed from desiccated bricks, in some cases high till eleven meters, were not substantiated from the standpoint for their excavation till this time. The barrier situated to the energy space of the Nile magnifies in its mass the energy value. By the crossing of energy zones in rectangular plot inside the building is evoked additional energy. The niches on barriers, which are denoted like decorative elements, also have energy function. They enlarge the surface area and thereby positively shape the energy zones. Temples and barriers in valley had functioned like all sacral constructions – they supported to their visitors the physical energy. With resembling constructions in much later era we can encounter by Celts, who replaced peripheral masonry with clay mounds.

The energy zone far 1500 meters from river Nile, in which mastabas and pyramids were situated, remains the mystery. I estimate that the resembling zones from the pyramid to the river Nile are more. The zones are together energy attractive and thereby originate the consideration of many contingencies.

Among special spheres every new idea about the unknown energy in connection with long past cultures call up questions and an idea that the new energy could discover only a technically advanced civilization. The fugitive herd of elephants in the face of aggressive zones of natural disaster however has argued that the cosmic energy can be exploited also without understanding. There are only unknown natural laws and reactions of unknown receptors, which can be find empirically.

January 2005

Miroslav Provod

262 84 Zaluzany

Czech republic

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