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My Tears Too

In my experience, self injury is not something that is just "in your head"! It is a REAL issue, not one that is just "played". I had people always telling me that I did it for attention, or that I just did it to be "cool". First of all, I never wanted attention from it, I did it for over 10 years before people started catching on, and that is only because I got older, so I couldn't blame it on falling down when playing and in the summer time I couldn't hide it so easily. Secondly, how in the world is it being "cool"? They make it sound like it is this club that you are just hurting yourself to be in. Yes, it is a club, but not one that they think it is. We are in a club because of the pain we put on ourselves. We are sisters and brothers because of our injury. I don't like hurting myself and most of the injurers that I talk to say the same thing, so it isn't some "cool" thing we do to fit into a club. Never let anyone tell you that it isn't a real issue! Because it is! And once you start dealing with the issues that cause it, the injuring does slow down and eventually will stop. Never give up hope! You are not alone and people do recover!


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