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(the screen opens as we see justin sane talkin to a bunch of his friends in the backstage)

(he looks up at the camera and starts talkin)

J.S:"well well well if it isn't my favorite people. how are ya'll doin. oh i heard i have a match this monday for the KOTR tournament quilifying round. and my opponent ... well hold on let me go out and tell the world this"

(justin walks out of the room as we cut to commercial)


(we come back and justin walks out to a outside stage and starts talkin to the fans as they go wild)

J.S." alright this monday i am in the King Of The Ring tourny it starts with 16 ends with 1 and just to let everyone here know that one is me...aint no one gonna stop me i am justin sane and i have no problem whoopin anyone anytime anywhere for any reason and this monday to get to the quarter finals i gotta go through Scott Hall...please this guy says he is cool...he aint nuthin...he comes up in here with friends thinkin he's all that...well to me he isnt nuthin bad he is a chump just like the rest of the people here i am the only true man...and nobody gonna get in my way of gettin that KOTR Title i am the man and i will prove it when i go one on one with Scotty H this monday and when i face all those others .whomever can win a match or two just to get to me.i think its time to bust some freestyle"

(justin climbs onto the speakers)

J.S."when i get in the ring with scott hall
he will be the one to fall

the one that breaks
i am the one that takes

the belt at the PPV
after words my opponents ...blood they will pee

my win,my game,
the price of fortune the price of fame

where's the challange wheres the chance
when scott see's me he will pee his pants

sorry scotty its just destiny
because there aint no one better than me

(he gets off the speakers)

J.S.:" thats all i got to say"