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Hamsteryark's Web Page

My awesome title

I might add a warning that this page is somewhat random but focuses mainly on my two favorite animated series. Don't expect this to be a real informative site. It has pictures of the characters and a little about their comic or cartoon but I suggest further searching if you want to know more. As long as you're already here you might as well give it a look.

If you're going to use the pictures for anything please include the author's name as to give him credit. The names are at the bottom of the descriptions. Thanks.

JtHM Author



Characters from Johnny The Homicidal Maniac. One of the best comics I've ever read.

Squee with his teddy Shmee

Nny aka Johnny

Devi, originally from JTHM and I Feel Sick

From the I Feel Sick comic, Devi's best friend Tenna

Squee, Shmee, and Devi all originated from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. JtHM is about Nny who is a flusher. All the bad stuff and hatred of the world goes to him. He lives in a run-down house with many sub-basements. One of the walls in his house leads to a different place and what ever is on the other side of the wall keeps trying to get in so to keep it out Nny has to keep the wall wet with blood. In the levels under the house there are many torture devices and just random things for killing people.

Squee unfortunately is Nny's neighbor. On a lucky note Nny actually likes Squee and protects him. Squee's real name is Todd. Shmee, Squee's teddy, is evil and keeps telling Squee to do things to his parents. His parents actually deserve it though. His father is always telling him how much happier he was before Squee was born and his mother just ignores him. Squee still thinks his parents love him even though they've told him to go get kidnapped. In general he's just a little kid who you know is going to have some problems when he grows up.

Devi is just a girl that has a lot of bad dates and ends up going out with Nny. She actually makes him happy so he decides to immortalize the moment and tries to kill her. She totally kicks his butt and gets away. Devi paints an evil looking doll and before she can finish it she's hired to draw comics and doesn't have time. Eventually the painting starts talking to her, even though she knows it's just her talking to herself, just like the evil doughboys talk to Nny.

Tenna does show up in one of the JTHM comics but I haven't really looked for her. Tenna is Devi's best friend. Her advice for everything is that you need to get out more. I don't really know much about Tenna because I've only been able to read one issue of I Feel Sick. I don't want to spoil them anymore than I already have so that's about it for that.

For more information about JTHM, Squee or I Feel Sick look them up on the net or buy the comics. I suggest actually buying the comics if you think you'll like them. All of the JTHM, Squee and I Feel Sick comics and graphics are property of Jhonen Vasquez.


Random list of anime, cartoons and just stuff

Foamy----Johnny the Homicidal Maniac----Squee----I Feel Sick----Inuyasha----Cowboy Bebop----Trigun----Bastard----Wolf's Rain----FLCL----DragonBall Z----Ed, Edd & Eddy----ATHF----The Family Guy----Futurama----Randomness----Green Bay Packers----Hamsters----Football----Insanely violent squirrels of DOOM!!----Pilz-E----Begley----Explosions----1967 Shelby Mustang----STUFF



If anyone's wondering what the background picture is of it's a pill popping ADHD squirrel named Pilz-E from the Foamy cartoons. Foamy, his owner Germaine, Pilz-e and Begley are the main characters in Foamy. Foamy with his cream cheese bagels, Pilz-e with his little purple pills, Begley with his English accent and Germaine with her purplish hair and set of complaints makes one of the best online cartoons. If you don't already know about it and want the site then check out my list of links. All things Foamy related are sole property of Jonathan Ian Mathers.

The whole gang

From left to right:Germaine---Foamy---Begley---Pilz-E


Sorry I don't have much in the site directory. It's still a work in progress.

My Web Site Directory

All Things Foamy


All about OzzFest

Web Journals

Green Bay Packers

Johnny Wallpapers

All seven of the JTHM comics

Anti-Evil Squirrels

A Nny Site

More Nny Sites

Feel free to e-mail me with pictures relating to JtHM, Squee, I Feel Sick, or anything Foamy related. Also feel free to send me links to any interesting sites or just anything that would be interesting to add to the list of random stuff. Use appropriation please.
