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Location of Investigation: Ashley's Resteraunt & Pub on US-1, Rockledge, Florida
Date of Investigation: October 31st (Halloween), 2001
Lunar Phase: Full Moon (only happens once every 30 years on this date!)
Time of Investigation: between 8pm-11pm
Weather Conditions: Drizzling Rain, Humid
Solar X-Rays: unknown
Geomagnetic feild: unknown

Equipment: Kodak Disposable Camera w/film

Field Report

This was my very first serious investigation as a novice 'ghost' hunter. When I got the film back from the developer's, I was so amazed and delighted with the results, it launched me into a more serious and full-time persual of these anomalies....and here I am today, two years later. Unfortunately, I did not write a feild report at the time, so I'm basing this on my very vivid memories of that night. Since then, I've been following a stricter protocol.

My best friend Kristina, her boyfriend at the time, and myself arrived at Ashley's around 8:30 or 9pm. We decided to go there for some snacks, and armed with a Kodak disposable camera, I was also hoping for some spooks. We sat in the corner booth by the bar, which is also against the wall where there is a bulletin board featuring all the 'ecto' pics of the service staircase/bar area that many different patrons have brought in.

After we placed our order, Kristina accompanied me into the lady's room, where much of the bizzare activity has been reported. As I snapped some pictures, I politely asked for any entity/being that might be present to materialize for my camera. There was an unexplainable noise coming from one of the stalls, but the stall door was open and no one else was in there. The noise sounded like someone messing with the small window which opens outward, that people often report pops open even when latched. This has happened to me on another occaision. We started to feel creeped out, and left the lady's room.

We ate our snacks, and just before we left I went to take some pictures of the steep wooden service staircase, another epicenter of anomalous activity. I did not ask any entity/being to manifest itself for my camera out loud, however, since the place was crowded. I focused on the question in my mind, and then snapped one picture.

The un-altered photo is at the top of this page. Please note that the paper ghost decoration at the top of the staircase is not a real ghost, but it did add an interesting touch to the ecto. I assure you, THIS IS NOT SMOKE. I made sure that no one around me was smoking at the time I took the picture, and was aware that smoke can produce similar effects. You will also notice that the 'ecto' near the middle-left of the pic does not resemble smoke at all(a moving orb or vortex?). There also seems to be a mysterious face (with no body) on the upper right of the staircase landing. I remember clearly that I made sure no one was in the shot, but it is possible this could be a waitres...but I don't recall any one standing there at the time. I have cirled this face in red in the pics below:

detail of ecto with mysterious face circled in red

left: altered pic. color is tweaked for a different view of the anomaly.
right: altered pic. negative image.