Home of the Pythia

The theatre and the Temple of Apollo, Delphi, wherein the Pythia sat, delivering her famous oracle
to those who climbed Mount Parnassos seeking the wisdom of Apollo

It is said that Zeus wished to discover where lay the centre of the world. So he sent out two
eagles, one from the east and one from the west. They met over Delphi and thus it became known
as the Omphalos (navel) of the world.

 thus it is from here that we begin our travels...

Representations: Inside the Cave
The Pythia: just a fraud?
the Pythia speaks
Maecenas' page
tolle lege
Panis et Circenses
The Great Library of Alexandria

ah yes. and
some random ramblings from an eccentric sloth as she paces about a bit in the stoa

Disclaimer: Reading any further may result in an extreme demise of your sanity. If any reader chooses to undertake this dangerous task, he/she thereby
accepts full responsibility for the peril which proximity to the Pythia and her ramblings may induce.
Need further advice?

created Dec 2004 | contact the Pythia