The blacklily network

What is The Blacklily Network?

The Blacklily network is a non-profit organisation. We endorse the female writers in this world. Since women still aren’t seen as professional writers we want to promote them. Here you can read the work of female authors or have your own work read. As said before The network is a non-profit organisations, meaning, it’s completely for free. You will not be put on a mailing list. The only mails you will receive are the more important ones. Notifications of new members every other month, or a notification if the site is going to be under construction. If you don’t even want to receive these types of e-mails, just tell us and you wont.

What means the name Blacklily?

The word Black stands for the idea that women are still considered the black sheep of writers. Women write with more emotions then men do. But never the less, women can write, and good too.
The word Lily stands for the woman. It’s a white flower. It stand for the purity in which women write.
The complete word is a contradiction. It is black and white at the same time. We combined these two words to something in the middle of it all. The idea of men and of women. Neither are good or bad, female writers don’t write better or worse then men, they all write the same.

What can the BLN do for me?

We can promote your work. And we will promote your work. It basically works like this. You send us your link where your work is at. We put up the link under the section members. You link us back making us move up on the search engines. The higher we go the more people will find us. The more people that visit our site, the more people will be able to visit yours. As a member you of course go visit the links of other members, as other members will do with yours. There for your work is much more read.

What do I have to do to become a member?

First of all you have to read the Rules. But for all of those who don’t feel like reading them completely here’s the gist of it. Send us an E-mail saying you want to join. In that e-mail there has to be your Link, you member name and what type of writing you do. When you have become a member the most important thing to do is link back to us. For more information on the rules and the complete rule list, go to the link at the top of this text block.

Who can join the Blacklily Network?

Women. All you have to do is be a woman and a writer. Now you don’t have to be a woman in body, you can be one in mind too. So all men who feel like a woman and write are most welcome to join. All manly men who don’t write, of course are forbidden to join, but are still allowed to read the work of the members.

NEW The blacklily network as won an award.

The PCman Website Award

ALOHA AWARD - Click here to nominate a site!

NEW NEW NEW: The Blacklily network is holding a writing contest. every one can contribute, either you are a member or not. for more information go to Contest. The results will be put up on this page soon.

Now enough about the site, on to the members.









Join the Blacklily network? Read the Rules first.

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