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Skank Crew 402 is currently looking for new members, if you are easy going and think you have what it takes, e-mail us or find us in the chat!

The Coolest Fucks In Omaha...

Andrew (Picture Coming Soon)
/Your name could be here.\
The Eruption
Check this place out and Sign up.
Story to Tell

Update January 03, 2005.

There is now a video of me (Dyllon) playing guitar in the morning out of boredum. The ending of the "jam" is horrible for the reason I was running out of recording time. Tally ho than.

Update December 29, 2004.

New pics up of me and mark, cool shit huh? I know...dick.

Update December 4, 2004.

Dyllon here. I cleaned up the site, like you can see in the news section,

I'll keep you all posted on the updates, and the SC chat should be up soon.

Skank Crew Chat

E-mail me at:

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