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The Celtic Block

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By: Tracy Porter

Copyright 2003

About Tracy Renee Porter

I was born January 30, 1961 at 5.11pm in Little Rock, Arkansas. I have an identical twin sister who was born about 5 minutes before me. I am an Aquarian with a Leo Moon and Ascendant, giving me many magnanimous qualities not necessarily attributed to the friendly Water Bearer. In addition, my Venus is exalted by sign and degree in the sign of Pisces, which predisposes me to at least a touch of unrealism when it comes to that which I desire.

I left Little Rock at 18 years old to join the United States Air Force, and this is where I received most of my training in and out of the classroom. I was trained as a Wideband Maintenance Technician and went to Texas, Mississippi, the Azores, Florida, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom with the military. While in the military, I was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Studies, as well as qualifications as a communications-electronics technician.

I eventually settled in England, which is where I have decided to make my home.

While I have always had an interest in the esoteric arts, it did not awaken in me until the 1980’s, when I studied Cabala, Runes, I-Ching, Numerology, Tarot and Astrology. While I have studied many subjects relating to the New Age movement, such as Reiki and Shiatsu, in an effort not to spread myself too thin I have made it a policy to concentrate on only three or four disciplines, such as Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Cabala and Palmestry. Because all of the sciences are intricately linked, I try to use them in a complimentary fashion.

I have been published in magazines in America and England, to include Today’s Astrologer, Prediction Magazine and American Astrologer.

I am a member of the American Federation of Astrologers.

I have taught Tarot classes at the local adult education courses in Basingstoke and have worked as a reader at various psychic fairs in the area. I have also performed readings for Llewellyn at the London Book Fair.

The other publications are:-

The Tarot Companion, 2000, Llewellyn Publications
House Rules, 2001, American Federation of Astrologers
Blind to the Molesting Hands, 2002, Janus Publishing
Stolen From My Bosom, 2004, Janus Publishing


The Celtic Block

The Celtic Block is an in depth work on two astrological spreads, the Celtic Cross and the Celtic Block.

It begins with an introductory chapter on the history or the Tarot, and a new slant on the Elements that are a part of any esoteric discipline. It discusses ancient mythology of the Egyptians and Sumerians, and indicates that during those very early historic times the prehistoric people thought of the seasonal elements in a completely different light. This chapter is definitely worth reading, if only to gain a greater insight of how the very early constellations and signs were formed by early astrologers.

The first spread that is discussed is the Celtic Cross, which is a spread that comes from antiquity and was discussed by A E Waite in his work, ‘The Pictoral Key to the Tarot’.

The second spread that is discussed is the Celtic Block, which is a continuation of the Celtic Cross and was first mentioned by Eileen Connolly in ‘Tarot: A New Handbook for the Apprentice’.

The rest of the book is a chapter by chapter breakdown of each card position and an interpretation of each card, resulting in a possible delineation of 1,092 possible cards. Each delineation has been written precisely for the placement, and is unique.

This book is suitable for anyone from the beginner to the advanced student of Tarot. The beginner will gain a great deal of wealth because he will be able to begin giving readings for himself and his friends the very same day that he purchases the book. The advanced student of Tarot would benefit from this work because it can be used as an invaluable reference book to refer to.

The book would be suitable for trade outlets, workshops and lectures.


Chapter I – Introduction

This in an introduction to Tarot. It explains its origins, how to use the Tarot, and some little known esoteric insights that are not included in most books on the subject.

Chapter II - The Celtic Cross

This is a detailed description of the Celtic Cross spread, which is probably one of the most common spreads in use today.

Chapter III - The Celtic Block

This is a detailed description of the Celtic Block spread, which is an extension of the Celtic Cross and provides more information to the querent.

Chapter IV - The Question

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Question position.

Chapter V – Cross

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Cross position.

Chapter VI – Above

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Above position.

Chapter VII – Below

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Below position.

Chapter VIII - Recent Past

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Recent Past position.

Chapter IX - Near Future

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Near Future position.

Chapter X – You

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Self position.

Chapter XI - Your Environment

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Environment position.

Chapter XII - For and Against

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the For and Against position.

Chapter XIII - The Half Year

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Half Year position.

Chapter XIV - The Unexpected

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Unexpected position.

Chapter XV - What is Hidden

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Hidden position.

Chapter XVI - Best Course of Action

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Best Course of Action position.

Chapter XVII - The Solidifier

This is an interpretation of the 78 cards, as they may fall in the Solidifier position.
