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The Celtic Block

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This card reflects those circumstances that are at cross purposes to the attainment of our goals and ambitions. It often tells the querent about an area of life that is stressful to him and is hindering him along his path in this specific part of his incarnation. Quite often the most negative qualities of the card in this placement are revealed to the reader. In astrological terms, this position can be referred to as a square, something that provides stress to the querent, but nonetheless gives him the impetus to tale proactive steps to remedy any blockages that prevent you from achieving your fullest potential. In esoteric terms, the Cross can depict the difficulties we have to bear in this life, the way of Christ, or may imply a resurrection of our soul, The Cross is a very ancient symbol dating back long before Christianity. It represents the incarnation of man on Earth as well as Death, Easter, new life, and liberation. There are many variations and styles, most indicating a particular belief or organisation.

0. The Fool.

If The Fool has found itself in the Cross position, it seems that you are in a conflict that is causing you to go through an extreme personality crises. You may want to break free and begin a new life for yourself, but someone or something is holding you back. Alternatively, someone who you thought would be around for a while longer has decided to depart, much to your dismay. This has caused you a fair amount of unhappiness that you cannot easily shake off. On any account, you have some thinking to do. There are changes that need to be made and you would be wise to decide the best way to make the amendments to your life so that it will be fruitful and prosperous. A new beginning is beckoning you, and the resulting cards in the spread will further clarify precisely how you need to undertake such an endeavour.

1. The Magician

If the Magician has landed in the Cross position, there is a young person, probably a man, who is working at cross purposes to you. This person is either currently studying or has just recently finished a course of study, and is therefore looking for work in his chosen field. He has a quick mind and uses it to his advantage, but not necessarily yours. It is for that reason that you need to keep your eye on him to ensure that what he does will not necessarily cause harm to you or your business activities. Although you may not be aware of it, this individual is deeply involved in the dark arts, shaping time, motion, space and physicality to meet his needs. Although he has only used his intense powers of concentration to advance himself in this life, the time will come when he may try to influence the lives of others. Although he will be expected to karmatically pay for any harm that he has done any other souls in his desire for dominance over others, it is important that you realise his true personality so you will know how best to deal with him.

2. High Priestess

If The High Priestess has landed in the Cross position, you are concerned about a woman who seems to be working at cross purposes to you. She is probably single, but if married, does not necessarily have a good relationship with her husband. This person has difficulty relating to men in a mature one-to-one adult fashion, and as a result keeps her contacts on a more juvenile, immature level, which is all that she is capable of in this point in time. She may be involved in magic, trying to use whatever power that she has to influence people and situations in her favour. She will be expected to repay any harm that she has done to any others through her attempts at manipulation: if not in this life, the next. The specifics of how she affects you will be further illuminated in the cards that follow.

3. The Empress

If The Empress has landed in the Cross position, a woman is on your mind. If she is not a mother already, she is of childbearing age and would like to start a family. For reasons known only to you, she is operating at cross purposes to your life, which is causing any of your best laid plans to go awry. It could be that she is either your mother or the mother of someone close to you, and is making such a fuss that you cannot help but notice her. There is also the possibility that she is part of a love triangle, and that she or her offspring may be adversely affecting the life that you would like to have. And lastly, you may find that you are in fact the person portrayed in the card, and it could be that you are in fact the person who is wrecking havoc in the well laid plans of others. If that is the case, you are very fertile indeed, and adequate precautions will need to be taken If you do not want to increase the size of your existing family. It is also important to remember that you will be expected to atone for any harm that you do others: if not in this life, the next.

4. Emperor

If The Emperor has found itself in the Cross position, there is a very powerful individual who has the capability to wreck havoc in your life. This person is ruthless, and is only interested in who is going to give him pleasure in this life. It is for that reason that it is pointless trying to get any sort of rational thought out of him because he is only interested in listening to those individuals who are prepared to agree with him wholeheartedly. The best thing to do when dealing with his individual is to tread carefully and stay away from him as much as possible. The cards that follow will provide further illumination into the situation that you will soon be embarking upon. 5. Hierophant

If The Hierophant has landed in the Cross position, you have reached a crossroads in your life where you need to make a decision. You may be entering into a marriage for all the wrong reasons, which will in the end bring you a great deal of unhappiness and temporarily halt your soul’s development. You may already be involved in a marriage that is not turning out the way that you thought it would, and are therefore thinking of entering into a separation. If the issue is not one of marriage, then you may be thinking of, or have already entered a contractual agreement that will bring with it some difficulties. Additionally, you may be involved in a religious ceremony that is not to your liking. Perhaps someone you know is getting married and you wish that you were the one getting married instead. You may have decided to enter into a vocation or profession that you have sadly discovered is not giving you the happiness and fulfilment that you desire. The cards that follow will give further illumination to the unfolding situation that you are currently involved in.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers have found themselves in the Cross position, it seems that there is a particular pair of lovers who are having a detrimental effect on your well being. Perhaps you are involved, whether you are aware of it or not, in the midst of a love triangle, which can be frustrating for all involved partners. You may find yourself in the role of mistress, adulterer, or betrayed spouse, but in any event, the situation is likely to cause you a great deal of unrest. It could be that your lover is having second thoughts about the bond that he has established with you, so it is essential that you observe the messages that people are sending out very carefully. The cards that follow will give you greater insight.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has entered into the Cross position, a certain situation with regard to travel is weighing heavily on your mind. Perhaps either you or someone close to you must commute a extensively, either for professional or personal reasons. The time, effort and money used to make these trips are taking its toll on your well being, and you are beginning to wonder if such activities are worth all of the fuss. In addition, either you or another person close to you is not one to give up, so you may find yourself hanging in there when more mortal souls would have let go of what appears to be a bad situation. The cards that follow will provide you with further illumination to the situation that you are currently embroiled in.

8. Strength

If Strength has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you are under a great deal of stress and are susceptible to falling prey to one of the many depressive illnesses that are so much a part of our society. It seems as if the moment you get over one hurdle, another one pops up to further complicate your life. The ancient meaning of Strength is the enchantress, so whether you are aware of it or not, there may be another woman in the picture who is operating at cross purposes to what you would like to achieve. It is therefore essential that you exercise caution over any new people who enter your life, or any suspicious characters who are already a part of your life, because they may have a greater influence the situation that you are involve in than you would like to believe. Additionally, animals play a huge part of this situation and you may therefore find yourself falling ill due to an allergies, which incidentally, are exacerbated by stress. If you simply cannot bear the thought of saying goodbye to your beloved creatures, then it is vital that you exercise impeccable standards of cleanliness and hygiene to prevent any unnecessary allergic reactions or illnesses.

9. Hermit

If the Hermit has landed in the Cross position, you or someone close to you, is feeling very isolated at the moment. This feeling of separateness may be self-imposed or ordered by a higher force, but you do not find it to necessarily be a good thing for your personal circumstances in this life. When one is unhappy, it is so easy to lock oneself away from the world in an attempt to try to resolve the problem from within, but there are some times when outside help is necessary to solve the problem that is causing you such angst. This outside assistance could be in the form of therapists, friends or family. What is important is that contact with other human beings is necessary at such a crucial time in the person’s spiritual evolvement. If the creator had intended human beings to be alone, he would have made them hermaphrodites who did not need anther individual to procreate other living beings. Because he made humans male and female, he intended our species to be social beings, which is what is vital to our spiritual, physical and mental development. A case in point is children who, for whatever reason, have become institutionalised. If they are not given appropriate human responses, they will soon wither up and die. In addition, children who are neglected will develop attachment disorders that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, thus affirming their need for human interaction in what can often be an insular world.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If The Wheel of Fortune has found itself in the Cross position, you may have felt that good luck has befallen you when in fact the reverse is actually the case. While people generally attribute the Wheel of Fortune to luck and prosperity, the Wheel does in fact have a downside, which you or someone close to you is experiencing. It should also be remembered that the Wheel has often been used as an instrument of torture, and it is for that reason that this archetype should be approached with a certain element of caution. Because the Wheel if composed of a circle, it is inevitable that when one follows the perimeter of The Wheel that he will encounter high points and low points. In the same token, The Wheel that makes up our everlasting existence will present to us high points and low points. You may very well be enduring one of The Wheel’s low points in the buoyancy of its rotation, but if you weather the psychological storm, you will emerge a better person for the experience. The cards that fall will reveal in greater detail the situation at hand.

11. Justice

If Justice has fallen in the Cross position, you are involved in a dispute that seems to be wearing you down. Whether you are right or wrong is not the issue, because the law of the land is not on your side in this particular instance. Unfortunately, you will have to learn the hard way that the vast majority of the laws were not designed to protect the innocent, but the perpetrators of the many crimes of our society today. If the laws were in fact designed to protect those who are not in a position to protect themselves, we would not have so much pain, sorrow and grief in our world today. Regardless of the original intent of a law when it was written, its only use is to provide limits for people to operate within. If a cunning person wants to commit a crime, however, he will be able to do it in such a way that he can escape criminal prosecution, and if possible, lay the blame on someone else. Ah, such are the circumstances that we all must come against when trying to live a just a proper life. It is for that reason, therefore, that you must rely on your wits to get by because the local authorities who have been employed to serve you will not be there in your time of need. The cards that follow will reveal in greater detail the situation you are facing.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has landed in the Cross position, you, or someone close to you, are at the verge of giving up on a situation that you do not possess the necessary skills to successfully manoeuvre through. This sense of resignation could be in the form of a melancholic depression, but on a more severe note, the person involved could be in such a serious state of despair that he may actually think of taking his own life. Although there is reason for concern, there is a way out of this situation if the individual stays focused on his ultimate goal. This is not the time to sit back and allow others to make your choices for you, but a time to make proactive, life-changing decisions. How the situation unfolds will be further revealed in the cards.

13. Death

If Death has made its way into the Cross position, there are some life changing events that either you or someone close to you is having difficulty dealing with. It is for that reason that emotions of a rather intense nature are being felt, and efforts need to be taken to effect the transformation with as little fuss as possible. The person in question may be encountering a creative illness or a breakdown of sorts, and as a result, needs all the help he can get to help him through such a dramatic time. Control is of the essence in order to effect the much needed changes in order to restore order in the universal scheme of your life.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has landed in the Cross position, you or someone close to you is impatient about something that is still in the gestational phase of its existence. This is an important matter that you are powerless to resolve until a certain amount of time has elapsed and specific events have occurred, and you are powerless to do anything except wait for fruition to occur. In addition, a deep inner healing is necessary before you can continue along your evolutionary path, which will be a lengthly process of transformation that you are presently encountering. As you begin to understand that where you are today would not have been possible if you had the life experiences that you have had in the past, the psychic wounds to your soul will begin to heal, leaving tiny, etheric scars that only one with auric vision can perceive. Time heals all wounds, and it is for that reason that you must wait the allotted time for your soul to be transcended through your past life experiences.

15. Devil

If The Devil has landed in the Cross position, you, or someone close to you, is a bit too preoccupied with the material things of this world. You may have, shall we say, made a pact with the Devil in an attempt to acquire all of the material things that you think you need in order to survive. Instead of bringing you the happiness that you had thought they would, these possessions have become a burden that, quite frankly, you could very well do without. All of the nice things that you have at your disposal have not come without a price, as you have found that you must work endlessly to keep them, and you may very well have been required to deny an existential part of yourself in the process. How the situation will resolve itself will be revealed in the cards that follow, but you may decided that in the interest of your psychic development, you would rather abandon the life of amassing as much material wealth as you possibly can.

16. Tower

If The Tower has landed in the Cross position, things have been shaken up a bit and you are not amused in the least by the situation that you have found yourself in the midst of. Perhaps you or someone close to you has had an accident at a most inconvenient time, which has posed a number of major problems to your present living arrangements. There is also the possibility of a house move, which may not necessarily be a welcome endeavour. In times like these, it is best to err on the side of caution because any wrong moves will take a great deal of time and effort to rectify.

17. Star

If The Star has fallen in the cross position, you may be over-optimistic about a certain situation that you have recently found yourself in the midst of, which is having the effect of clouding your better judgement. You may be on the brink of embarking on a dream that you have had for such a long time that other important issues are being neglected. There is the possibility that you need to seriously look at how you project yourself because your dress, appearance and mannerisms may be holding you back in some way. You may also have put your trust in a friend, who you will soon discover is an unreliable person to depend on. It is therefore essential that yourappoint yourself as your own best friend because in times of crises, you are really the only person that you can truly depend on. When you make yourself your own best friend, you will be amazed at how happier you will be and how, quite suddenly, other people will want to get to know you better. The situation will be revealed to you in the cards that follow.

18. Moon

If The Moon has landed in the Cross position, you or someone close to you is very depressed. This is one of those situations where you are inundated with so much stress in your life that you literally cannot see the forest for the trees. It seems that the moment you solve one problem, another one will crop up, which is beginning to wear you down. You do not know who your true friends are, and as a result you will encounter many wolves in sheep's clothing. There are individuals who pretend to be nice to you, but in fact have an agenda at cross purposes to your own, quite possibly intending to use you as a pawn in the elaborate psychological game that they have been playing for quite some time. It is times like these that you need to keep your own counsel and exercise caution with the people you place your trust in, because you will soon discover that some of these individuals are inappropriate confidantes.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has landed in the Cross position, it seems that your disposition is not as cheerful as you would like it to be. You may have encountered a rather obstinate family member who has left you feeling somewhat unsettled. As a result, you could find yourself adopting a crabby disposition, thus leaving other people wondering exactly what the problem is. You may have received some news about a family member that is not particularly welcome. In addition, you may find that you have an addition to your family in what is a most inopportune time. There may be someone in your life who, like a clown, is laughing on the outside but crying within. The cards that follow will reveal in greater detail exactly what the problem is.

20. Judgement

If Judgement has landed in the Cross position, the pain that is within you, or someone close to you, is of such an intense nature that you do not know if you can bear the anguish any longer. Whether the pain is physical or emotional, you are in need of a deep inner healing that will cleanse your soul and bring you to a state where you are able to carry on living for a little while longer. If professional help is not available to you, you may tend to self-medicate in the form of food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, shopping, or anything that will take your mind off of the trauma that is buried so deep in your psyche that you can no longer even remember the event. The problem is that self-medication, while it may very well mask the symptoms that have brought you to such a state of despair, brings with it a whole new set of problems that you must inevitably deal with if you want to progress in your spiritual, emotional and physical evolution. Therefore, in addition to the problem that caused you to adopt such elaborate coping mechanisms, you will also have to overcome the coping mechanisms as well. In additional to a deep psychic healing, which you so desperately need, you would also benefit from behaviour modification training, because you will need help in overcoming your addictions.

21. World

If The World has landed in the Cross position, there is a situation that you, or someone close to you, is reluctant to let go of. As a result you and the other persons involved are not following the path that you should be embarking upon. Maybe you are clinging on to a stale relationship, job or social activity that you have long outgrown, but as of yet have not been able to let go of. It is therefore time to discard those things in your life that you have outgrown, because new opportunities will not come to you until you have open up yourself to receive them. The cards that follow will reveal more about the situation at hand.



If the Ace of Wands has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you are bubbling over with creativity, but it is not being focused in the direction that will yield the most satisfactory results. It is for that reason that your energies are being scattered, and while your intentions are good, you are not accomplishing much of anything of any kind of significance. You need to think about exactly what it is that you would like to accomplish and then proceed in that that direction. The cards that follow will yield further illumination with regard to the best way that you can act.


If the Two of Wands has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you are embroiled in a professional relationship that is not necessarily in your best interests. If anything, this relationship could very well be detrimental to your work and business enterprises, so it is therefore important to look at any such liaisons with scrutiny before they further develop. Because of this, you need to look carefully at any relationships that you forge at this time to ensure that they are positive in nature and will help you to progress in the path that you should following.


If the Three of Wands has landed in the Cross position, there is an enterprise that may not be in your best interests. Whether it is leisure, business, or something that you consider to be creative, it really has not given you the opportunity to grow and develop in a manner that is most appropriate for you. There is the possibility that you are engaging in these activities with one or more individuals, and it is for that reason that you should carefully critique your associations because they very well could have agendas working against your own. In addition, the individuals who you are acquainted with very well could be intentionally using you. The cards that follow will further reveal the scenario that you are involved in.


If the Four of Wands has landed in the Cross position, you may have embarked upon a certain course of action, hoping that it would give you a much wanted sense of security. You may have decided to enter into a business venture or formed a relationship that, while not something that you would consider ideal, was entered into in the hopes of bringing a sense of stability to what is often a rather hectic life. Because your heart was not in it, however, the likelihood of achieving the hoped for outcomes seems to be beyond your grasp. What you failed to see is that true security comes from within, and it is therefore pointless to rely on others for something that you can only acquire through your own efforts.


If the Five of Wands appears in the Cross position, it seems that you are fighting unseen forces. You may very well believe that you are battling a major problem, and that once eradicated, will cure all that ails you. The fact is, unfortunately, that you are merely fighting what is in fact a symptom of a much greater problem. When you solve the problem that is affecting you at this point in time, another one will crop up with a much greater magnitude than the previous dilemmas that you have been dealing with. It will seem to you that you will become embroiled in a viscous circle of fighting fires, never really making any apparent progression in your life, because you are trying to cure the symptoms, but not the true cause. Until you pinpoint what the problem actually is, you will find yourself perpetually involved in one trauma after another. The cards that follow will help you to get to the root of problem once and for all.


If the Six of Wands has landed in the Cross position, it is highly likely that you have been set up for a fall. You have found yourself in a situation where you are so sure that you will be successful, but there are hidden pitfalls that can thwart even your most stalwart of efforts. It is for that reason that you would be wise not allow yourself to become smug or complacent because if something can go wrong, it will.


If the Seven of Wands has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you are continuing your uphill struggle and have very little time to rest and recharge your batteries. Whether you realise it or not, competitors and other enemies are nipping at your heels, waiting for you to lose your balance and topple. It is for that reason that you need to refrain from dubious alliances and activities that can put you in a compromising position. The following cards will reveal in greater detail the scenario that you have found yourself in, and how best to tackle it.


If the Eight of Wands has appeared in the Cross position, it seems that you are planning on making a trip that may very well be detrimental to your well being. What would be more appropriate would be for you to stay where you are for the time being, and take in all that is around you before deciding on a course of action. The time will come for you to make a move, but for the time being it would be in your best interests to take a wait and see attitude. Alternatively, you may find that your affairs are being affected by someone from afar, so you need to pay attention to your extended relationships as well as your local ones.


If the Nine of Wands has landed in the Cross position, you may find yourself in a position where you are defending yourself from the wrong people or things, which makes you vulnerable in other areas of your life. As a result, you could find yourself unduly weary of the circumstances that life presents us with, and are thereby letting your guard down in times when you need to remain vigilant.


If the Ten of Wands has found itself in the Cross position you may have bitten off more than you can chew, and are having to burn the candle at both ends to take care of all of your commitments. It is for that reason that you may have lost the pep in your step and the sparkle may no longer be found in your eye. You may be ill equipped to deal with certain events that have transpired, and as a result are not sure what the correct course of action is. Although you would like to just throw in the towel, it is important that you persevere because there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.


If the King of Wands has landed in the Cross position, a man who has much knowledge and wisdom is on your mind. He can be quite jealous, and as a result can direct his activities in other more inappropriate areas. He can also become violent when angry, and may well benefit from anger management or assertiveness courses to help tame the beast within. The part he plays in your life will be revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Queen of Wands has landed in the Cross position, you are thinking of a woman who has a great deal of energy, which she usually expends satisfying her own self-gratification. It is quite possible that this woman is working in business because she has a sharp mind and directs it in a task-oriented way that enables her to get people to do what she would like them to do. If the woman is not employed in a useful capacity, she could become bitter, feeling that life has passed her by in some way. This frustration could unleash itself in fits of temper, so it is best to keep your distance from her during these dark moods. The cards that follow will reveal in greater detail the part this person plays in your life.


If the Knight of Wands has landed in the Cross position, you are thinking of a young man. This person is full of energy and bright ideas for the future, but he lacks the maturity to carry them to fruition. It is for that reason that he begins many projects but completes few, if any. He is not ready to settle down and romantically drifts from woman to woman, savouring the excitement of new love, but becoming bored the moment that the excitement has worn off. In matters of love, this man is not very trustworthy, and it is best to give him time to tire of his propensity as a serial lover before any romantic interest is taken of him. On the same token, this man may have a habit of drifting from job to job, and will work in many vocations before he finds his niche in this life.


If the Page of Wands has landed in the Cross position, there is a young person, possibly a woman, who is on your mind. You may very well be worried about her, or she could be causing you a bit of aggravation in your life. She can be something of a prankster and may be the proverbial party girl, staying out all hours of the day and night. The problem needs to be sorted out, but you may not be the right person to do it, which could cause further difficulties if you are not careful as to how you handle the situation. The cards that follow will reveal more to you.



If the Ace of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, you may be thinking of money. Instead of positive thoughts, however, you may worry to the point of distraction. You may need capital for a specific venture, but do not know how you can go about acquiring it. You may also find that there is an addition to your family, but the resources needed to accommodate this new addition have been stretched to the limit. You may also be considering embarking on a venture that promises to yield income, but this activity may not necessarily turn out to be a profitable endeavour. If it proves to be financially viable at all, it may entail some unethical activities, which would have the effect of tarnishing your reputation of if your involvement became public knowledge. The cards that follow will reveal in greater detail the circumstances surrounding this issue.


If the Two of Pentacles has entered into the Cross position, you have more money going out than you have coming in, which is causing a bit of aggravation to you. You may have decided to buy some items on credit, but the money will have to be paid back eventually, much to your dismay. The cards that follow will help you to determine how best to pay what you owe to others. Because you are not in full control of your financial situation at this time, it would be wise to live as simply as possible until your circumstances improve.


If the Three of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, a property that you own or are living in has some flaws that you need to be aware of. There may be some structural problems that will take a great deal of expense to correct, and these faults could decrease the value of the house. If you are thinking of moving into a property, it is best to look around some more and get a second opinion because there very will could be hidden costs that you will not be made aware of until it is too late to do anything constructive about it. If you are renting, there may be a fair amount of strife between you and your landlords, which will ultimately affect your living conditions. If you are living with other family members, now may be the time to spread your winds and go it alone, getting a place of your own.


If the Four of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, you or someone you know is a bit too miserly. You may worry about future security, and as a result can be a bit too frugal with necessities that you need for your existence. Instead of enjoying your life with the money that you have, you put it all away, saving for a rainy day. What is essential for you is to try to achieve is a balance between the money that you spend and the money that you save. It is worthwhile to save for the future, but it is also important to spend you hard earned money on leisurely pursuits from time to time, treating yourself when you deserve it. In addition, if there is someone close to you who is in need of financial assistance, it is worth assessing whether you can help them in some way. If you turn your back on people when they are in need, you will find that they will turn their backs on you at just that time when you need a helping hand.


If the Five of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, you or someone you know is in the midst of experiencing difficulties of such a severe nature that they are having the knock-on effect of affecting your finances. Because you are not able to focus on the things that are important to maintain your standing in the community, you are at risk of losing your job, money or other resources associated with your material livelihood. Sadly, people who you believed to be your friends will be unavailable to help you in your hour of need, thus leaving you feeling even more vulnerable and alone. Unfortunately, you will go through a period in your life when there will be no one to help you. This is one life experience that you must endure all on your own, and you will have to improve what will prove to be a difficult situation all on you own. It is no doubt a difficult karmic assignment that you must undertake, but you have within you the strength of character to weather such a difficult time in your life. You will get through this difficult time, but the scars that remain will colour your perspective of the world that you are so much a part of.


If the Six of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you may be required to ask someone for assistance, and this is something that you would rather not do. Alternatively, you could find that someone is taking advantage of your good nature and is asking too much of you. It is important that you learn to set limits before you begin to feel used by the people who are supposed to be your friends, and these individuals should therefore not be exploiting you.


If the Seven of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, you are involved in a situation that is going to take a fair amount of time before it comes to fruition. The waiting game can cause many difficulties because much emotional anguish can transpire before the desired results are achieved. The only thing that you can do is make sure that all the necessary tasks are complete. When all of the necessary activities have been set into place, the fruits of your labour to appear.


If the Eight of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, you are in a situation where you are learning from your experiences. If someone is teaching you, then it is very likely that he is showing you how to do things incorrectly, which will cause you further problems in the long run. It is therefore essential that before you seek advice from anyone about a work related topic, you first ascertain the credibility of the individual who you are asking for assistance. If not, you may find that you must re-do any projects that you begin. In addition, you may find that some individuals who are jealous of you and are intentionally showing you how to do things incorrectly. Although it seems bizarre that people could be so bitter and petty, it is an unfortunate fact of life that you must be aware of so that you can progress along your spiritual path. Sometimes, when it doubt, it is best to trust your own judgement instead of the opinions of others.


If the Nine of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, it seems as if you have too much free time on your hands. Aside from the boredom that can result, you may also find yourself worrying and fretting over things that you have absolutely no control over. It is for that reason that you need to find something to do, even if it is voluntary work, to keep your hands busy and your mind active.


If the Ten of Pentacles has found itself in the Cross position, it appears that certain family members are dragging you down. For reasons known only to you, you have family obligations that you can’t or won’t relate to. It is important for you to realise that you have a life of your own, and if you allow others to control you through guilt or emotional blackmail, it will ultimately detract from your own quality of life. The cards that fall will reveal more with regard to this particular issue.


If the King of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, there is a man who figures prominently in your life. He is very well off, although he may feign poverty. He can also be somewhat miserly, and can withhold money from people, using it as a bargaining chip to get what he wants out of them. This man will go to any lengths to protect what he feels is his, even if it means slandering, libelling, defrauding, and other unethical acts. It is therefore important to refrain from engaging in business and financial pacts with this individual because he will use ruthless tactics that are aimed to suit only him.


If the Queen of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, a woman who can be very stubborn and obstinate is on your mind. This woman is somewhat affluent, but can be miserly with her possessions, using them as bargaining chips and withholding them when necessary. She may have somewhat of a weight problem, as she will tend to overeat or over drink, quite often when she is upset about something.


If the Knight of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, a young man is weighing heavily on your mind. He is somewhat down to earth and consequently can be considered by some to be rather boring. He may also be a slow and methodical learner, which can be misleading to those individuals who have swifter minds. Because he enjoys the sensual pleasures of life, to include good food and wine, he may have a weight problem, which is merely a reflection of his love of good things in this life.


If the Page of Pentacles has landed in the Cross position, a young woman or child is weighing heavily on your mind. She may be a bit slow and have some learning difficulties, which can be somewhat frustrating when strict deadlines need to be met. She could also have a bit of a weight problem, so whatever she eats needs to be closely monitored to ensure that her weight does not become a serious issue when she reaches adulthood.



If the Ace of Swords has landed in the Cross position, you have had some contact that has been something of an unpleasant nature. You may have received a letter, telephone call or e-mail that you have found to be rather unpleasant, or you could even have read a book or article that has caused you to rethink some of your ideas. Your reputation may have been harmed in some way because of what was written or said, and unfortunately the onus is on you to disprove the negative opinions that others have formulated because of this malicious gossip. The cards that follow will further reveal how the situation will transpire.


If the Two of Swords has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you are at odds with one particular person who is has the ability to help you in some way. This whole situation is quite upsetting to you because until your circumstances changed, you thought a lot about the individual who you are involved in a disagreement with. If you are not able to resolve the conflict, you may have to separate from the person in question, which will ultimately bring you some sadness to lose someone who you regarded as a friend. The cards that follow will reveal in greater detail the unfoldment of the situation.


If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Cross position, someone has broken your heart. The damage done may be of such an extreme nature that your relationship with that individual may be unsalvageable. While it is admirable to forgive others, the fact is that we are all mere mortals, and have a great deal of difficulty accepting others’ transgressions, especially when they have had the direct effect of harming us. There is no getting around the subject and excuses cannot be made for the individual who has brought such pain to your soul. Whether you forgive is up to you, but it is doubtful that you will ever forget the pain that you have felt. In situations like this, it is important to remember the words of Queen Elisabeth I when she wrote of the death of her lover, ‘If you could look inside my heart, you would see a body without a soul.’


If the Four of Swords has landed in the Cross position, you or someone close to you is failing to take action on an important issue. By the very nature of the fact that you are choosing not to act with regard to a particular topic, you are in fact taking a certain course of action. Is inaction the correct course of action to take, however? Perhaps you are waiting for a more propitious time, but what you must realise is that until you make a move, things will not change and the situation that you are in will continue to stagnate. You need to do take some proactive steps to initiate the wheels of change. No matter how minor the move, in this case, something is better than nothing.


If the Five of Swords has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you are at odds with a particular group of people, which is causing you a great deal of frustration. It seems that you are not able to see eye to eye with certain individuals, which results in inevitable conflict. Since those involved in this scenario do not mean that much to you anyway, you are not too particularly bothered if anyone’s feelings are hurt. It is for that reason that you may find it appropriate to just walk away from this situation that is leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. The cards that follow will reveal more to you as to how the situation will unfold.


If the Six of Swords has landed in the Cross position, you are contemplating making a move that you believe will lead to a better life, but in reality you could very well be creating even more problems for yourself. It is for that reason that you need to conduct research before committing yourself into any agreements that are irrevocable, because you very well change your mind at a later date. You may be unhappy about your present situation, but believe it or not, things could get a whole lot worse. Think very carefully about any changes you make right now and ensure that a contingency plan can easily be put into place.


If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Cross position, beware of theft, which is abounding around you. Someone who you are in competition with could be taking your ideas and using them as his own. Alternatively, it could in fact be you who is doing the pinching of property or ideas. It is very important to keep your possessions secure because someone may surreptitiously sneak in and take an item that has a great deal of sentimental value to you. The theme of this card placement is that you feel wronged in some way. The best way to forestall this feeling is to keep your own counsel when it comes to matters of trust.


If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Cross position, it appears that you have been constrained in some way. You have found yourself in a profession, home or other situation where you have been inundated with rules and regulations, which you find difficult to uphold. Some of these regulations that you have been forced to adhere to may seem quite petty, but they serve the purpose of helping you to see what is really important in this life. Alternatively, you may find that it is in fact you who are placing what is considered to be unreasonable demands on others, thus causing a great deal of resentment. If that is the case, you need to look at your practices to determine if they are in fact necessary components to aid you in what you would like to accomplish. If they are not, then maybe it is time to make some much needed changes, to the benefit of you and others.


If the Nine of Swords has entered into the Cross position, it seems that you have a lot on your mind. You may be worried about something, and this anxiety is affecting other parts of your life, such as sleeping, eating and working habits. It is important, therefore, to keep your problems in perspective because they really are not as bad as they seem. The cards that follow should shed more light on the situation that you are enquiring about.


If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Cross position, it appears that someone has let you down in a really big way, so much so that the experience has served to colour your outlook on life. Perhaps you trusted someone, only to find that they were not a suitable confidant. Alternatively, it could be that you have unknowingly or unwittingly said or done something that has inadvertently caused harm to another individual. It is for that reason that you really need to be careful about who you associate with for your own and others’ safety and well being.


If the King of Swords has landed in the Cross position, you have encountered a man who may very well be powerful person, but he may suffer from an ailment, which will affect his behaviour. He may very well have accomplished significant deed in earlier years, but time has caught up with him and the brilliance that he once displayed has turned to eccentricity at the very least. Because he once was such an active thinker, he may have fallen prey to the disease of the mind, such as Alzheimer’s disease, psychosis, or any of the number of depressive illnesses that affects one’s thinking patterns in this age of modernality. This individual probably needs a through medical examination to pinpoint precisely what the problem is, which will be a great help to his state of mind and wellbeing.


If the Queen of Swords has landed in the Cross position, you are thinking of a woman who has a quick mind and an equally sharp wit. Although she is very intelligent, she is resentful about life’s missed opportunities, and has consequently become very bitter, oftentimes taking her frustrations out on innocent victims. Perhaps she has found that life has passed her by because she passed up many opportunities that had been presented to her, hoping that something better would come along, only to realise that what she passed up the best that she could possibly get. Alternatively, she may have made some unwise decisions only to later regret them. Any of a number of life events have served to colour her personality, which can be dour at the best of times. As a result of this, she could be a bitter gossip, trying to wreck havoc on the lives of others through the power of her words. It is therefore essential that you take everything that this woman says with a grain of salt because her hidden agendas may not necessary be propitious to telling the truth.


If the Knight of Swords has landed in the Cross position, you are thinking of a young man. Because he is still young, he has not yet learned to focus his energies, and they have therefore become somewhat scattered. He also has not acquired the maturity of expression and often cannot relate in a manner that is most appropriate to his needs. It is for that reason that this individual can lash out in violence when he does not get his own way. Because he has such an active mind, he may put it to negative use, such as revenge, theft, and other nefarious activities. The cards that follow indicate the prominent part that this individual will pay in the scenario that prompted you to consult the oracle.


If the Page of Swords has landed in the Cross position, you are thinking of a young person, quite possibly a woman. She has not yet grown up and acquired the wisdom that comes with the experiences that life throws us, and can therefore act in immature ways. She can at times be indiscreet, which can land her and other individuals in hot water. When she has been slighted, she can react with malice because she has not yet learned that it is more graceful to turn the other cheek than to retaliate in kind.



If the Ace of Cups has found itself in the Cross position, you have found yourself to be in a position where there is a false sense of happiness in your immediate surroundings. You may not be seeing life clearly at the moment, and therefore lulled yourself into a state of denial so that on the surface, you appear to be happy, but are you really? You may feel as if you are the luckiest person alive, but if you look closely, you will see that there are tears in the make-up of your aura. It is not necessary for you to put on a happy face all of the time. Your true friends will still like you if they see you cry or show unhappiness. After all, you are only human.


If the Two of Cups has landed in the Cross position, there is a particular relationship that is not providing all the happiness and satisfaction that it should. Perhaps because you were yearning so much for that one special person to come into your life, when someone did come along, you allowed yourself to be confused as to the true nature of the union. As with all relationships, this person has come to you at a specific point in time to allow you to grow and develop in your soul evolution, but the liaison may not necessarily be long-lasting or ultimately fulfilling. Enjoy your time with this individual while it lasts, but it is wise not to make any long term plans with this person because he is not the one who you are destined to spend eternity with.


If the Three of Cups has landed in the Cross position, you may become involved in a social event that is not necessarily good for your soul growth. You may find yourself involved with a group of people who exert a negative influence on you and deter you from proceeding along your chosen path in this life. The cards that follow will reveal more about the situation that you are involved in.


If the Four of Cups has landed in the Cross position, your wavering is holding you back in life. You are unable to make a decision and are listening to conflicting stories from a variety of people, and don’t know who to believe. Instead of relying on your intuition, you wrongly trust the opinions of others, who all have agendas of their own. When you have taken the advice of other people and found it to be unsuitable to your needs, it is not those individuals who are going to have to live with the decisions that you have made. It is for that reasons you need to do what you feel is best, and not take a particular course of action just because you think it will make someone else happy.


If the Five of cups has landed in the Cross position, it seems as if you are very upset because someone or something has not lived up to your expectations. The despair that you feel is understandable because in many ways you feel as if you have been misled in some way. The individuals involved did not overtly deceive you, but because they knowingly did not fill you in on some crucial information, they are at the very least guilty of complicity. There is nothing you can do now except pack up the pieces and try to re-build your life from what remains. This will take time, however, because you need to heal the wounds of your soul and put the entire situation into its proper perspective.


If the Six of Cups has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you are living in the past, and this constant rumination is affecting your ability to adequately deal with the future. Our mission in this sojourn is to focus on the now at this present time. To dwell in the past or live in the future will only cause us more problems in the long run because we are not in the present. Stop, look, listen and think of what you are doing at this precise point in time.


If the Seven of Cups has landed in the Cross position, you are presented with several choices to select from, all of which seem to be very lucrative. The catch is that not one of the options available to you is what it seems, and each and every one has hidden pitfalls. If you must decide on a particular course of action, get plenty of advice, conduct research before hand, and develop a contingency plan just in case you want to gracefully remove yourself from any sticky situation.


If the Eight of cups has landed in the Cross position, it seems that you have found yourself to be in a position that is difficult to extract yourself from. Even if you haven’t found yourself in an institution such as a jail, hospital, military or government organisation, you are mentally locked into an environment where you do not see a way out of a predicament that is causing you so much frustration. There is a way out, but you have been stuck in a rut for so long that your mind is not open to alternative ways of thinking. If you ask someone for advice, he may have the answer you seek to help you out of this dilemma.


If the Nine of Cups has landed in the Cross position, you are allowing your emotions to rule your sense of taste. It is for that reason that you are compensating for negative emotions by allowing your sensory perceptions to take over. You may be overeating, over drinking or using drugs as a way to self-mediate and push back those feelings that you would rather not deal with to the back of your mind. In addition, all of this substance abuse is not doing your waistline any good. Maybe you can speak to a friend about what it s that is bothering you so that you won’t need a crutch in the form of one of the many substances that are available to you.


If the Ten of Cups has landed in the Cross position, you want desperately to live in a happy family, but the circumstances that prevail are preventing you from accomplishing this. You may very well live in a family environment, but there is conflict within the unit that keeps it from being happy. The cards that follow will reveal the scenario in greater detail.


If the King of Cups has landed in the Cross position, there is a very ruthless man who has the capability to harm other people who get in his way. He has had a series of life experiences that have affected him to the extent that his thinking processes have been altered to the point where he is no longer capable of sane thought. It is for that reason that this man is not so much a danger to himself as he is to other people. The cards that follow will reveal in greater detail how this individual will affect your life.


If the Queen of Cups has landed in the Cross position, a woman who has emotional difficulties figures prominently in the picture. She in all probability has come from a dysfunctional family herself, and did not get all of the love and support that she needed as a child. She may have also had some traumatic live experiences as an adult that she has not been able to come to terms with them, which has served to colour her entire perspective on life. It is for that reason that this woman has hysterical outbursts and is somewhat of a bully to those who are vulnerable. Because she has a personality disorder, it is very difficult for her to get along with other people most of the time.


If the Knight of cups has entered into the Cross position, you are thinking of a young man who has emotional difficulties. These emotional disturbances have crossed over into other areas of his life, as he may be an inconsistent lover or friend. He may also have addictions, which include relationships, sex, gambling and substance abuse. If you become involved with this person, be prepared for a rocky ride ahead.


If the Page of Cups has entered into the Cross position, you are thinking of a young person, probably a girl. She has some emotional difficulties and needs help adjusting to life in general. It seems that she can cry a lot, and at times can throw a tantrum or two. She may have an eating disorder or substance abuse problem because she uses over-indulgence as a way to self-medicate, so that not have to deal with her more traumatic life experiences.
