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The Celtic Block

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The Question

This card denotes the nature of the question and can often reflect entirely different motives than what we were originally concerned about when we consulted the oracle. It is important to look carefully at this card because it encompasses the entire theme of the reading, and could in fact relate to an entirely different issue, an area of life that the querent may not have consciously thought about. In astrological terms, this position denotes the conjunction, as it synthesises the root question into something that the querent can easily understand.

0. The Fool.

If The Fool appears in the Question placement, the querent is thinking of beginning a completely new life direction that will lead him on to experiences that he had never thought possible. The querent may not realise it, but he has allowed himself to become stuck in a rut, where he sees the same people, does the same things, and feels the same emotions every single day of his life, and this environment may not necessarily be advancing him in his soul growth. We have not been put on this earth to simply exist, and die a little bit every day, but to grow, evolve and prepare ourselves for the next step in our spiritual evolution. How then, can it be possible that we can often find ourselves engaged in the same activities with the same people, day in and day out, not receiving any new stimulation that will help us to develop and grow as individuals. The querent should prepare himself, therefore, for an experience that will change his direction in life forever because a fresh start is what is needed to remedy the complacent attitudes that have set in.

1. The Magician

If The Magician has fallen in the Question position, it is quite likely that your thoughts are centring around a young man. He may either still be studying or just graduated. If he is mature, it is likely that he is embarking upon a training programme to update his skills, or has decided to go back to school to learn an entirely new vocation. There is also the likelihood that this individual lacks the maturity that his years should adequately portray, which can give him many childlike qualities. You may ask yourself if you can trust this person, and the answer is a resounding NO!. The reason for this is because he lacks the appropriate life experiences and stability to carry out the promises that he makes. Since he is so inexperienced in certain aspects of this life, he cannot be relied upon to keep a confidence, and it is for that reason that you need to be prudent about what information you reveal to this individual. Perhaps in a year or two, after he has a bit more experience under his belt, he will make a worthy friend. In the meantime, however, it would be wise to keep this individual at arm’s length until he has earned your trust and admiration.

2. High Priestess

If The High Priestess has fallen in the Question placement, your mind is on a young woman who could very well be yourself. This woman does not have many positive experiences with the opposite sex, and it is for that reason that she often prefers the company of women. In a state of naivety, and lacking the wisdom of having dealt with the opposite sex on a regular basis, she could very well have been hurt very badly by a man. The wound that remained has never properly healed, leaving a festering ulcer that psychically re-erupts on a regular basis with every triggering event. This gaping wound in this woman’s soul has left her with a mistrust of men and has consequently had a detrimental effect on the relationships that she has with them. If her injury was bad enough, such as in the case of rape or sexual assault, she may develop lesbian tendencies, which is in itself her way of trying to come to terms with a violating assault against her body. This woman is somewhat of a loner and therefore spends a lot of time in her own company, reflecting on life and the universe, attempting to make sense of it all in her mediations. This time of inner solitude instils in her a knowledge that does not exist in more frivolous souls, individuals who may not have had to learn about the harsh realities of the physical world in the same manner that she did. The task at hand, therefore, is getting this young woman to impart what she knows onto others, as she does not normally consider her thoughts and opinions to be a worthy topic of discussion.

3. The Empress

If The Empress has landed in the Question placement, your question concerns a woman of childbearing age who very well could be yourself. This is a very sensual person, who loves food and drink, and therefore may have what some might consider a weight problem. She does not, however, let any excess pounds get in the way of living her life, and she certainly has no shortage of admirers. While the individual in question exudes a type of sensuality that makes her attractive to the opposite sex, she is also a very jealous person, and is therefore somewhat territorial of what she feels is hers. She will, therefore, defend her turf and fight to the death for what she perceives to be her personal property. It is for that reason that she can be a formidable foe when she feels threatened in any way. Positively, the woman loves animals and has a creative streak. She may have a profession or hobbies that she is able to use as an outlet for the many fruitful ideas that come into her mind.

4. Emperor

If The Emperor falls in the Question position, a very powerful man is on your mind. You may not even consider the person in question to be that influential, but it is important that you are not deceived about the level of power that he has over other people. If you know or are intimate with this particular person, it is all too easy to become lulled into a false sense of complacency. You may know very well just what he is capable of, but for some reason, you believed that he would never do to you what he has done to others. How wrong you are! As soon as he tires of your company, he will discard you just as ruthlessly and quickly as he has all the others who came before you, and there have been many others, just in case you were wondering. This individual is a very me-centred person who thinks only of his own personal gratification. Once he is no longer pleasured by your presence, you will no longer exist to him and he will deal with you accordingly. Therefore, if you dare to associate with this individual after having been forewarned, it is important to keep you wits about you and develop a contingency plan to enable a quick escape when things get hairy, which they will.

5. Hierophant

If The Hierophant has fallen into the Question position, you are considering embarking on an activity that is of a life changing magnitude. You may be considering getting married, and if so, you would like to have a huge ceremony to mark the event. It can be quite costly, so it is important that you save for it and make sure that the person you want to form a union with is the person who you would like to spend the rest of your life with. If you are unhappily married, you may be thinking of getting a divorce, which again, can be a very costly exercise, especially if property or children are involved. You may consider taking up a vocation that will take up much of your time and is entails making a major lifestyle change, such as entering into a professional field, the military, or the clergy. It is essential, therefore, that you think carefully before entering into any contractual obligations that involve your future, because they may be very difficult to rescind, should you decide that you made a mistake.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers has appeared in the Question position, you are thinking about a couple who have met and have become attracted to one another. The attraction is still new and has therefore not withstood the test of time. This love affair, however, is not without difficulties because, as you will see, there are three individuals portrayed on the card. It is for this reason that an obstacle will present itself on the path to true love. We have all been put here on earth as a means to grow and develop in our soul evolution. If everything were all plain sailing, we would not have an opportunity to grow within ourselves. It is for this reason that you have come across this special someone who will help you meet the challenges that lie ahead.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has appeared in the Question position, you are contemplating making a move of sorts. You feel the need to travel, either to move house, go to school, or change your job. Whatever you decide, it will be in an attempt to improve your circumstances in this life. You can be somewhat headstrong in any decisions that you make, and the tenacity that you show from the onset will help to strengthen your determination during those occasions when your resolve waivers and you feel like giving in to the malefic forces that have put obstacles in your path.

8. Strength

If Strength has fallen into the Question position, there is a woman who is on your mind. In ancient times, she was referred to as The Enchantress because she has the ability to spellbind people with her hypnotic and charming demeanour. This individual has a certain gentleness in her being, which enables her to tame the wild beast that exists within us all. This serenity and maturity has come to her through her vast breadth of experience and the knowledge that she has gained during an eventful life. Strength indicates that obstacles will be put in your path, which will help you to develop alternative ways of living and will in effect help you to achieve a greater understanding of the world that you co-exist in.

9. Hermit

If The Hermit has appeared in the Question position, you or someone you know may feel somewhat alone in the world that you have incarnated into. No one can understand quite how you feel, and it is for that reason that you spend time on your own, reflecting on the questions that you are seeking answers to. You can be quite shy and lack the social skills necessary to formulate relationships, which will bring about further isolation. You are quite knowledgeable, but may not know how to impart that knowledge onto others. You are a very spiritual being, but are non-pretentious in your primary certitude and do not even attempt to force your views onto others. In some ways you may be considered a reluctant profit, a person who never asked for and does not want people coming to you with their questions and problems.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If The Wheel has landed in the Question position, you are thinking of making some major changes in your life that may well involve money. Perhaps you are taking a risk that could improve your circumstances in this life, but as with every risk, you could stand to lose something. If the gamble that you are planning on taking does not prove profitable, however, you may find that you lose everything that you put into the venture, if not much, much more. Great changes can come in the form of pain, so it is possible that some inner turmoil is prompting you to move on in your cycle of soul growth. When things in our lives stagnate, atrophy and loss tend to set in, which is not what the universe intended for us when we incarnated into the Earth plane. It is for that reason that the need to change is an essential element of our soul evolution.

11. Justice

If Justice has appeared in the Question position, you or someone you know is involved in a situation where impartiality is needed. You may need to ask for the assistance of an outside party, such as a mediator, who will work to resolve the situation so that it is favourable for all parties involved. You may find yourself embroiled in a legal battle, which is very trying and your may not be sure of the outcome, thereby compounding any uncertainty that you may feel. It is for this reason that you can become quite anxious when considering making plans for the future. It is important to keep in mind that life is not fair, and even if you are morally and ethically right in a particular situation, there may be a loophole in the law of the land that keeps you from getting the outcome that you feel you deserve. It is essential, therefore, that you brush up on the law. Although you would have thought that the lawyers who you employ to perform a good job for you, the forces at work are of such a nature that you cannot expect these individuals to accomplish anything other than the bare minimum that they can and still demand to be paid. These individuals are, after all, only looking after their own best interests. There are many things, legally speaking, that you must do for yourself, such as researching current legislation and scrutinously examining any legal documents. The law, just like locks, was merely designed to keep honest people honest. A dishonest person, therefore, has no regard for the law or anyone else for that matter, and will use the laws of the land for his own advantage.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Question position, you or someone you know are feeling a sense of despondency right now over a situation that is beyond your control. It is for that reason that you might be quite depressed and will need all of the support that you can get from others. Sadly, you will find that very little, if any, support will be forthcoming, which will further compound your feelings of isolation in this world. You are going through what could be best described as the dark night of the soul, a time when you have to find within yourself the strength to carry on and progress along the appropriate path with no outside assistance. You have turned everywhere you can think of for help, yet no salvation has come to you when you needed it most. You may find that you are at the point of giving in to the prevailing climate when suddenly, you receive a flash of insight from entities more highly evolved than yourself. There are some things, you realise, that you simply have no control over, and this is one of those occasions. This is the time that you need to put your faith in a force much higher than yourself because faith is the only thing that will see you through such a difficult time.

13. Death

If Death has entered into the Question position, you or someone you know is going through a personal crisis in which the only positive thing that can come out of it is total renewal. You may be going through what many consider a creative illness, which is similar to a psychotic breakdown that is brought about by a period of intense mental activity. Sigmond Frued, Carl Jung and other contemporaries of theirs all experienced such episodes of illness, and emerged transformed, able to produce much more than had previously been imagined. Some drastic changes need to be made in your life, and there is no time like the present to evoke such forces of change.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has fallen in the Question position, what you or someone close to you is thinking about has been on your mind for quite some time now. You have reflected on it a great deal and the matter at hand is not something to be taken lightly. In many ways, you or someone close to you needs a deep inner cleansing, which will also bring about much needed healing in the process. There are very many memories, which, although not clear, need to be brought to the surface of your consciousness so that balance and harmony can be restored, and you can resume your soul growth after a period of stasis.

15. Devil

If The Devil has appeared in the Question position, you or someone close to you is concerned about your responsibilities in the material realm. You have many obligations that may or may not wear you down, thereby causing you to temporarily forget that you are a spiritual being. You may have been appointed the head of the household, which means that the success or failure of the material aspects of the home rest firmly on your shoulders, something that can cause you nervousness in your day to day dealings with others. Because a great deal of your time and energy is spent taking care of other’s material needs, you may neglect the spiritual side of yourself and take on a rather dour outlook on life.

16. Tower

If The Tower has landed in the Question position, you or someone close to you is thinking of making some changes that are not quite so drastic as that portrayed in Death. Your environment has, however, become quite static and you may find yourself even a bit bored at times. It if for this reason that the cosmos has decided to shake things up a bit, which will in effect give you the chance to experience many of the different aspects of this existence that may have previously been unknown to you. The changes that come, however, can come swiftly and abruptly, leaving you wondering exactly what has happened. It is important that you watch your footing because you may have an accident that could very well have been avoided. It is also important that you pay your bills because defaults in payments could put your home in jeopardy and leave you looking for alternate accommodation.

17. Star

If The Star has landed in the Question position, you or someone close to you is full of hope and high ideals. You may be thinking of doing something that has always been a lifelong dream, but are unsure of the outcome. You are able to look to the future with an air of optimism, even though the outcome is not yet assured. Friends will play a significant role in your life, as they will be a source of comfort and company to you during those times of loneliness that we all feel from time to time.

18. Moon

If the Moon has landed in the Question position, it seems that there is something on your mind that is causing you a great deal of confusion. At this point in time, you really don’t know who your friends are, which could result in receiving faulty information. There are forces that are working outside of your control and sphere of awareness, which will result in you not getting a clear picture of the situation that you are in at the present. As a result, you could make decisions based upon incorrect perceptions, which could cause you a great deal of anxiety and uncertainty, inevitably leading to depression. It is important, therefore, to make decisions based upon facts, and not assumptions, which could very well be in error. It is also important that you develop an attitude of self reliance because you cannot expect your friends to be there for you when you are desperately in need of a friendly face.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has landed in the Question position, you or someone close to you is concerned about a young person who is very energetic and full of life. Regardless of age, this individual is not very mature and will tend to exhibit many childlike qualities. This person may be somewhat of an exhibitionist and can have difficulty not attracting attention to himself. It is essential, therefore, that a sense of discretion is instilled in this person at a very young age. Alternatively, you may be thinking about having children yourself. Although you have thought of all the positive aspects of parenthood, have you taken into account all of the responsibilities that will be involved in such a venture as well?

20. Judgement

If Judgement has found its way to the Question position, you are considering taking up an endeavour that you began long ago, but never finished for some reason. Whether this new endeavour is a success this time around depends upon whether it was something that is a part of your own personal destiny. As difficult as it can be to come to terms with, we are not meant to be successful at all things in this life. A look at your natal horoscope will give you guidance and subtle illumination, showing you what your true path in this life. Even if you are not successful this time around, a deep inner healing process that comes with re-visiting this sphere of your conscious awareness will help to release many of the demons from your past. Success or failure is not the issue here: what is important is how you enjoyed the trip that you took to receive the much needed healing that was essential before you could go to the next step of your spiritual evolution.

21. World

If the World has found itself in the Question position, there is something in your life that needs to be resolved before you can further develop in your soul evolution. Perhaps the matter has in fact been resolved for you, but you are reluctant to let go of a situation or relationship that has reached the final stages of its existence. When you do let go, however, you will experience a feeling of completion that will enable you to move on to other more rewarding projects, thereby resuming the circle of experience that all of us must fulfil in order to move onto higher levels of awareness.



If the Ace of Wands has appeared in the Question position, you or someone close to you is contemplating initiating a creative endeavour that may or may not be a fruitful business proposition. You may want to build a hobby into something more substantial, and are wondering if it will yield a profitable outcome. You may also be considering adding to your current household, so a baby or pet may be on the way. The prospect of such an addition is causing you a certain degree of uncertainty, as you cannot help from wondering if it is the right thing to do. The cards that follow will further clarify the situation for you so that you will have a greater understanding of your next course of action.


If the Two of Wands has found itself in the Question placement, you or someone close to you are thinking about forming a partnership with another person that you hope will yield a positive result. You may find that you are working with another individual on a certain venture, and you are not sure of the outcome of the endeavour that you are embarking on . This union has the possibility to produce a creative result, but whether or not it will be successful will depend upon other factors, such as the current economic climate and whether it is something that would be of interest to other people.


If the Three of Wands has fallen in the Question placement, you or someone close to you is thinking about an endeavour that will require the co-operation of a several people. You may be contemplating issues that have no relationship whatsoever to the here and now, and it is for that reason that you may decide to join a mystical, spiritual or religious group in your quest for answers to questions that have no easy definition. You are beginning to realise that there is much more to this life than meets the eye, and would like to take some time out to explore the world of what is unseen and unheard in an attempt to attain a greater understanding of what you can see and hear.


If the Four of Wands has appeared in the Question position, your concern centres around your home and what makes you feel secure in an insecure world. You are interested in establishing a firm home base, and may even consider taking a new job or moving house in order to achieve a semblance of stability in your life. You may have been given responsibilities at home, which you did not ask for and did not necessarily want, and this could cause you a feeling of consternation. Issues surrounding the family are at the forefront of your mind because they are a priority in your life.


If the Five of Wands has found its way into the Question position, you or someone close to you is fighting unseen forces. You may very well think that you know what the core problem is, but what you are fighting is merely a symptom and not the cause for your current dilemma. Because you have not pinpointed what the actual root cause is, as soon as you have eradicated one complaint, another one will pop up almost out of the blue, it would seem. This process will continue over and over again with an increasingly greater intensity until you are able to realise that behind all of this bad luck that seems to have befallen you is a much greater issue that needs to be addressed if you wish to eradicate the misfortune that has become so much a part of your life. Take a good look around and you will eventually find that the problem has always been right under your nose. Perhaps the root cause of all this misfortune does not come from outside sources, but within. It is for that reason that you will need to spend time in reflection, to try to come to terms with the primary event that has triggered all of the subsequent calamities that have befallen you.


If the Six of Wands has found its way to the Question position, the thing that is on your mind is something that on a conscious level you feel that you have been successful at. But, if you had truly succeeded, would it still be so prominently on your mind? Figuratively speaking, you may have won the battle, but the war is still most definitely raging on in your mind. It is time to rethink, reprioritise, and re-strategize, because events will come into play that will cause you to renew your interest in this particular subject. As you will soon discover, the battle of life is never truly over, as you will continuously be presented with tasks that you must complete before you can go on to the next step of your soul evolution.


If the Seven of Wands appears in the Question position, you are involved in a situation in which you have been struggling for quite some time. This has resulted in you being rude and aggressive to those individuals who are not sympathetic or understanding of the situation that is causing you so much worry. Because you have been struggling to stay on top of the problem for such a long time now, you may be wondering when it will all end, if ever. The subsequent cards will yield the answer you seek, but in the mean time you must struggle on struggling. Even during difficult times you will need to maintain a positive mental attitude because others will be more inclined to lend a helping hand if they feel that you are approachable.


If the Eight of Wands has appeared in the Question position, you or someone close to you has a very strong need to make a move in your life. Even if it is not a physical move, a change in mental scenery will do you a world of good. This card often indicates a promotion of some kind, which will mean that you will leave your current situation and move on to another one that you hope to be an improvement in your life circumstances. If the move is of a physical nature, you may find that you must get on an aeroplane or go to another country or state, which will ultimately enhance the level of your life experiences and broaden your perspective. This move is quite often necessary to help you advance in your work or career path, and the resulting cards in the spread will yield further illumination, as you continue on with the delineation.


If the Nine of Wands has landed in the Question position, you or someone close to you are involved in a situation that has caused you to feel on the defensive. Because you are always on your guard, you often become tired quite easily and can become snappy to others- individuals who are not involved in the situation that is causing you so much worry. It is for this reason that people are not seeing you at your best because they are relating to you when you are in a condition of extreme stress. You cannot continue as you are indefinitely because you need to take a break from the pressures of this life in order to renew your physical and psychological being. The cards that follow will give you further insight into the situation and reveal to you what needs to transpire before you can get the break that you very much need at this time in your life.


If the Ten of Wands has found itself in the Question position, you or someone close to you feel war torn and weary. You may have taken on more than you can handle at this time at this time in your life, and are therefore beginning to feel the strain of all of the responsibility that has been placed onto you. The fact of the matter is that your skill level was not nearly as great as the confidence that you had in yourself, and now you are starting to rethink your original decision to take on such a monumental task that you really were not ready for. The cards that follow will provide further illumination with regard to this issue and help you to decide what your next step is.


If the King of Wands has landed in the Question position, you are thinking about a man who has a great deal of wisdom and insight into the ways of the world. He has a wide breath of experience and is therefore knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects. He is generally of a happy disposition, which is evident by his sense of humour. The part he plays in your life will be further revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Queen of Wands has found herself in the Question position, you are thinking of a woman who has somewhat of a fiery temper. This individual has a good head for business and is not likely to allow sentimentality to get in the way of tough decisions that need to be made. She wants success and is not terribly bothered if she hurts another person’s feelings to get it. It is for that reason that while she may be successful in business matters, at home, she may find herself somewhat lonely on occasion, because self-centredness is not an attribute that is conducive to family life.


If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the Question position, you are thinking of a young man who has a tenacious character. He is very impetuous and has much energy, which makes him quite attractive to the opposite sex. He can be somewhat of a romantic soul, which can lead people to believe that he is in love with the object of his adoration. The fact is, however, that he is in love with the concept of being in love, and not necessarily the individual who is allowing him to fulfil his fantasy. It is for this reason that he will leave a string of broken hearts before he tires of his wandering lifestyle and decides to settle down with one woman who will tolerate his roving eyes. This man is not very reliable and should therefore not be trusted, especially in matters of love, until he has proven himself to be a loyal and faithful friend.


If the Page of Wands has appeared in the Question position, you are thinking about a young person, quite possibly a woman, who is astrologically one of the Fire signs. This individual is at the moment playing a very important part in your life scenario, whether you think so or not, so it is vital that you take her needs into consideration when making any important decisions that will affect her.



If the Ace of Disks has found its way into the Question position, you are thinking of beginning a venture that will be rewarding in a financial or material way, and are wondering what the probable outcome will be. You may also be considering adding to your family unit in the form of a baby or child, which would entail an enormous expenditure of your resources, and you would like to know how such a move will affect your material prosperity at this time in your life.


If the Two of Disks has appeared in the Question position, you are concerned about money. You are in the process of juggling your finances and are wondering if enough will come in to pay all of the bills that need to be paid. This can cause you a great deal of anxiety, as you are not sure that you will have all of the resources to do all that you need. The cards that follow will reveal to you how best to deal with what is becoming a highly emotional situation.


If the Three of Disks has found its way into the Question position, you are considering a move that you hope will improve your material prospects in this life. You may have decided that you would like to move house, which could possibly involve you building one, or at the very least, renovating it to make it more habitable. Because this card indicates that success through skill is forthcoming, you may finally at long last receive recognition for your hard work and aptitude, and quite possibly receive a pay raise to go along with your elevated status.


When the Four of Disks finds its way to the Question position, you are thinking about spending money on one particular venture, but are not sure of the outcome. If there was not even a shadow of a doubt about what you were doing, then you would not need to consult the oracle now would you? Something is holding you back from making a wild leap of faith and you are wise to err on the side of caution. It is important that you keep your money, emotions, thoughts, and ideas close to your chest for the time being at least. You need to take a ‘wait and see’ attitude before you invest any more than you absolutely must. The cards that follow will reveal to you in greater detail particular aspects of the situation at hand and how best to navigate around any possible pitfalls.


If the Five of Disks has found its way into the Question position, you are experiencing what could best be described as a poverty of the soul, which has led you to a depression. There are many things in your life that are not right at the moment, and it is for that reason that you have found yourself consulting the oracle in an attempt to remedy the situation. The cards that follow will yield further illumination and reveal to you exactly that the problem is.


If the Six of Disks has landed in the Question position, you have used all of your own devices to get you where you presently are in this life. It is for that reason that if you would like to progress any further, then you will need outside assistance from those individuals who have the wherewithal to lend a helping hand. The cards that follow will give you guidance as to who can help you during this time of need.


If the Seven of Disks is in the Question position, you have made some mistakes in the past and are wondering how best to minimise any damage that has been done. Although you will have to work very hard to recover what has been lost, it will take significantly longer than you had imagined to recover your losses. It is for that reason that you need to persevere even when you feel that there is nothing more to struggle on for. There will be a light at the end of the tunnel, it is simply that you just can’t see it at this point in time. The cards that follow will provide further illumination on the best way forward, because today is the first day of the rest of your life.


If the Eight of Disks has fallen in the Question position, you are considering doing something completely new, which will require you to go through an apprenticeship. You will be required to learn a whole new set of skills, most of which must be honed by experience. Whether this venture is successful or not depends on how much effort you are willing to put into it. To receive further illumination, it will be necessary to delineate the cards that follow.


If the Nine of Disks has landed in the Question position, you are considering taking a well deserved break. You have been working exceptionally hard, and need to recharge your batteries before you can effectively continue on your path in this incarnation. You may also be expecting some money from an unknown source, and more details about this scenario will be revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Ten of Disks has landed in the Question position, you are thinking of a family project. Whether you like it or not, there is a situation within your family unit that you are involved in, which has been weighing on your mind quite heavily. How the situation will progress, however, will be revealed in the cards that follow.


If the King of Disks has entered into the Question position, you are thinking of a man who is wealthy in many ways. Because he has acquired confidence through experience and maturity, he can be benevolent to those who he feels deserving of his wealth. He may have a large family network, and will therefore gain a great deal of happiness through his extended family, which he is quite rightly very proud of. He may also have a large circle friends who he has cultivated through the years, which means that he will rarely be short of company. The role this individual plays in your life will be revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Queen of Disks has fallen in the Question position, you are thinking of a woman who is very practical, reliable and generally down to earth. She may be financially well endowed because she is not foolish with her money. Thinking to the future, she may very well have astutely married a man of means, which has meant that she will have little or no need to work for the money that she receives in this life. Negatively, this woman can be opinionated, rude and obstinate, which can make it difficult for her to get along with others.


If the Knight of Disks has landed in the Question position, you are thinking of a young man. This person is quite practical and methodical, and those who don’t know him well may even consider him to be somewhat boring, but this is simply because they have not yet learned what captivates his interest. When young, he may be considered a bit awkward and clumsy, but as he matures, his true potential will emerge, as metaphorically as in the tale of the ugly duckling.


If the Page of Disks has landed in the Question position, you are concerned about a young person with a stubborn streak. This individual is very practically minded and has somewhat of a non-nonsense personality, and this makes it very difficult to reason with her when she has her mind made up about certain issues. As a result, she can be quite determined in her opinions, which could even border on obstinately. She is a late bloomer and will develop beautifully as she matures.



If the Ace of Swords has landed in the Question position, there is an issue of communication that surrounds you. It can be a document of some importance, such as a contract, affidavit or a certificate, which carries legal connotations. You may find it necessary to write a letter, which contains information that is of utmost importance. Emails and telephone calls are also prominent in this placement, and the cards that follow will give them further revelations.


If the Two of Swords has landed in the placement position, you are of two minds on one particular issue and may not know the most appropriate course of action to take. You may have reached an impasse with one particular person and have therefore agreed to disagree on one particular subject. You may have fallen out with that individual to such an extent that you may have had to part company, for a while, anyway. Further illumination on this particular situation will be gleaned from the cards that follow.


If the Three of Swords has fallen in the Question position, your heart is aching with regard one particular person. It seems that another person, whether you realise it or not, has interfered in the course of your life. This has caused you a great deal of upset for which it will not be easy to recover, but you need to try to pick up the shattered pieces of your soul and carry on nevertheless. Although you are hurting greatly, time will heal the wounds and help you to see the situation in a more insightful different light. It will be necessary, however, to identify the individual who has brought about such disarray so that you can take measures to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. The cards that follow will give you further illumination into the situation.


If the Four of Swords has fallen in the Question position, you have entered into a period of reflection, pondering about what you should do next. Something needs to be done to resolve a certain situation, but you are not quite sure exactly what it is. It is for that reason that you have decided to sit back and wait for the unfolding of certain events before you decide to take appropriate action, which is a wise decision indeed. The cards that follow will yield more light on the unfolding of events that will transpire.


If the Five of Swords has landed in the Question position, there is a situation that is causing you a great deal of distress, and as a result, arguments can ensue. You may find that there will be no winners in this situation and compromise is not a possible option at this time. There may be hard feelings on all sides, so it may be difficult to come to a satisfactory solution to the problem. The cards that follow will reveal more as to the specifics of this situation so that you will know the best way to approach it to achieve a successful resolution to the problem.


If the Six of Swords has fallen in the Question position, there is something in your life that you have made the decision to walk away from. You have been embroiled in a situation that has caused you a great deal of emotional anguish, and you have made the reluctant decision to move on to pastures anew. The decision has been a sad one to make, and not one that you took lightly. Nevertheless, a decision that needed to be made if you are to progress in your soul development. With any luck, therefore, your environment should begin to improve when you get settled in to your new environment.


If the Seven of Swords is in the Question position, you are involved in a situation that is highly dubious in the very best of circumstances. You are not in possession of all the facts, which has affected your ability to make sound decisions on the matter. In addition, the issue of theft has arisen, so it is essential that you stay guarded in your interactions with others. Exactly what is going on will be further revealed by the cards that follow, but for the time being you should keep your confidences to a minimum.


If the Eight of Swords has fallen in the Question position, you have found yourself in a situation where you feel that you have no way out. You may have trusted the wrong person, which has put you in a very uncomfortable situation. Because you have been left in an awkward position, it is quite likely that whatever move you make will leave someone feeling quite upset. It is for that reason that, for the time being anyway, it is permissible for you to stay where you are, gather your thoughts together, and wait until the time is right to take appropriate action. The cards that follow will show you how best to proceed.


If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Question position, you have found yourself in a situation that has caused a great deal of anxiety. You may find yourself worrying so much that you are not sleeping properly, and this will consequently affect your ability to make sound judgements. You, or someone close to you, may be in the midst of a creative illness, which will make you feel further isolated when you need all of the support from others that you can get. In addition, the intense anxiety that you have been feeling may mean that you have fallen prey to one of the many depressive illnesses, so you may need medical attention to rectify any emotional imbalances that you may be suffering from.


If the Ten of Swords has landed in the Question position, you have been let down very badly by an individual and need some time to adjust to the situation that you have found yourself in. It is quite possible that someone who you trusted betrayed you in some way, and you are reeling from the aftermath of the subsequent events. You need to rest, gather your strength, and reflect upon the sequence of events that have recently transpired in your life before you decide what your next course of action is. The cards that follow will enlighten you as to how the situation will progress.


If the King of Swords has landed in the Question position, a man with a great intellect is weighing prominently on your mind. This individual is an intellectual and tries to use logic to come to the conclusions that he makes. If he is under stress or has experienced a traumatic event, however, he can be susceptible to neurosis or even psychosis. The role this man plays in your life will be revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Queen of Swords has landed in the Question position, you are thinking of a woman who has a quick mind and can use it to her advantage when the need arises. If she is comfortable in her position in this world, she can act as a humanitarian and will help others who are less fortunate than herself. If she is unhappy, however, she can be somewhat bitter and perceived by others as a gossip. How she relates to you will be revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Knight of Swords has landed in the Question position, you are thinking of a young man who has a swift mind and a sharp tongue. He is able to think quickly on his feet, so it is therefore essential not to take everything he says and does at face value. Because he has not yet matured enough to the extent that he can take responsibility for his actions, he can be somewhat economical with the truth, especially when it is not in his best interests to be honest.


If the Page of Swords has landed in the Question position, you are thinking of a young person, possibly a woman, who has a quick mind, is chatty and inquisitive. She is very talkative and as a result can unwittingly say the wrong thing at the wrong time. The part she plays in your life will be revealed in the cards that follow.



If the Ace of Cups has appeared in your spread, your question regards a very happy event that could leave you feeling fulfilled in your life. There is a clear flow of emotional energy present, which indicates that you may be in touch with your emotions. How this event will transpire will be further revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Two of Cups has appeared in the Question position, you are thinking of a union or reunion that has a great deal of emotional intensity. This union could involve either you or someone close to you, and it is one of those encounters in this life that seems to have been predestined. It is a relationship of love and harmony, and needs to be cultivated so that it can develop into something more substantial in the years to come. What happens next will be revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Three of Cups has found itself in the Question position, you are thinking a great deal about a party or social event that has much significance to you. A great deal of socialising is indicated, which has been occupying much of your time. How this happy event will affect you personally will be further revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Four of Cups has landed in the Question position, you are in a situation that even you feel is doubtful at best. Although logic and common sense tell you that everything is fine and you have nothing to worry about, a little voice inside your head is whispering that all is not as it should be. Whether or not your reservations are founded will be revealed in the cards that follow, but it is important to trust that inner voice, which is the gateway to your subconscious.


If the Five of Cups has landed in the Question position, there is something in your life that is causing you to be melancholy, and you could very well be suffering from one of the many forms of depression that prevail in our modern society. Perhaps you have discovered something that has shattered your hopes and dreams, thereby leaving your somewhat disillusioned, as you try to come to terms with the new situation that has occurred as a result of your discovery. On any account, the cards that follow will reveal further details of the picture that is being painted, which should help you to rebuild what is left of that particular aspect of your life.


If the Six of Cups has landed in the Question position, you are thinking of times past, a period when life seemed to be much simpler and you did not have as many concerns that weigh you down. You may be thinking of either your own or someone else’s childhood, and children may play a prominent role in your life. The following cards that are laid out in the spread will reveal the situation that you are encountering in greater detail.


If the Seven of Cups has landed in the Question position, you have been presented with several options and don’t know which to choose. Because these choices appear so rewarding, you may have difficulty deciding which path would be the most appropriate to take. There are, however, hidden pitfalls, so it is therefore important to properly research all of the alternatives before selecting one particular path. Further details will be revealed to you in the cards that follow.


If the Eight of Cups has found itself in the Question position, you are thinking of something that has caused you some sadness in your life. Perhaps you have given your all to one particular person or situation, and have done all that you can do. You have consequently made the sad realisation that it is therefore time to give in and let go of an area of your life where you cannot possibly achieve the happiness and fulfilment that you crave. In many ways, you are embarking upon the unknown because you are entering into fresh territory and don’t know what the future has in store for you. The cards that follow will provide greater clarity to the situation and reveal to you the best course of action.


If the Nine of Cups has entered into the Question position, you are thinking of a social occasion where the invitees will be expected to eat, drink and make merry. As a result of the socialising that will take place, you may find yourself putting on weight, so it is important to watch what your diet. You may very well have reason to celebrate, so it is important to retain a modest perspective and try to refrain from smugness, which would negate much of the good fortune that you are so deserving of. This is a very positive card, and the cards that follow will further illuminate you on the situation you are presently involved in.


If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Question position, you are thinking about a family matter that is very close to your heart. There is an issue that relates to your emotional well-being and involves a partnership. This partnership that is imminent is very likely to be marital, as children are often involved in the union that will transpire. However, how the situation will evolve is revealed in the cards that follow, thereby providing you further illumination to what is hoped will be a fortunate and prosperous time.


If the King of Cups has appeared in the Question position, you a thinking about a man who is very emotional in nature. At times he allows his feelings to overrule any rational thinking processes he is capable of, and this could cloud his better judgement. He is a loving person, and how he expresses this love will depend on other aspects of his character. When he becomes aroused, he has much energy that he can use either positively or negatively, which will ultimately sway the situation in his favour.


If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the Question position, you are thinking about a woman who is quite reactive to the many situations in her life. She is highly intuitive and uses her emotional intelligence much more than she uses her rational senses. She can be a very caring person, but when she feels she has been wronged, may attempt to enact the revenge that she feels entitled to exact. How this woman expresses herself will be further revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Question position, you are thinking about a very sensitive young man who has not yet learned to keep his emotions in check. He can be very loving, given the right environment, but alternatively, he can also be prone to emotional outbursts if other stabilising factors are not present to balance out his temperament. This individual is one of life’s dreamers, as he contemplates the utopian ideal that can never be.


If the Page of Cups has landed in the Question position, you are thinking of a young person, possibly a woman, who can be very emotive in her behaviour and mannerisms. She is not restrained in showing her likes and dislikes, as this behaviour is instilled in the core of her being. As she matures, she will learn to separate her emotional responses from her logical reactions, but for the time being people around her must be patient and allow her the space to develop through experimenting with various ways to relate to others.
