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The Solidifier should serve the purpose of clarifying or verifying all previous indications uncovered in the reading. This card placement solidifies the reading and formulates the previous 13 cards to provide an outcome. It is expected that many situations should resolve themselves within a year, but there are some questions, such as those relating to long-standing relationships or vocational choices that will require more time to come to fruition. In astrological terms, this position denotes the 11th house, as it denotes our hopes, dreams and ambitions that we would aspire to in this incarnation. With dedicated effort on our part, we just might get it.

0. The Fool.

If The Fool has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon embark upon a new path that will aid you in your karmic evolution. In many ways, you will experience a new beginning because you will come across people and situations that are totally new to you, thereby allowing you to build upon your current skill base. You may suffer a loss of some kind, but this too is necessary for you to gain an understanding of the ebb and flow of universal trends. Although you will be unsure of your footing in some of the situations that you find yourself in the midst of, it is important to remember that you will be protected in whatever you do as long as your intentions are honourable. If you have been offered the opportunity to do something that you have never before tried, it would be a propitious time to endeavour upon something new.

1. The Magician

If the Magician has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be entering into what can only be described as a magical time in you life. You will soon undertake a course of study that will reveal to you knowledge that you have previously been totally unaware of. This knowledge will instil in you the competence to create a better future for yourself, which is something that you would definitely need at this time in your life. You will encounter a young person who is a very shrewd individual and is wise to the ways to the world even at a young age. This person is endowed with a good standard of education and can show you different ways of looking at things, which will ultimately enhance the creative impulses that you have within yourself. The tools that The Magician has at his disposal are the four elemental archetypes of the Wand for creation, the Pentacle for manifestation, the Sword for thought formations, and the Cup for one’s ability to perceive emotions. It is with these tools that he is able to manifest his own future. He is able to manifest reality merely with his mind, which is a rare skill indeed.

2. High Priestess

If The High Priestess has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be made privy to a secret that will enable you to go about your daily activities with greater clarity of your life purpose. The information that will soon be revealed to you will have such a profound impact on you that you will never view the world in the same ordinary fashion again. You will gain a new understanding the most mundane things in this world, which will begin to take on a whole new spiritual significance to you, as you ponder your purpose in this life. It is quite likely that you will begin to see auras, but if not, you should take note of the messages that people will send through the clothes they wear or the body language they unconsciously present. This is a time to go within yourself to understand the basic universal secrets, which are available to anyone who would only ask. What you need to learn you cannot glean from books, lectures or mentors. It is something that you can only be given from the higher powers of the universe.

3. The Empress

If The Empress has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be influenced by some maternal instincts, which could be either you or someone close to you. You may consider planning a family, which will be of great importance to you. In addition, a female figure may decide that it is time to wield her influence over her offspring, which may or may not be to your liking if you do not happen to be part of her family. If you have children or grandchildren of your own, you will need to use your years of experience to help to guide these individuals on the path that they are destined for.

4. Emperor

If The Emperor has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon encounter some karmic influences, and you may wonder exactly who is in control of your destiny. You may have dealings with a powerful person who has much control over many aspects of your well being. This indicates that you will need to tread very carefully when dealing with this person so that you do not interrupt the fragile make-up of the universal forces that are so much a part of our existence. The time coming is one of the making or breaking of your destiny, so it is propitious to conduct your affairs soberly at all times, thinking of the higher good. If you find yourself in the position of influencing others, it is essential that you use the power that has been instilled in you wisely to ensure that no inequalities occur.

5. Hierophant

If The Hierophant has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon come to a major crossroad in your life and you will need to make an almost irrevocable decision about the course that you would like your life to follow. You need to make a decision of such magnificence that things will never again be the same again. It is important, therefore, that you think very carefully about this important choice that you will be confronted with because once your mind is made up, you cannot go back to the way things were without great difficulty. It would be in your best interests to pursue the path of tried and true traditionalism, thereby assuring your chances of success in this life.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon meet an individual who is one of your soul-mates who you have been destined to come into contact with in this incarnation. In many ways, when you reunite with this individual, you will feel a true connection, possibly not even recollecting the deep psychic bond that the two of you have had throughout the ages. Although you will feel that you have met your one true love in this world, there are some choices that the both of you will need to make on the spiritual path to what can only be described as nirvana. In order to achieve eternal bliss with another person, you must first be okay with yourself, which will in all probability will be one of the most difficult tasks that you will ever be asked to accomplish in this physical world. In addition, you may be asked to give something up in order to balance out the universal forces that have deemed it appropriate for you to find happiness with your one true love in this incarnation.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be making a journey that will be worth your while and give you a fresh perspective on your current situation. Your travels are likely to be successful and you will be wiser for the experience, thereby enabling you to lead your life with much greater clarity of purpose. You will in all probability be expected to organise such an outing, but you will be well rewarded for any efforts that you make. In addition to undergoing a new experience, you will also gain a few leadership skills, which is something that you will need if you want to lead others and achieve success in this life.

8. Strength

If Strength has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be put in a situation where many of your resources will be drained. You may have some health problems, which are a result of the many stresses in your life that you must encounter on a daily basis. It is for that reason that you need to put your best foot forward and show the world that you can still shine under pressure. Animals will be a huge help to you, as they will help to restore harmony in what is otherwise a rather hectic life. These beings can give you the pure, simplistic love that only an animal can give, and love unconditionally, with no strings attached. If you spend time alone with animals, you will receive their soothing energy so that you can face the world refreshed and strengthened from the experience.

9. Hermit

If The Hermit has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will be spending time on your own, pondering what exactly what makes people do the things that they do. This period of solitude will enable you to reflect on your current situation in this life so that you will know what it is that you need to do to continue on your path to true enlightenment. It is important that you develop an inner calm, which you can achieve through meditation, thereby allowing you to open your mind up to possibilities that you would not have otherwise perceived. If possible, you need to attend a sanctuary or retreat, as you will be put in touch with like mined souls who have the potential to become friends in time. Although you may not necessarily like your own company at this time in your life, and you need to spend time in solitude to find that answers that you so desperately seek. It is not necessary to engage yourself in total meditation, as you can undertake solitary pursuits, such as walking, jogging, craft work, and any hobby that you can do alone in the privacy of your own mind. In time, you will gain greater understanding of what makes you tick and find that you are actually a likeable person, given the right circumstances.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If The Wheel of Fortune has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon encounter a change in fortunes. If your circumstances have been difficult in recent months, you should find that by some fluke of nature, you will come into good news, which will enable you to embark on activities that were previously unavailable to you. If certain situations in your life have been going well, you can expect a hidden glitch to shake up your stability, which will ultimately keep you from becoming too complacent in the universal ebb and flow of the eternal flame of life. The Wheel has within it the four fixed astrological signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, which corresponds with the for elemental forces of Earth, Fire, Air and Water respectively, and gives it a sense of stability and equilibrium to maintain the everlasting revolution of life. Because all four signs form a square to each other, ultimately forming a configuration called the grand square, a feeling of tension needs to be released if good fortune is to be achieved. It is also important to keep in mind that most ‘luck’ is not luck at all, but hard work, which has shown a profit at a most unexpected time. Therefore, if you have put in the required effort, you will reap the rewards of your labour sooner or later.

11. Justice

If Justice has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon encounter an equilibrium of forces where an imbalance has previously taken place. The reason for this balancing of power is because in order for the universe to continue the never-ending cycle of renewal and regeneration, it must operate in a state of co-existence, striving to balance the positive and negative forces that are an inherent part of life. You may find yourself engaged in legal proceedings, which could be an anxious time if you are depending on an outcome in your favour. In order to assure fair dealings, it may be possible to bring your grievance to an impartial party who will be able to mediate and help you come to a decision that is suitable to all concerned parties.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon find that you will be required to make a sacrifice, which will mean that you will have to give up something that is of importance to you. You will realise that you cannot force those situations that are destined to transpire to occur, because as soon as the pressure is removed, what you have desired will leave you of its own accord. It is for that reason that you must use subtle influences to bring that which you desire into your sphere of existence. Because gentleness is the key, you may have to wait for that which is your utmost goal. In the process of waiting and slowly manipulating the cosmic forces in your favour, you may consequently find that what you thought you wanted is not what you really need or want for your soul’s development. When you come to this realisation, you will achieve a fair degree of enlightenment with regard to the forces of nature, thereby allowing what you need to be given to you with little or not effort on your part.

13. Death

If Death has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will encounter a situation that will be of such a massive significance that it is likely that you will receive a gift disguised as a loss. This will be a transformative time for you because you will have experiences of such an extreme nature that when the psychic dust has settled, you will have been through nothing short of a total rebirth, a completely different personality than the one before the occurrence. When a woman gives birth to a child, it is in many ways a traumatic experience for both mother and child, unlike anything that they have encountered before, thereby leaving them in a temporarily weakened state. In the same vein, when Death appears, a rebirth of sorts will occur, which in all probability will entail a similar level of pain and anguish before the realisation of the new life has been acknowledged. It is important to remember that the beautiful butterfly must first emerge from a silken cocoon, and in the same line of thought, you too must endure a time of darkness before the brilliance of your new identity will emerge. Rather than lamenting the loss that you may be expected to suffer, it would be in your best interests to look forward to the newer, better things that will soon be coming to you.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be entering a period where all appears to be at a standstill. This is not a time where you can make any magnificent achievements because the universe is in the process of harmonising and achieving a balance between positive and negative forces that have been in an imbalance. Because it seems that there is nothing productive you can do during this time of waiting, the best that you can possibly do in situations such as these is to do nothing and wait for the universe to act. Abstaining from action, however, is in effect taking action, albeit passively. The best action you can take, therefore, is to ensure that all of your affairs are in order for a more propitious time that will ultimately occur sometime in the future. It would be in your best interests, therefore, to work diligently to achieve moderation in all aspects of your life, thereby giving you a balanced perspective when the time has come for you to reap the rewards of your efforts.

15. Devil

If The Devil has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be given more responsibility, which will subsequently cause you to contemplate the practicalities of the Earth that we have chosen to incarnate into. Because you will be preoccupied with work, money and responsibilities, you may not feel as carefree as you have felt in earlier times, which may give you somewhat of a dour disposition. You will focus more on the physical and material side of existence, which will in many ways weigh you down to the Earth. Because you are concentrating your energies on the more basal elements of our physical existence, you will be more susceptible to the lower, darker influences that can pervade your soul when you are thinking negatively. It is for that reason that you may find yourself more sombre in temperament, perhaps even possessing more of a dark, sardonic type of human behaviour. You may have a chance meeting with an individual who is rather illusive and has a darkness about his aura. Before deciding to involve yourself in any activities that he invites you to join, you need to research this person thoroughly. After careful study, you will realise that all is not as it seems.

16. Tower

If The Tower has appeared in the Solidifier position, expect a fair amount upheaval in your life. You may very well have made sure that all the i’s were dotted and the t’s were crossed so that there is as little confusion as possible to the situation that you will soon be encountering. There is, however, one crucial item that you may have missed, so you need to go back and check and double-check until you have discovered what it is that you have lost. Because everything in your life may have seemed to have been ticking along smoothly, you have developed an attitude of complacency, feeling that you have done all that you possibly can to achieve a stable, secure, and even possibly boring life for yourself. There are, however, some things in this life that you have absolutely no control over, and you will soon be encountering one such situation. Although you have free will over your own destiny, you do not have free will over the destiny of others, whose lives may very well overlap with yours. This interconnecting of individual destinies that are at cross-purposes to one another could very well bring about karmic confusion, as all parties involved try to restore equilibrium in the resulting chaos. In addition, you may need to come to terms with the fact that the life that you have carved out for yourself may not necessarily be the life that is going to afford you maximum soul growth, which is why your subconscious has decided to shake things up a bit. You may therefore see the upcoming period of transition as a time of loss, but this is a time of opportunities that will come at the most propitious times. It is also a time when you can explore choices that you may not have otherwise have been open to. It is always important to keep in mind that when the universal forces close a door, it will always open a window.

17. Star

If The Star has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be entering a period of optimism and hope for what lies in the future. You will possess a happy disposition, as you try to think positively and hope that your dreams will become reality. It is likely that you will develop a friendship with a new person who will be coming into your life, and this liaison will be satisfying for the both of you. This is a time of Aquarian ideals, where science, technology, and a sense of service to humanity will figure prominently in your day to day activities. If you have been considering becoming more involved in information technology, the timing is now auspicious for you to explore such a vocation. If your intentions are honourable and you only desire is to serve mankind, you cannot fail in what you set out to do. Even if you feel that you have not succeeded, you will acquire valuable skills along the way that you can use in other areas of your life.

18. Moon

If The Moon has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be entering a period of confusion, as you will realise that all is not as it appears. There are forces at work that are occurring simultaneously and are at cross-purposes to the life that you are currently living. You are also aware that there are things occurring that are simultaneous and parallel to your own life, but you cannot pinpoint exactly what it is that is transpiring. Whilst in the dream state, you will be able to glimpse those worlds that are similar, but not exact to your own, making you discover that there are other realities that co-exist on the Earth plane, just beyond your mental grasp. There are times when you are daydreaming or lost in thought, when you will receive mental flashes of lost worlds that have been forgotten to mankind but remain in the annals of the akashic records. These glimpses of lost worlds will make you wonder if the imagery that you were presented with was a glimpse from this or an adjacent sphere of existence All of those intrusions from other realities can make you question your own sanity, but your reasoning ability is not an issue, as long as you reveal those impressions you have received only to your most trusted friends. Your friends, however, can be deceptive, as you will come to realise who your true companions in this life are. Just because a person is friendly and polite does not make that person a friend, which you will soon discover to your dismay. You will be quite surprised to learn that those who you had believed to be your friends will pass you by, while those who you had not previously given much note to will become worthy of merit.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will go through a period of happiness and gaiety, where you can easily become intoxicated by life. This new-found optimism that you will possess a high level of self-confidence that you have not had before. Animals and children will figure prominently in your sphere of awareness because they love unabashedly and are not terribly concerned about a person’s outward appearance. This will be a time of high exposure, so you will therefore need to make sure that you are at your best when under public scrutiny.

20. Judgement

If Judgement has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be undergoing a deep healing process, and the faith that you had lost in humanity will eventually be restored through the new people who will be coming into your life. You may decide to embark upon a type of therapy, which will go a long way towards healing many of the wounds that can still be seen in your auric web. You may meet someone along your Earth walk who can help you to meet the many demands that are placed upon you, thereby giving you a feeling of unity, which you have not experienced for quite some time.

21. World

If The World has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be completing a major cycle in your life, which will bring you closer to unification with your soul’s twin flame. You may complete a course of study, which would end your sojourn as a student of life and hopefully propel you into the arena of work and professionalism. You may have decided that it is time to take a personal relationship one step further in its evolution, which could be a commitment of some sort. Alternatively, if the relationship is non-productive, or even destructive, dissolution of the relationship may be deemed more appropriate. The body plays a significant theme in the symbology of the world so that matters relating to the physical vehicle that we must use in this world will also take precedence.



If the Ace of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will shortly enter into a period of creativity that may possibly yield financial or business results. You may begin to think about what you can endeavour to expand your professional standing, and therefore explore new ideas that come to you through the most unusual of sources. You may decide to expand on what you already know, or decide to embark upon an altogether new venture, which may entail a steep learning curve before you find that you are competent and successful in your new venture.


If the Two of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be approached by another individual to partake in an activity that would theoretically yield profits for the both of you. The reason for this is because you both possess skills independent of each other, and when these assets are combined; they have the potential to produce far more than both attributes individually. What you are planning is likely to become a business or creative endeavour, but is ultimately a profitable venture so that the both of you can enjoy the fruits of your labour.


If the Three of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will shortly find yourself amongst a group of people who are engaged in achieving one common goal. This group may be comprised of work colleagues because business enterprise is often associated with the element of Fire, which governs the magical nature of the wand. The group could also be comprised of friends and acquaintances who have gathered together to form a sporting or social activity, so you should not discount any non-professional alliances. It could also be comprised of family members, who are tied together through a financial undertaking, which will ultimately affect the ties that you have with these individuals. It is unlikely that the alliances you form during this time will be lasting, as the group that you will soon be engaging in was formed only in pursuance of a specific goal. Nevertheless, it would be in your best interests to participate in this group because you will find it to be a satisfying experience and should help to build your self confidence.


If the Four of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon have cause for celebration. Events will transpire that will make you feel more secure than you have in a very long time, which should bolster your self confidence. You may have received a professional position that would enable you to fulfil some of your personal goals, thereby enabling you to feel less vulnerable in what can often be a volatile world. Your family and home will be of paramount importance, as you will feel greater solidarity towards those who you are close to.


If the Five of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon discover that you are struggling over one particular situation that seems quite perplexing. This situation has been a huge source of trouble for you, and you are not able to put your finger exactly on what the root cause is. Because you are in the dark about the precise dilemma that is causing so many of your difficulties, you are striking out in all directions, trying to solve one crises after another. You are probably thinking to yourself, ‘just as soon as I get over this one hurdle, everything will be okay and I will be able to live normally’. The problem is that just as soon as you manage to get over that one hurdle, another one of even greater magnitude will crop up. It will take a great deal of soul searching on your part to try to come to terms with the root trauma that is responsible for your problems, but when you have, many thought patterns that had previously been inaccessible to you will seem to fall into place. If you are not able to find out what the root cause is on your own, you may want to consider outside help. It is important to remember that your troubles will not cease until you are able to isolate the negativity in your life that has brought about many of your troubles.


If the Six of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will accomplish a significant achievement in the future. This accomplishment will be of such a magnitude that you will feel the need to reward yourself for a job well done. There is much to do, however, to secure your future prosperity and happiness, so it is not appropriate to set back and relax after what is in reality only a minor victory in a long succession of obstacles that you will need to overcome. It is also essential that you make appropriate preparations for any proposed activities because one mistake could negate all previous successes. This is not a time to rely on the assistance from friends and acquaintances, because you will discover that they will let you down at the most inopportune times.


If the Seven of Wands appears in the Solidifier position, you will have to work very hard to maintain any successes that you may have made in the past. If you have recently been promoted to an elevated position, you will find that you will have a steep learning curve to overcome before you are proficient in your role. Those around you will not be prepared to wait for you to catch up to their speed, which you will find to be all the more stressful. It is for that reason that you should keep any insecurities that you have with regard to accomplishing the task at hand close to your heart. If you confide your doubts to inappropriate individuals, you will merely be perceived as weak and not up the job that you have been given overall responsibility for.


If the Eight of Wands appears in the Solidifier position, you will soon be taking a trip that will expand your level of awareness in some way. You will go somewhere that, to you, is quite far away. You may find that you will advance academically, professionally, or even spiritually, as you aspire to self-actualise through a progressive and consistent attainment of your goals.


If the Nine of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon have reason to feel as if you are on the defensive. You will find that you will have opposition from the most unlikely of individuals, which will further influence your outlook on life, making it a rather sombre time indeed. Because of the depression that you feel, people may not see you as you really are, which could cause them to discredit you in some way. Because you feel threatened in what is an austere environment, you will tend to behave differently and people will not see the ‘you’ that is relaxed and would like to enjoy life. It is for that reason that you need to simplify your life, focus on what it is that you really need to do, and get as much rest as possible. Your true friends will stick by you in your hour of need.


If the Ten of Wands appears in the Solidifier position, you will soon find yourself in a position where you are totally overwhelmed by events that will soon be taking place to shake your life up a bit. You may take on a role that you are not quite ready for, and because you do not possess all of the skills necessary to see the task successfully to completion, you are filled with a sense of foreboding, fear of what lies ahead of you. In some ways you feel like a fraud, and wonder if everyone is able to see through your veneer of confidence down to the insecure being that you really are. Although you work tirelessly to try to complete the tasks that you have been presented with, you seem to be spinning your wheels, not accomplishing a great deal of anything. Before you reach a level of total exhaustion, you need to take a good look at the problem that this is causing you so much anguish. You may need to go out and acquire the skills that you need to see the project to completion, either in the form of a formal classroom environment, or gain a few additional life experiences. Alternatively, you may decide that it is in your best interests to abandon the pursuit altogether, leaving such endeavours to more able souls.


If the King of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be influenced by a man who has a flair for business and enterprise. Whenever he happens upon a new project, he instantly wonders how he can exploit the situation and use it to his advantage. He has much love to give, which he will lavish on children, animals, partners, or anything that he feels worthy of his attention. This individual will stand out in a crowd, and the colours yellow and red will be significant to him.


If the Queen of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be influenced by a woman who is very shrewd and astute to the ways of the world. She has much vibrancy about herself, which makes her the life and soul of any social gathering. She has a great deal of inner clarity, and can impart wisdom to you metaphorically, using parables to get her message across. She is not, however, one to relate to those who do not wish to listen, and will therefore wait until she is asked to speak frankly on any given subject.


If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon become involved with a young man who possesses a great deal of energy. He has much charisma within himself, which makes him very attractive to others, especially the opposite sex. It is important to note, however, that because he has not yet experienced many of the facets of this life, he needs time to explore the world and learn from what he has been exposed to. It is for that reason that he may be an ideal paramour to dally in the waters of romance and the fleeting feelings of love, but he is not ready for commitment and therefore an unsuitable candidate for any kind of lasting bond.


If the Page of Wands appears in the Solidifier position, you will soon come into contact with a young person who has much energy and needs to stay busy, or she will get into mischief and may harm herself or others. She is a very loving individual, but needs a great deal of attention, or she will feel neglected, and could consequently react inappropriately as a way to dray attention to herself.



If the Ace of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be thinking of money and material possessions. You may consider beginning a new venture that has the possibility of bringing you greater wealth and prosperity, which would definitely improve your standard of living. Alternatively, you may be thinking of making a major purchase that will bring more responsibility with it because you will have to organise exactly how you intend pay for the item it is that you desire.


If the Two of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon have some financial or material concerns that will need to be resolved before you can progress any further in your current endeavour. It appears that you will need to take greater control over your financial situation because it will be necessary for you to manage your resources more effectively so that you do not find yourself swimming in a sea of debt. You may find it necessary to take another job in an attempt to pay the people who you owe money to, which in itself will further teach you the value of money. You may also need to ask some individuals to repay debts that they made to you, which is necessary for you to pay off your own personal debts.


If the Three of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, property and possessions will soon mean a great deal to you. You may consider moving into a new home, which you hope will be an improvement over your present living situation. You may also consider making a major renovation to your property, which will entail considerable investment and expertise on your part. A marriage, engagement or other type of commitment is likely, but this union would in all probability be based just as much on material concerns as the concept of true love. It is important, therefore, not to allow yourself fall prey to any illusions that you may have with regard to the partnership that you are considering. While the union may lack passion, it will be a worthwhile experience nonetheless.


If the Four of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, your possessions specifically relating to your personal security will shortly become vital to you. You need to prepare for lean times ahead by living simply and keeping your expenditures to a minimum. It is not a propitious time to invest your money in any risky ventures because it is unlikely that you will receive a return on your investment. You need to take a discriminating look at who you allow into your confidence and into your home because some individuals who wish to get to know you better have interests at cross purposes to your own. It is important, therefore, that you keep your doors locked because intruders will use any opportunity to profit from the smallest lapse in your own personal or professional security.


If the Five of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you would be wise to prepare for lean times ahead, where you will need to pull in your belt and live as frugally as possible. You will very likely go through a period of depressive illness because there are certain aspects of your life that you are unhappy with. You have a strong desire to belong, so when certain individuals who you perceive to be popular snub you and deny you membership to their particular clique, you will feel the full force of such a rejection. The fact that you are not exactly where you would like to be in your life is not necessarily a failing on your part, but merely a phase that you must undergo in the cycle of transformation and change that affects us all at least one point in our lives. The best that you can do is save your money, live simply, and prepare yourself for more prosperous times, which will inevitably come back to you through the never-ending cycle of the universe.


If the Six of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon undergo a karmic balancing act. A sense of harmony in the universe is necessary to enable it to run smoothly, and it is for that reason that the positivities and the negativities of this world must co-exist in a state of equality. It is for that reason that you may be asked to do something that would have no apparent benefit to you. You will, however, reap the rewards of your unrequited gift at a later date, so you do not need to worry about giving without the benefit of recompense. On the same token, you may find yourself in the position where you need to ask for assistance from a power higher than yourself. You should not, therefore be ashamed or embarrassed at having to receive any kind of help from others because it is merely a part of the universal cycle that has a never-ending rotation. You will, however, be expected to repay in kind any gifts that you receive so that the universe will continue to attain a harmonious balance in its revolutions.


If the Seven of Pentacles appears in the Solidifier position, you are undergoing a period of waiting, especially with regard to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. You may very well have put in a fair amount of effort to see a certain project to completion, but the forces that prevail indicate that there is nothing you can do to influence the situation for the time being but wait. Because pentacles represents the physical aspects of ourselves, if you have been hoping to start a family, you will soon find that you are very fertile and receptive to the influences that come about to make such an objective a reality. If, however, you do not want to add to your existing family, it would therefore be wise to take adequate precautions with regard to that matter as well.


If the Eight of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon learn some new things either in your current vocation or a different line of work altogether. These skills that you will soon be acquiring will in all probability relate to working with your hands, which can go a long way to healing some of the emotional or mental blocks that continue to reside in your psyche. It is worth noting that many of the obsessive mental illnesses that are such an inherent part in technologically advanced societies are practically non-existent in underdeveloped countries. It is believed that the mere act of working with one’s hands and performing physical labour heals and strengthens the body simultaneously. Above all, man is a human animal that needs exercise just as much as any other animals that are a part of our earth. Man was not physically designed to live a sedentary life, which is the root cause of a great many of his ailments.


If the Nine of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you shall soon be entering a hiatus after a time of hard work, which is something that you desperately need in order to recuperate from what has been a rather stressful situation. During this time of rest, your physical needs will be taken care of, which will enable you to spend time in reflection so that you can determine exactly what direction it is that you would like to follow.


If the Ten of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, it is anticipated that very soon you will find yourself involved with your family in a matter that concerns property or money. It is a distinct possibility that you will be asked to work closely with older members of your family circle, which should instil in you more responsibility. The increased duty that you may be asked to undertake promises to yield greater wealth and prosperity in later years, thereby lessening some of the resentment that you may presently feel at being denied the carefree existence that you feel you deserve.


If the King of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon come into contact with an influential man. He is a self made person, quite confident in himself and others, and, even if he is not instilled with a great deal of material wealth, he is a valued member of his community because his opinions are sound and considered worthwhile. This individual has a solid personality and is not prone to rash behaviour. He can be generous when it is in his best interests to do so, but he needs to exercise caution not to become miserly in later life.


If the Queen of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon come into contact with a woman who has a great deal of self-confidence and in many respects has money of her own. Because her material security is pretty much assured, she is fiercely independent, preferring to do things in her own way. She can be kind when it suits her to be so, and helps those who are less fortunate than herself, which ultimately endears her to those in her own community. She is very practical and level-headed, and is therefore not inclined to exploring the more esoteric aspects of this life. It is not that she does not find such subjects to be worthwhile pursuits, it is just that she would prefer to concentrate on the realities of the here and now, building upon her physical prosperity her on Earth. When asked, she can impart sound advice to the querent, but is not prove to asserting her opinions without first being asked.


If the Knight of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon have the opportunity to come into contact with a young man who is stable and level headed. He has a good head on his shoulders and is not one to act hastily. Although he may at times be slow and methodical, he usually gets what he wants through persistent and diligent effort. Material possessions are very important to this individual whose self-esteem is often determined by what he owns, how much money he earns, and who he socialises with. It is for that reason that he will endeavour to work hard so that he can amass great wealth and strive towards self-actualisation through his career achievements.


If the Page of Pentacles has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon come into contact with a young person who has the potential to be affluent, but has not yet made her mark in this life. She is very practical, methodical and steadfast in her opinions, and can be somewhat obstinate until she has learned the art of tact. She is determined to achieve material prosperity because wealth and possessions are very important to her sense of self and well being.



If the Ace of Swords appears in the Solidifier position, you will soon enter into a period of correspondence with regard to one specific issue. The initial sparks of a profitable idea will flow, but these impressions should not to be confused with the creative energies inherent in the Ace of Wands. Rather than the concept of building something new, which is in the creation principle of Fire, you and those associated with you will have an intense desire to make your ideas and opinions known via the spoken and written word. Such creative principles are the intellectual principle behind the element of Air, which manifests itself through the suit of Swords. This is a time of deep karmic significance, where you will be forced to come face to face with the obligations that you have built up over various incarnations. You must confront these issues before you can progress along the soul evolution, so the sooner you resolve any negativities in your life the sooner you will open yourself up to the positivities that you deserve as a celestial citizen of the universe.


If the Two of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon find that you are in disagreement with another individual about one crucial issue in time. The both of you are not in possession of all the facts and therefore are not in a position to make an accurate assessment of the situation, which is thus making what you are involved in all the more frustrating. As a result of you not being able to see eye to eye with this person, you may decide that, for the time being anyway, the best thing that you can do is to part company until the truth is revealed in a more coherent fashion. If this individual meant nothing to you, you would have no difficulty whatsoever walking away. The fact is, however, that much emotional energy has been cultivated between the two of you, which makes it all the more difficult to leave the anguishing situation. When all the facts become known, it may be possible to attempt reconciliation, but a cooling off period is necessary if equilibrium and harmony are to be restored.


If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon go through a very emotionally tumultuous period. It seems that there are individuals who mean a great deal to you who are not treating the relationship that you have with the respect that it deserves. Their total disregard for you and your feelings is causing you a great deal of emotional pain, as you cannot understand what you have ever done to this individual to cause him or her to treat you with such blatant disregard. The fact is that you didn’t do anything to bring such emotional pain to yourself. You were simply just unfortunate enough to be caught up in the emotional cross-fire that has resulted from becoming acquainted with a person who is not worthy of your love and attention. The problem lies with the other person, who must find his own way in this life before he can wholly relate to you, and has not yet learned to treat his relationships with the maturity and care that ultimately comes from mutual respect and love. Although you are in anguish at this point in your life, it is important to keep in mind that you were merely caught in the middle of the antics of misguided souls. The person who has hurt you so is merely not ready to be loved by you, which is why he or she has behaved in such a hurtful manner.


If the Four of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you need to get as much rest as you possible so that higher guidance will be revealed to you through dreams or the meditative state. You need to reserve your energy for a time when things will become much busier than they presently are. This period of rest, therefore, should be used as a time of meditation and inner reflection, a time where you allow your mind to wander so that new ideas can come into your head, undeterred from the hustle and bustle of an active lifestyle. New thoughts that enlighten you will come, if you let them. If you take the time to quite your mind and open yourself up to new and wonderful impressions of other worlds that await you and anyone else who is ready for such inner adventures, you will realise that there is so much more to what you perceive to be a three dimensional universe.


If the Five of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon find yourself at odds with a person or group of people who you had originally felt to be your friend. There seems to be much banter going on, but much of it appears to be malicious gossip, which is intended to harm the reputation of involved participants. While some of the activity can be viewed as lively debate on the ethicalities of one particular topic, some of it is merely fabricated stories that have been made up in an attempt at calumny, which would blacken the character of others. It is not envisaged that you will stay in this situation for any length of time because you will soon tire of such destructive behaviour from others. Since you will find yourself mixing with people who are morally and ethically inferior, the best you can do in such a situation is to exercise caution in all that you say or write. It would be in your best interest to keep copies of any documents relating to the situation that will transpire within the next year. These documents will become useful in the future if there are any intentional or accidental lapses in your or another individual’s memories.


If the Six of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be leaving a difficult time, hoping to make a new life for yourself. You may have been involved in a relationship or vocation that was not healthy for you, and consequently brought you a great deal of sadness. After much soul searching and reflection upon the situation that will soon be transpiring, you will decide that the best that you can do is to walk away from a situation that has been causing you so much grief and anguish, even if it means that you will have to give up a great deal in the process. The decision to build a new life for yourself will come about with a fair amount of melancholia because the fact is that you would have preferred to have seen the situation that you are leaving to have turned out more positively. Because you will need to make new acquaintances in the environment that you will soon be entering, you will need to practice the art of discretion so that you can select only positive people who will be able to afford you with harmonious relationships in your upcoming milieu. The time coming up will be a time where you will need to learn from your mistakes, so you need to exercise attention to detail so that you can keep any errors to a minimum. All that you have experienced in the past will have been of no value to you if you cannot learn from it and then move on to better, more fulfilling relationships and situations.


If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you need to be guarded in your activities because there are individuals around you who are claiming your ideas as their own. You need to guard your possessions because you may unknowingly invite someone into your home who may decide to take something of value without your knowledge. Even if you take adequate precautions not to invite dubious characters into your space, an opportunist could always take it upon himself to take advantage of any unlocked doors or windows. Alternatively, you may find yourself in a situation where stealth and secrecy is necessary. You will therefore need to ask yourself whether what you intend to do is honourable and ethical. If it isn’t, maybe there is something more worthy of your efforts that you can engage yourself in to achieve the same goal.


If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon enter into a period of entrapment that has in many ways been caused by your own sense of tact and diplomacy. You may find that you have become involved in something that is not beneficial for your soul growth, and this has consequently taken you off your true path in life to such an extent that you will not know the correct course of action to take. You will find yourself to be in a period of confinement, which may be self imposed or caused by forces more powerful than yourself at this moment in time. During your isolation you will not be made privy to vital pieces of information that are important to your own well being and safety, which will thus compound the problem that you will soon be involved in. Although it is difficult to see, there is a way out of this predicament, but you must be required to make some tough decisions with regard to your future. The best that you can do at this time is to keep your affairs legitimate and above board, thereby lessening any negative influences that will inevitably come your way.


If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon go through a period of mental confusion, which will cause you to feel very anxious indeed. You may find that you have difficulty sleeping because you have so much on your mind that it is almost impossible for you to relax enough to sleep through the night. You may also find that you succumb to one of the many mental illnesses, such as depressive disorders, personality disorders that are a result of past, unresolved experiences, obsessive/compulsive disorders, anxiety, panic, addictions that have come about as a result of your attempt to self-medicate, neurosis, and even psychosis. While there are many things in your present life that you have no control over, there are some aspects of your current situation that you have within yourself the ability to take command of. It is for that reason that the best that you can do to navigate through this difficult patch is to live simply and honestly, steering clear of those individuals who will only drag you down. Above all, you need to eat properly and get plenty of rest, which will give you adequate reasoning ability to decide what is best for your particular life path.


If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon feel quite unhappy about a particular situation. It seems that you have placed your trust in inappropriate individuals who have only let you down when you are the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, there is nothing that you can do but lick your wounds, nurse your damaged ego, and take stock of the situation that has caused you so much anguish. Upon reflection, you will see that the signs of dissent were there, but you did not want to see them. It may be a good time to decide to mix with a different crowd of people who would be more appreciative of your company, thereby lessening the chance of subsequent betrayals.


If the King of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be influenced by a man who has a significant command of the power of words. He has the ability to express himself eloquently, which instils in him the ability to speak poetically and metaphorically. He needs the company of other likeminded people, which makes him a witty and pleasant conversationalist most of the time. Although he is intensely loyal to people while he is with them, when they leave his sphere of awareness, he can easily forget all about the camaraderie that he had developed. It is for that reason that this individual has had many relationships, much to the dismay of his present partner, who is also at risk of being a figment of his past experiences as well.


If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be widely influenced by a woman who is a very articulate individual and is able to express herself. She is very knowledgeable about many subjects, but fame may have alluded her, leaving her with the feeling that life has passed her by. It is for that reason that she may carry an air of importance that she has not really earned, thereby leaving some people perplexed by her pretentious behaviour. She is knowledgeable about a wide variety of subjects and would like to impart the wisdom that she has gleaned onto others, but needs an audience who will listen so that she can feel that she is a valued member of society.


If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be influenced by a young man who has some very high ideals and aspires to great things in this life. He has somewhat of a temper, however, which manifests itself through explosive outbursts and insulting remarks. He has the potential to one day be a great thinker and communicator, but until that time he needs to mature and grow through his life experiences. Because he is able to freely express himself, he will never be short of admirers.


If the Page of Swords has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be influenced by a young person who is quite chatty and witty. She has an inquisitive mind and therefore asks many questions that less observant individuals would overlook. She can also be quite nervous and may therefore be prone to biting her nails or engaging in a frenzy of activity, as she tries to release much of the energy that is inside of her. As she matures, much of the frenetic activities that she pursues will wane, but until that time it is important that she stays busy through hobbies or educational pursuits so that she does not become involved in any negative activities.



If the Ace of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon enter into a situation that has the potential to bring you great happiness and fulfilment. This situation could be a job, school, holiday or relationship, but you will know when you come across it because it will feel right to you. Even if you do not particularly feel like it, you need to put a smile on your face and try to make the best of any bad situations that you are currently involved in. When you smile at the world, it will smile back.


If the Two of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon become involved with an individual who can bring you a great deal of happiness just through your contact with him or her. There will be a unique bond that will keep the two of you together, as you form a partnership that is likely to be a lasting one. You will find that if you put forth the effort to make your personal relationships more satisfying, they will improve and become much more fulfilling to you.


If the Three of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon find that you have an active social life, full of parties and get-togethers. There is likely to be much merry-making, as the people in your social circle would like to have a good time and enjoy themselves. You will receive invitations to social events, and it would be in your best interests to accept them because you never know what opportunities might be presented to you during any chance encounter. Because there will be so many social outings, you may find that you are eating and drinking more than usual, which may mean that you find yourself putting on weight. It is for that reason that you may want to prepare for this period of intense social activity by watching what you eat and getting plenty of exercise to compensate for any indulgences.


If the Four of Cups has landed in the Solidifier position, you will soon be entering into a period of uncertainty and doubt. While all outward signals appear normal, you cannot help but get an inner feeling that all is not well in paradise. You may suffer from nervousness or anxiety, which gives further rise to the misgivings that you may have with regard to the situation that you will soon be involved in. To further confuse the matter, you will be receiving conflicting stories from various sources, leaving you rather perplexed about what the truth of a certain situation actually is. It is for that reason that you should only be swayed by factual evidence because you will find that people cannot be reliable sources of information. In addition, you should allow your inner voice guide you to the direction that you should be taking, and you cannot go wrong.


If the Five of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be entering a period of melancholia because what you had hoped would happen has not transpired in the manner that you would like. You may have had your hopes up high with regard to one particular issue, and never really believed that things could turn out differently than what you had previously envisaged. When the unexpected occurs, it seems that you will be caught totally off guard, which will only serve to add to the doubts for the future that you will soon be feeling. It is understandable that you will be disheartened, but with the new knowledge that you possess, you have within yourself the ability to create a new life for yourself. You will emerge from this difficult time with a greater understanding of yourself and the nature of others, which will only help you to attain success in future endeavours.


If the Six of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon enter into a situation that reminds you of past times. You may be reunited with someone from your past, thereby enabling you to re-live many experiences that you had long forgotten. You may also find yourself working with children in some capacity, which will enable you to grow as an individual, as you are able to recapture some of your lost youth. If you live far away from where you were in your more formative years, you may find yourself travelling back to that place, which will help to heal many wounds and renew your sense of self. You will soon be able to see with clarity where you have been, and this should help you to determine with greater clarity of where you would like to go from there, and then to visualise what your ultimate goal in this life is.


If the Seven of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon find yourself in a situation where several options will be made available to you. You do not, however, know which option will yield the greatest results, and that is precisely where your challenge lies. The point to remember is that some choices will be positive, while others will get you nowhere, and still others will be detrimental to your emotional well being. It is for that reason that you should not become bamboozled by a highly developed sales pitch, which has been presented by no less than a confidence artist. If you are unsure about a particular decision that you need to make, it would be best to seek a second opinion and shop around until you find something that feels right for you. It is crucial that you do not allow others to force you into a decision that you are not fully prepared to commit yourself to because you could find yourself wasting valuable time and energy on a path that is not destined for you.


If the Eight of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be entering into an unknown realm of existence. There is one particular area of your life that you have held onto relentlessly. Even though you know deep down in your heart that this person, situation, or way of life was not a positive experience for you, you nevertheless clung on, hoping that circumstances would change and you would feel happy at last. After a great deal of soul searching, you will come to the reluctant decision that you must walk away from that which has caused you so much heartache. The decision to leave will be a difficult one because you will have to sacrifice long-term goals that have fuelled your dreams. Better, more worthwhile experiences will come to you, but in the meantime, you must go through the grieving process of what you have given up.


If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon enter into a period where you are happy and content with yourself. You may, however, spend a lot of time on your own, so you should use this time to get to know yourself better, a time of inner reflection and attunement to your spiritual awareness. On the down side, you may find that you are eating or drinking more than is necessary for the healthy functioning of your body, and this could consequently lead you to put on weight, which is not necessarily a good thing for your physical well-being. It would be wise, therefore to rest, eat sensibly and exercise regularly so you do not gain unwanted pounds and damage your health.


If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon find yourself in a situation that has the ability to give you a great deal of happiness and harmony. You may come face to face with your soul-mate in this life, the person who you love and want to share a home and family with. It is likely that you will bask in the simplest pleasures that this world has to offer, such as walking in the countryside and spending time with the one you love.


If the King of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon find yourself under the influence of a man who is a very sensitive individual indeed. He is quite knowledgeable about a variety of subjects and may even be psychic. He is very perceptive, assessing any situation before deciding whether he would like to involve himself. He is somewhat introverted, preferring to keep his thoughts and opinions to himself, not wishing to offend anyone with any views that might be considered controversial. He does, however, have many secrets, which you will need to uncover before you decide just how involved you would like to become with this man.


If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon be influenced by a woman who has a great deal of emotional intelligence. It is very easy for her to display her true feelings, whether good or bad, thereby making it difficult for her to lie to others. It is easy to tell when she is saying something that is not true because she will tend to avert her eyes from the recipient of her communications. She does, nevertheless, have something very important to impart to you, but you will need to watch her closely to glean the true meaning of the message that she is trying to impart to you.


If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon come into contact with a young man. He can be very caring because he is such an emotive individual. Because he is so sensitive, he appeals to the opposite sex, as they feel an affinity for his more intuitive side. The dark side, however, is not something that most people would like to explore because he has a depth that even he may not be aware of. When slighted, he can become petty and spiteful, which detracts from what is otherwise a delightful personality.


If the Page of Cups has appeared in the Solidifier position, you will soon come in contact with a young person who is very intuitive and sensitive to the moods of others. She is quite sensitive and carries her heart on her shirt-sleeve, often becoming affected by the subtle messages that other people unconsciously put out. Because she is so sensitive, she needs a lot of care and attention so that she will not lose her way during her walk through the course of her life.
